Tired of BAD advice.


New member
Bad Advice

I don't fully understand this either. It's up to the individual to weed through the bull. Nobody is perfect and even the most knowledgeable here is capable of a mistake. At least guys like me have somewhere to go to get the opinion of others when a problem arises. I don't expect anyone to have the right answer but I usually can sort through and find what works for my issue. One of the smartest men I know is my father. I usually weigh what he says against the opinions of people here. Sometimes he's wrong but you guys have the right fix. I've learned plenty here the way it is.

Look, the most knowledgeable guy in the world may not come here, but then I sure won't meet him down the street either. I like my odds here better. I know there are folks on here that put some of the local gunshop guys to shame.

It's my resposibilty to make a decision but having TFL as a tool sure helps.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Having been around this website for a little while, I think that the issue is less of "bad advice" than it is of responders not thinking through what's asked by the opening post. Often, the advice itself is okay, but it's irrelevant to what's been asked--or implied.

I notice this most when somebody talks of just getting started in shooting a rifle, and folks go to talking about MilSurps or .308s and then get into arguments about bolt action, lever action, semi-auto and all that. And, what sort of scope and mounts are best. Duh? That's all hardly relevant to getting a newbie to learning how to hit a target.

That's particularly true by Page 3 or Page 4. :D


New member
Amen to the above, but not limited to "rifle doesn't shoot."

How about the guy who says, "I have this thing someone told me is some kind of gun or something. What is it and how much is it worth? And I want details, not a bunch of baloney."


And I want them NOW dammit! And they better not challenge my preconceived notions on the subject either.



New member
Bad advice doesn't bother me as much about "Sub-MOA groups" from people who never tell you how many rounds were fired.

You mean like my better than 1/2 MOA groups with my Ruger .44 carbine


New member
I see my old topic has risen from the dead.

10-96 and inspector. Its not about requiring people show their SAT scores before they post, but its reading the OP and answering it, or legitimate questions that arise out of that.

Its getting tired when newbies are drowned under advice for work that can cost more than the original rifle cost before anyone truly determines what is the problem.

Its about asking what is legal or not legal for hunting in Texas, and having someone in New Jersey quote New Jersey laws.

Its about someone wanting a deer rifle for a 85 pound woman and being told that anything less than a 300 winmag is going to bounce off the deer, and weminfolk have no place in hunt camp.....

Its about having someone post pics of a big bore wildcat rifle as just the ticket for someone looking for a eastern black bear gun.

Its about a question about finding someone to hunt with in northern Indiana, and someone else saying the only way to find a place to hunt is to lease a farm vs looking up a local Pheasants forever chapter or a DU club and offering that as a way to find someone....

Its about being told that a 12 gauge load of BB's from a High power/mag load will bounce right off an intruder at 3 yards.

If you have experiences and a knowledge base, then good for you, we need your input and your help, spreading the more truthful aspects of this wonderful sport and pastime.

I think about it like this, remember being in the 7th and 8th grade, and you heard those "big kids" talking about sex, and how much they got, and how much they knew, and when you got married or old enough to start on your own, you realized how little those other kids really knew and how much they were faking it? Same here. Same story, different subject is all.


New member
I have a brother-in-law that calls himself "dead-eye" and talks a great game. But get him on a range behind a rifle and his targets look like buckshot at 30 yards.

He spends a huge amount of $$ on rifles. He had a beautiful Hartford lever .45LC that he complained wouldn't print well (after shooting only a half-box of shells). SO, he spent $1500 on a Cimmaron '73 Uberti insisting that he'd be able to shoot better. On the way into the gun shop to pick up his new Cimmaron, I bought his "one that wouldn't shoot" because he wasn't going to get much on trade. On the way home we stopped at the range. He was still shooting buckshot-style groups, and I shot this target with his "inaccurate" Hartford. I looked at its serial number... 2 digit in the 20's. :) Score!


He throws away an insane amount of $$ on high dollar rifles and handguns, and perpetually complains they don't shoot well. So he spends more, and has a revolving gun collection in a quest to find a piece that will shoot for him.

Moral of the story is: Just because the guy says the piece doesn't shoot well, there is a remote possibility it's the operator. :)



New member
guntotinfool----good, sound advice.

Sometimes it's better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth (keyboard) and remove all doubts.


New member
Makes sense, I see your point now... gotta admit, now that I know you aren't part of the speech police crowd or something- I agree to a lot of your points.