Trucks crossing border

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Thanks Trapper, that's good information. I will add my experience in Mexico. There really is no weight limit in Mexico. I have seen truck trailers loaded to the point they actually break in two.

WA, now since you just posed questions and not racist accusations I will try to give my answers.

Do you think your Government would DELIBERATELY IGNORE documented problems without putting enforceable rules in place?


Are any of you contending that the US government would deliberately put folks in harms way over this issue?

What I am contending is that the NAFTA agreement is not as much about real safety investigations as it is a political deal. I would rather say it's just a consequence of the deal rather than deliberate.

Are any of you contending that you have information the US government does not have? If so, what?

No, just going by what is known. We have no good way to check criminal backgrounds of Mexican drivers. And the decision to let trucks through has more to do with politics than actual safety checking.

Per the statute and regulations authorizing this program, what safeguards are in place to ensure the appropriate vetting of Mexican trucking companies and or drivers and how could this vetting be defeated (assuming it exists)...[/

Again, I don't think this is a vetting issue but a political issue. Once the decision was made then we just hope any vetting took place.

Interesting DEA report. Notice the parts (more than one) about drug cartels using commercial trucks.

This one deserves to be answered again.
Do you think your Government would DELIBERATELY IGNORE documented problems without putting enforceable rules in place?

Yes, absolutely for sure definitely yes.


And still no facts.....

Have their been Court cases on this? What was the result?

WA, I don't see anything racist about these Mexican trucks. I think its all about safety. Even my Uncle Jesse, who happens to be Mexican, thinks they should stay at home.

Wonderful. Lets talk about the weight issue. How is this being handled by the Government? Do you know? Will there be wieghings at the border? Permits for overwieght (which Texas grants freely?)

Are any of you contending that you have information the US government does not have? If so, what?


So the government has decided to allow this based on the information they have and you cant dispute it can you.....

WildstillwaitingAlaska TM


New member
And still no facts.....

Have their (sic) been Court cases on this? What was the result?

Some people can discern facts through personal observation and experience, independent of court actions.


Some people can discern facts through personal observation and experience, independent of court actions.

So if you read blogs and look at the moon and conclude its made of Liederkranz (i'm into that cheese now because sSWMBO hates it), that trumps a Court case where leading scientists convince a jury that moon rocks are made of rocks?

WilddoyoureallyneedmetoanswerthequestionsforyouAlaska TM


New member
So if you read blogs and look at the moon and conclude its made of Liederkranz (i'm into that cheese now because sSWMBO hates it), that trumps a Court case where leading scientists convince a jury that moon rocks are made of rocks?

Ridiculous hyperbole. But I did notice that today was a warm sunny day.... a conclusion that I reached without guidance from any court.

WilddoyoureallyneedmetoanswerthequestionsforyouAlaska TM

Have at it....
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