Trucks crossing border

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I see were Rep. Duncan Hunter voted against the Mexican trucking deal from it's inception. I don't remember Fred Thompson's stand on this issue...if any.


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It will all even out when people here don't have any money to buy the stuff they're trucking in. :barf:


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how long before a Mexican truck filled with dynamite blows up on this side of the border?

Don't know, but I can tell you that I worked many years in Mexico and the trucking safety standards inside Mexico are very low. Many trucks operating inside Mexico would not meet our safety standards, so that means the trucks they send into the USA are going to have to above their normal safety standards. I guess I would call that possible but not probable.

No doubt about one problem. There is no criminal background check our police can use when they stop Mexican truckers. There is no linkage between our crime data base (NCIC) and crime data in Mexico. Not to mention the crime data in Mexico is totally un-reliable anyway. There is linkage to check Canadian truck drivers, and Canada has reliable crime data base. And Mexico can use our crime data base to check on any American drivers that enter Mexico.


There is linkage to check Canadian truck drivers, and Canada has reliable crime data base. And Mexico can use our crime data base to check on any American drivers that enter Mexico.

And our systems are 100 % reliable huh? As are Canada's? As is our trucking industry safety standards? 100% right? Never any dynamite trucks blowing up here, or road vitamined truckers terrorists in canada that slip across the border?

The difference is the Mehicans are brown folks.

WildjustryingtoearnalivingAlaska TM


The difference is the Mehicans are brown folks.

You either just haven't read what's been said, or you're deliberately ignoring the facts.

It is the MACHINES and the CORRUPTION, NOT the people.

I've said that three times now! It could be American companies contracting the pastiest, whitest white Americans to drive the damn Mexican trucks, and it'd still be the same problem...THE TRUCKS!

The US has inspections! Canada has inspections! Both first-world countries! Mexico, third-world country! Bribes! Unsafe!



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Coming to a town NEAR YOU!

Mexico dynamite truck explosion kills 34

By JUAN MONTANO, Associated Press Writer

PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Mexico - A dynamite-laden truck exploded after colliding with another vehicle on a busy highway in northern Mexico's coal country, killing at least 34 people, including three reporters at the scene, state and federal officials said.

Authorities said the two vehicles crashed into each other Sunday evening, drawing a crowd of curious onlookers as well as a small army of police, soldiers, emergency officials and journalists.

Shortly after the crowd arrived, the wreckage caught fire, and the dynamite exploded, sending a ball of fire into the sky that consumed nearby cars and left a 10-by-40 foot crater in the concrete, said Maximo Alberto Neri Lopez, a federal police official.

He said more than 150 people were injured.

The force of the explosion blew out the windows of a passenger bus a quarter-mile away.

The dead included three newspaper reporters from the nearby city of Monclova, said Luis Horacio de Hoyos of the Coahuila state Attorney General's Office.

It was unclear if the explosive truck's driver was among the dead. Early reports said he might have fled.

Coahuila state has a large mining industry, most of it in coal.

The explosion raised further questions about the safety of Mexican trucks.

This weekend, Mexico began sending its first tractor-trailers across U.S. territory under a long-delayed, NAFTA-mandated program. Before, Mexican trucks were limited to 25-mile zone along the border.

Many in the U.S. fought the change, arguing that Mexican trucks are unsafe.

Randy Grider, editor of Truckers News magazine, however, said Mexican trucks with hazardous materials aren't included in the new program.

"I think it would be a very long time before the border would open to hazardous loads," he said.

The truck that exploded in Coahuila did not appear to be headed for the U.S. It had recently left an Orica explosives plant and was headed west to Coquimatlan, Colima, a federal police officer who was not authorized to give his name told The Associated Press by phone.

A woman who answered the phone at Orica's offices in Monclova said all company officials were at a meeting, and she could not comment. The company is based in Australia and has operations in 50 countries across six continents.


Associated Press writer E. Eduardo Castillo contributed to this report.



New member
When I lived in CA I had a neighbor that was a CHP LT. . One day we were sitting in his backyard with a couple of other CHP officers just hanging out . One was telling about a roadblock they had set up to inspect trucks coming out of Long Beach harbor pulling containers . When I asked his opinion of the equipment that those guys had he spit , not spoke but SPIT the answer . JUNK!!! When it was discovered that most of the owner operators were of a certain ethnic persuasion a phone call was made . The checkpoint that up to that point was uncovering numerous violations was ordered stopped . I travel every week alongside those trucks and they are one step behind proper maintanance . The ones that I see that come over here from Mexico (yes , they come here now) are crap on wheels . I've been in trucking for most of my working life (40 years) so if you want to dispute my assesment you will need a lot of time in big trucks . Yes , wildalaska , that is directed at you . You seem to attack the messenger as racist instead of the problem . I know all about the criminal checks at the Canadian border since it has become a hiring requirement for many companies that send trucks into Canada . If you have a felony you DON'T get into Canada . They have access to our databases . We have no idea who is coming in from Mexico . So anyone can come across as a "second driver" and just walk away from the truck instead of sneaking across the border over the desert . Easy few hundred for the driver and the beat goes on .


The US has inspections! Canada has inspections! Both first-world countries! Mexico, third-world country! Bribes! Unsafe!

And so you are contending that the US government is taking no steps or insufficient steps to ensure that these Mexican trucks are safe? What steps are we taking? None? Are you contending that the US governement is DELIBERATELY ignoring the safety of US roadways by this program or just being being lacksadasical?

I guess it’s easier to say “you’re a bunch of racists”, than to come up with a rational argument.

I have come up with rational questions, no one has answered them.

Here...PROPERLY answer all the questions above, especially about what steps we are taking to ensure safety in light of any documented problems and I will admit that the person who does that isnt being a rascist and I will mea culpa myself all over this thread. And by properly, I dont want blogs, I want statutes, rules, regulations, documented problems, not just some Teamster screeching, among others doing it.

WildcanwejusthavesomefactsAlaska TM


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I think it would be a very long time before the border would open to hazardous loads," he said.

Sure and I believe in Santa. I lived and worked on the border years and traveled in Mexico, we do not need or want Mexican trucks running on our interstates, my opinion and don't see it changing.


New member
I have come up with rational questions, no one has answered them.

Admittedly, fact-based answers are hard to come by and attempts are exacerbated by the fact the Mexican government does not share data, but to discount all attempts to answer by implying racism just isn’t right. :(



New member
The good news is this. The truck that exploded was following internal Mexican safety rules, and was probably not to be used for across the border runs. Now don't you feel more comfortable?

Of course we have to remember that anytime you ask safety rules or criminal background checks to be enforced you are committing an act of racism against brown people.


Of course we have to remember that anytime you ask safety rules or criminal background checks to be enforced you are committing an act of racism against brown people.

No actually, when the government has decided its OK (like they do with Canadians) and nobody can find a factual thing wrong with that decision, the screaming and yelling about Mexicans leads to no other conclusion.

Admittedly, fact-based answers are hard to come by

Shall I consider that an admission I am right?

Here try this one: Do you think your Government would DELIBERATELY IGNORE documented problems without putting enfoceable rules in place? Are any of you contending that the US government would deliberately put folks in harms way over this issue? Are any of you contending that they have information the US government does not have?

Or is the Trilateral Commision arttempting to destroy our patriotic values by letting Mexican folks on the roads...after all, they are Mexicans, we know how lazy they are in maintenance and how bad they drive.

WildgoseewhereyourtvwasmadeAlaska TM


New member
Shall I consider that an admission I am right?


The very fact that the Mexican government does not share data gives me reason to suspect the Mexican trucks are more dangerous than ours or the Canadian’s. Does not make me a racist.



New member
The difference is the Mehicans are brown folks.

People have stated clear reasons for their positions, which you reject for lack of some level of evidence that would be satisfactory to you.

But you have no difficulty making a huge assumption of your own. Where is the evidence to support your allusions to racism?


Where is the evidence to support your allusions to racism?

Where is the evidence to support the competing position and questions I have asked.

One is as likely as the other, yes?

Here lets try again:

Do you think your Government would DELIBERATELY IGNORE documented problems without putting enforceable rules in place? Are any of you contending that the US government would deliberately put folks in harms way over this issue? Are any of you contending that you have information the US government does not have?

Or is the Trilateral Commision attempting to destroy our patriotic values by letting Mexican folks on the roads...after all, they are Mexicans, we know how lazy they are in maintenance and how bad they drive.

How about this one...the US government has determined that it is OK for Mexican trucks to come over...what do you have to dispute their determination?...other than your allegation that the Mexicans are corrupt, lazy, criminal, broke down third worlders who are gonna charge down the roads in beat up trucks killin our innocent citizens?

When I add threads like this together with threads whining over Univision, English only, or screeching over the borders I can only put two and two together.

I CHALLENGE YOU to prove me wrong. Please. Someone answer the questions.

WildimwaitingAlaska TM


New member
When I add threads like this together with threads whining over Univision, English only, or screeching over the borders I can only put two and two together.

So you do not disbelieve all of the specific statements that people make on a variety of topics. But the supposedly insidious implications of those little bits and pieces, when taken together, compel you to reach a contradictory conclusion.

Isn't that very close to describing the genesis of a conspiracy theory?

LAK Supply

New member
Do you think your Government would DELIBERATELY IGNORE documented problems without putting enforceable rules in place? Are any of you contending that the US government would deliberately put folks in harms way over this issue?

Are you serious? If they had a little smiley that was laughing until it exploded I would use it here. The US gov't (comprised mostly of crooked politicians who are more concerned with their own gains than anything else that's going on in case you are blind) consistently ignores the well-being of the people in favor their own personal agenda/greed/etc. What world are you living in up there!?

Or is the Trilateral Commision attempting to destroy our patriotic values by letting Mexican folks on the roads...after all, they are Mexicans, we know how lazy they are in maintenance and how bad they drive.

How about this one...the US government has determined that it is OK for Mexican trucks to come over...what do you have to dispute their determination?...other than your allegation that the Mexicans are corrupt, lazy, criminal, broke down third worlders who are gonna charge down the roads in beat up trucks killin our innocent citizens?

Of course, it's purely a race issue. :rolleyes: Everybody that doesn't like the US giving benefits to another country at our peril is racist..... we just all hate the brown people. :rolleyes:

Mexico is run by drug cartels and corrupt politicians at EVERY level. They took the TJ cops' weapons away at one point because the police cannot be trusted for chrissake....... the military regulars and/or defectors constantly aid drug and alien smugglers at our southern border....... LE or politicians who are actually honest are routinely killed. The system of government there is run off of bribes and threats..... nearly every last bit of it. You don't think that's a bad place to trust with free access to our country (well, more than we already give it anyway)?!

What the hell are you talking about? :confused:
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