Unarmed Cops in Britain...... no respect

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New member
I visited England about 6 years ago,,,


Friends of mine who moved there offered me free room if I ever wanted to visit,,,
So when I got my M.S. I treated myself to a plane ticket.

So,,, Me and Dave and Sam (his wife) were strolling on some street in downtown London,,,
We had walked to a restaurant, went to a pub, and were heading back to their flat,,,
Some young buck and his friends started cat-calling at Sam (she's beautiful),,,
I gave the leader (a true skinny punk) the one-fingered salute,,,
He charges up and starts to scream at me so I dropped him,,,
One punch and the punk was down and his friends froze,,,
Dave started pulling on me to get out of there quick.

Now I'm no Arnold the Barbarian but I was 185 and no stranger to a fist fight,,,
His friends didn't look like they were going to do anything,,,
So I couldn't figure what Dave was so worried about,,,
Then a cop showed up.

Long story short I spent the better part of the night in the police station,,,
Nothing at all happened to the punk I decked on the street,,,
In fact he wasn't even detained for questioning.

Finally they decided that since no one was damaged,,,
I could be allowed to go home with a stern talking to about how violence wasn't tolerated.

My friends I've been all over the world from my service days,,,
England wasn't that way when I was there in the mid 70's,,,
But now they have gone completely to the dark side.

Too many people,,,
With too many different value systems,,,
And all of them jammed together into too small of a space.

The cops there use a swarm technique for lack of a better term,,,
If a cop gets any hassle he blows his whistle or hits his radio transmitter,,,
Then literally dozens of cops will go streaking to his aid and overpower the foe with numbers.

I truly pity the youth that will have to grow up in that type of society,,,
And what's worse, I'm afraid a substantial part of the USA is going in that direction.

I let my passport expire,,,
I won't be using it ever again.




New member
A Veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve, is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to and including my life

cant comment on the crime in London, but this brought pride to me as a veteran, who come from a long line of vets, that is very well said...


New member
My wife is from England, no way she will ever move back to there. She visits her father twice a year and after carrying as an American in Virginia for the last 13 years she hates what "Her Britain" has become!!!!

KK Rant done.


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I have a question...since britain has turned into thug country..where cops are also the bad guys...why don't the brady bunch drop go take a look at the result banning guns will have..or just go live there? ...im sorry if this is off topic


New member
Its really not a bad country in fact its a beautiful in the summer in the country

I wouldn't say its taken over by thuggery

I was just making the case that the thugs don't have respect for the cops

They do look down on us Americans (like Obama) as we hold on to our religion and guns.... two pastimes they have largely given up on

I had a British couple ask me just yesterday about all the "folks that still go to Church" in the US. Like it was odd.

I have had MANY customers in England that have given me a good ribbing about Americans and their love for guns

Great week... Great people......... But...... Glad to be back in TEXAS tonite !


New member
I was thinking that the cops in the US wouldnt put up with the crap the Brit cops do...

Me neither.

and I do believe the respect begins with the fact that the US police man is armed


IMO, it's not the weapon as much as it is the potential to be arrested. U.S. LEO's make good use of discretion most of the time and tend to follow an "Ask, tell, MAKE/Arrest" approach. Folks here pretty much know that if you are non-compliant, you WILL be arrested, and most folks DON'T want to be arrested.

From what I have seen of UK policing, their approach is more along the lines of "Ask....ask again.....ask one more time....tell.....tell again.....tell again like you mean it using a stern voice......tell again and threaten arrest.....tell again one last time.....make/arrest". This approach does not instill the fear of arrest and actually encourages non-compliance IMO.

A lot of folks bash cops, but like it or not, they are the ones who have volunteered to enforce the laws we enact as a society. Without these individuals, laws either become useless, or it is up to each individual to fend for themselves, and some simply aren't up to the task.

Glenn Dee

New member
A new guy was hired at the company. An implant from England. The first thing he did was apply for a Florida CCW.. Then bought a Glock23, then a Remington 870...Whenever he talked to his cronies across the pont. Always the first thing they asked.. "Dya get a gun yet?"

According to my buddy "D" england is being over-run, and close to allowing sharia law to be considered in civil matters. He says that guns arent all that scarce. The biggest illegal gun dealers being the immigrants from the former soviet block countries.


Michael Caine; Harry Brown....

Veteran actor Michael Caine had a little indie crime drama in 2009 called Harry Brown about a older British gent who lived in a run down, crime infested area of modern London.
Caine's character was a retired Royal Marine Commando & combat vet. He "cleans up" the area.
See more here; www.IMDb.com

I also recall a short lived US cable "reality" series about some kind of "supercop" from the UK. I don't know the title but this LEO went all over the world teaching patrol methods & defense tactics.
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As far as the full sentence is concerned.... it is reference that in my opinion
that the Brits largely hold on both topics,
to the anti gun (and anti religious) statement that our president made
while campaigning

"They are still holding on to their guns and their religion"

Nothing more.... nothing less, but does show the contempt that is currently held


New member
LOL. I just realized something. I'm sitting at my desk in my home office. Immediately to my right on the floor is a .22 rifle in a hardcase with my range bag next to it where I dropped it the last time I went to the range. On the bookshelf immediately above where that guncase and range bag are is a gun cleaning kit, a ziplock full of patches, a spray can of CLP, a can of Winchester powder blast and a can of Hoppes powder solvent. On the shelf below those items are a KJV Bible and two (!) Catholic Bibles (my wife is Catholic).

When the black helicopters land in my yard I'm a goner.
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Doc Intrepid

New member
Predictably, in the absence of guns, England is suffering from a significant rise in "knife crime"....

(ban all knives, and England will then suffer from rises in stick-crime, rock-crime, screw-driver-crime, and golf-club-crime...)



New member
Too many people,,,
With too many different value systems,,,
And all of them jammed together into too small of a space.

I believe that's why getting conceled carry in Illinois has proved to be so difficult. Chicagoland is packed with all types of races, religions, and cultures. Chicago is also considered one of the most racially segregated cities in the country. The "powers that be" don't believe we are civil enough to be trusted with concealed firearms yet.

I just hope it doesn't get as bad in the U.S. as Britain, in regard to the protection of criminals' rights over the victim's.


New member
Have to defer to bluetrain's join date regarding the opinion of the forum
in general. Can't really form an argument or point of view on that.

Imho, there is a distinction between common courtesy (which isn't always so common) and something more profound that that. Which is what works as a defintion for polite. Even gentlemen can agree to disagree with at times the result being war.

For example it's very impolite to give apprehended criminals innocent until proven guilty rights. Yet to treat registered shooters to process which would only come about if they too were apprehended. That is guilty until their innocence is eventually proven (when they finally decease?). Something in there is greatly more profound.

The old arguement that something should be banned 'for the children' is again a very profundly impolite arguement.

Playing social engineering games whereby people will be forced to move state (as a current thread indicates) is another very profoundly impolite idea that has seemingly crept in. Matter of fact anything that plays a game of diminishing returns on demographics is impolite. While at it, relegating someone's life to a simple demographic is damn impolite. As is switching back and forth in an agrument between personal and impersonal arguments to bolster what is after all only a personally held argument.

All the little regulations which are clearly aimed at slowly eroding the right of people to bare arms, then to profess innocence when accused of doing so by grown men and women, is lot more profound than simple courtesy. A real insult to intelligence.

Need anyone start to mention the legal profession which has a nasty habbit of creeping out of economic reach where firearms are strictly prohibited?

How about government claiming a larger portion of taxation, yet claiming they are powerless to protect jobs/industry?

However being polite is agreeing that some will think simple courtesy isn't so simple. That everything written here is total bull. That's okay and should be part and parcel of an overall polite society.

Imho, there are a whole lot more pressing things that can be seen as impolite and with a further reaching series of implications than saying please or thank you.

As always 0.02
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New member
England's main problem is that they are living in the past. The make-up of the population in England has changed radically over the last 50 years. It is no longer 90% native (people who were not only born there by had generations of ancestors) population.

With this change came loss of societal trust. So many people were different from each other they did not trust each other. So many different values and cultures and no intention of adopting the existing English value system.


New member
I agree that the Police over here in the US dont take crap and they shouldnt. I dont think it has anything to do with them being armed. They dont take crap because the Law "in most places" allow the Police alot of latitude in the methods they employ to maintain control and manage potientially dangerous situations.

Here, if a Police Officer gives a citizen a lawful command that is ignored, they are likely use force to gain compliance. Over sea's its alot of back and forth back and forth that only seems to embolden the badguys.


New member
Here, if a Police Officer gives a citizen a lawful command that is ignored, they are likely use force to gain compliance. Over sea's its alot of back and forth back and forth that only seems to embolden the badguys.

Under the catergory of don't do anything you can't explain/defend in court.
All within reason ofcourse. Wouldn't expect a police officer to hold back when telling a badguy to drop a gun.

The behaviour of ready use of force then tends to feed itself in a negative way. Badguy goes to court and the charges are dismissed. Cops become desperate/angry and procedure suffers. Court reveals this lapse and laws mirror this further, so on.

Can you cite a specific example of a police officer anywhere not being able to use force when a lawful command is ignored?


New member
"" From what I have seen of UK policing, their approach is more along the lines of "Ask....ask again.....ask one more time....tell.....tell again.....tell again like you mean it using a stern voice......tell again and threaten arrest.....tell again one last time.....make/arrest". This approach does not instill the fear of arrest and actually encourages non-compliance IMO. ""

This parrot is dead, it has ceased to exist.

It's not, it is merely resting.

How is it that Supernanny comes from the UK to teach US parents that threatening then not following through with punishment is a sure recipe for non compliance. But in the homeland bobbies don't get it?
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