Unarmed Cops in Britain...... no respect

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New member
There are a few shows in England that mimic "COPS" shown in the US.

I have seen a few shows, and its clear the london thugs have ZERO respect for the police.

I realize there are many folks that dont respect the police in the US, but it seems like the Brits take it to another level.

In almst every show a Brit (or multiple brits) are abusive and throws punches at the cop. (bobby)

The cops are so courteous even after a fight.

My Brit clients also tell me the thugs will regularly fight with the cops as well

I was thinking that the cops in the US wouldnt put up with the crap the Brit cops do, and I do believe the respect begins with the fact that the US police man is armed

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New member
I completely agree. US cops have guns/tasers/pepper spray. Oh, Did I mention guns?

I've heard from others that British cops are not afraid to beat the crap out of you though since they don't have a plan B if things escalate.
Hey dean1818
I was in London a while back,and I could not understand why they DONT carry guns,lol.Most people have respect when they look down a big barrel.But they choose to do the work,no matter what,and I do respect that.
Thank you,

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

A Veteran, whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve, is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to “The United States of America” for an amount of “up to and including my life.”


New member
Whats funny is they have special "teams" (armed with the holy handgrenade....... err.....um... a rifle)that are called whenever a perp has a weapon.........

Supposedly the special teams are called more and more.........


New member
Since the people were dissarmed and the crime right sky rocketed the Brits are fed up. England and canada no longer care about crime victims. If thugs break into your home and you defend youself you the home owner goes to prison. If you call the police after the fact they say they have no evidence and impound your firearm for the public safety. After sheds were broken into the unarmed british slaves started putting wire over the shed windows and where told to remove the wire because it could injure the burglers and violate the burglers rights. A gang of thugs broke into a young womans shed and she waved a knife through the window and the "bobbies" threatened her with arrest for threatning the burglers.England has become a police state second only to the USA. A woman called police for help after a threatning phone call and the police rushed to her aid and shot her dog. Alot of news past couple years when a victim calls 911 they are attacked and brutalized. The response by the police is "I was in fear for my life". Even when they stepped on the oxygen hose and tased a 94 yr old bed ridden grandmother because she ordered them out of her home. It seems the mentality to be victim or perp "Every One Will Submit to Police Authority"


New member
One of my clients here told me about an elderly man whose in jail now for shooting a guy (who had broke in 2 other times)... and the brit cops didnt do anything about it

For a land with many castles.... the castle doctrine isnt being followed

Sort of crazy.... but many of the folks here think that the US is crazy for having any guns


What a difference 25 years makes

I spent some time in London in 1985, and I met and talked with numerous PCs (Police Constables), WPC (Women Police Constables) and detectives. And, because I was in the crime prevention business, I was given the royal tour of New Scotland Yard.

At the time I was thoroughly impressed with the professionalism, spirit, and unflappable demeanor of everyone in The Met (London Metropolitan Police). While most Bobbies were unarmed, they carried a little pocket notebook and they "took names". When that notebook came out, you knew you were in trouble!

I can't tell you how many times, when meeting Bobbies (named for Sir Robert Peel, who started the force; they are also known as "Peelers"), they good-naturedly said, "Hello, Yank! Did you bring your gun?"

Being a native NY'er, when I first arrived I asked a Bobby what parts of town were considered dangerous and should be avoided. He looked at me incredulously and said, "We don't have any areas like that." Sure enough, I saw English "toughs" who would've been somebody's breakfast in NYC.

Similarly, blokes from Glasgow, who love to tell everyone what a tough town Glasgow is, affected the skinhead look with tattoos and Doc Martens boots, but were in reality just chain-smoking, pasty, posturing punks and pukes with no upper body strength who also wouldn't have lasted a day in my old neighborhood (Like Rodney Dangerfield used to say, my neighborhood was so tough, a stranger asked "How far is the subway?" and we said, "We don't know; nobody's ever made it that far yet!").

What a difference a quarter century has apparently made! For one thing, I hear that London is now referred to as "Londonstan". And it's a shame that the laws now seem to favor the criminals, and the cops seem to have gone along with that.
But hey, NYC has changed, too; gone are the days when every collar came with a "tune-up".
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Hot Fuzz...

I've never been to jolly old England but I'd think it's a lot like the action/comedy Hot Fuzz; www.IMDb.com .
To my knowledge, most metro police officers are trained on Glock & HK MP5 9mm weapons but only a few units pack heat.
MI5(the UK's version of the FBI) may use sidearms too but only on limited conditions.
The UK is not really a gun culture in general and many police officers are looked down on by the general public. They see the cops as corrupt or inept.
I worked for a former British national from London in 2000/2001 who became a US citizen. He was always bad-mouthing LE and often said the police in England were a-holes or bullies.
I do not share those views but could see how or where the mindset comes from. I'd heard the same conditions re; law enforcement take place in Japan.



New member
One wonders about the truth of some of these statements. Do the police really make people take the screens of shed windows? Do you really expect us to believe that? Are door locks allowed?

We are spending two weeks in the U.K. in August. Do you suppose there is much risk? I imagine I'll need a phrase book to communicate with people. But I'm just going along for the driving even though they no longer make any of the cars I used to dream about.

I shall keep you all informed. Denmark was where I really wanted to go.


New member
It's a good bet that crime stats relating to gun crime with illegal firearms,
even with strict laws, won't suprise many.

Strict laws are one thing, but a police state as mentioned is another. One
is definately going to lead to police who tend to police along the lines of morality. At this point even if you gave the police greater access to firearms not much else would change. That's because nothing else has been done to the other end of the problem; the population. You got to put people on an even keel.

For example it's easy to sympathise with someone who is questioned by police then takes a swing at them (bad day at work, trouble with the wife, so on). Only to be tackled by a team of officers. Constrast that with someone who decides to head out one day with their legally purchased firearm only to settle a verbal exchange with deadly force. In this case a citizen immediately sympathizes with the police dealing with the situation. In a word it's empathy.

Are any of these principles of social engineering going in reverse really suprising anyone here? The question at this stage is why?
As the saying gos an armed society is a polite society



New member
In my experience, armed people are often anything but polite. One could even come to that conclusion merely from reading this forum.

I read the newpaper story. Did you read the whole thing? It said the police advise getting a proper lock instead of something homemade. You all probably learned in law class that you can't set a trap for an intruder, however much it makes sense.

It's a good thing we live in the United States where burglary is unknown and the police are not corrupt.


New member
I lived in the UK for three years, a long time ago. I left in 1963. Of course the Bobbies were not armed then. I often inquired what they would do in a dangerous situation. The answer was they would blow their whistle and help would come running. I never said it but always thought it: Nonsense, gun vs. whistle. Actually, it was usually motorcycle chain or knife vs. whistle. Still nonsense. And, it was usually four or five punks vs. one cop. Excuse me, 'Copper'.
Robbery on the street was (is?) very common. The punks, armed with knives and chains approach an innocent victum on the street and the scenario goes like this: "Excuse me sir, we are robbing you." The victum would hand over money and the punks walked away. If they did not give money they would be beaten with the chains, or whatever.
It is/was common practice to carry some money in a pocket to give to robbers in anticipation that one would be robbed.
Yes, the English are polite. Even the punks.
BTW, the punks had a nickname I forget right now.


I beg to differ...

Blue Train:
In my experience, armed people are often anything but polite. One could even come to that conclusion merely from reading this forum.

In all seriousness, it saddens me that reading this forum gives you that impression.

I read the newpaper story. Did you read the whole thing? It said the police advise getting a proper lock instead of something homemade. You all probably learned in law class that you can't set a trap for an intruder, however much it makes sense.

I think the logic behind outlawing traps for burglars is that such devices present peril for firefighters or rescue workers who may have to break in to rescue people trapped inside. So, no more hanging fishhooks in your window curtains, as some folks did years ago. Then again, a fence topped with razor-barb, or a stone wall with broken glass set in concrete (like they do in Mexico) is just fine.

It's a good thing we live in the United States where burglary is unknown and the police are not corrupt.

Hey, it's true that police corruption is everywhere. But I've known a lot of cops, and while some joined because it's a license to steal, and some joined to chase women or play with guns, or for ego or self-esteem issues, the overwhelming majority joined because they are tremendous idealists who are pure of heart, well-adjusted, and want to be the thin blue line between civilization and barbarism. I say God bless 'em!


New member
Hello, I have never visited England but have always been interested in how law enforcement works there. I have seen some documentaries showing some of their training and had a co-worker who visited with LE there. Several years ago a PC visited the unit I was assisgned to and I was asked to show him around . He was a nice enough fellow and, naturally, I had to pick his brain a little bit about how they work in Britain. I asked, if you had some kind of bad ass ( I was thinking about a situation involving a violent suspect ), do you just say something like, " You there, come along for an inquiry. " And they just come along ? He said, "yes, they usually do." I guess they use that little truncheon they carry if the bad guy does not come along. He also told me that he had never fired a gun. He said he would not want to carry a gun because someone might take it away from him and hurt him with it. I've noticed that after a pursuit or traffic violation, they pull their car In Front of the violator. My fellow officer visited Scotland Yard there,etc. He said that he was told that there was usually one armed unit on the street in London at any one time. He told me, IIRC, that the specially trained officers did not carry a gun on their person, but had a S&W model 10 revolver, locked in a metal box in the trunk of their police car. This was 15+ years ago so, given the situation in the world today, I would imagine this has had to change. I know this sounds Crazy, but he was also told that there was some kind of really extra super special unit that had a semi-auto only version of an MP-5 in the trunk box for really big deals. Apparently it required authorization from a very highly placed Government official, think their equivalent of our vice president, to authorize the MP-5's use. I guess it works for them... Anyway, interesting thread.


New member
I'm not all that sure how it work here, since I have no first hand experience with it. However, you may have notice that in the recent royal wedding, there were conspiciously armed policemen on the street, armed with submachine guns and what I believe to be Glock pistols. They were also dressed differently, probably wearing bullet proof vests--or is that waistcoats?

It seems like American policemen are more heavily armed than they used to be. In the small town where I grew up, policemen wore white shirts and the station was in a building shared with the fire department, which by the way is the same arrangement near where I live now. Anyway, the front of the building on both sides had overhead garage doors and in the summer, they would have them open. Their gun cabinet was visible from the street. That was when the typical weapon was a 6" revolver in a swivel holster.
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