Things I learned from the Brady Campaign and it's supporters...


New member
Lol...there is a really good idea..just one problem tho..there isn't any anti gun people at my place of work...we have shotgun news tactical weapons and magazines of that nature on our break room table...and a few game informers..but that's it lol :D


New member
I read some of these quotes to my 7 year old sister. Mind you I never told her what the Brady campaign is or told her how idiotic these quotes were I just casually read them to her. She corrected everything that was wrong, EVERYTHING! I mean if a 7 year old that doesnt know jack squat about guns can correct grown ups with a college education you know these people need help.

Everyone that tells me that I shouldnt own guns or there shouldnt be a second amendment I just say; "Sure! I'll give up my guns and my second amendment when you give up you loud mouth and your first amendment." It usually shuts them up right quick. Then I keep going with; "Then we might as well give up the third amendment because if I cant have guns I want at least one soldier with a gun to protect me and my family. And then we would have to give up the fourth amendment because the goverment troops are in our house and theyd see everything. Then we could give up the fifth through the eleventh amendment because there wouldnt be any crime because there wouldnt be any guns and there are troops in every home. Then they might as well take away the fourteenth amendment because we wont have any rights because we wont be able to use free speech or protect our homes from enemies foreign or DOMESTIC!

Spats McGee

Just out of curiosity, I did a quick search of the Brady website. It appears that they've taken down the "big bullet blasting boxes" line. Darn. Just when things were starting to get fun.


New member
Everyone that tells me that I shouldnt own guns or there shouldnt be a second amendment I just say; "Sure! I'll give up my guns and my second amendment when you give up you loud mouth and your first amendment." It usually shuts them up right quick. Then I keep going with; "Then we might as well give up the third amendment because if I cant have guns I want at least one soldier with a gun to protect me and my family. And then we would have to give up the fourth amendment because the goverment troops are in our house and theyd see everything. Then we could give up the fifth through the eleventh amendment because there wouldnt be any crime because there wouldnt be any guns and there are troops in every home. Then they might as well take away the fourteenth amendment because we wont have any rights because we wont be able to use free speech or protect our homes from enemies foreign or DOMESTIC!

And that is why some people refer to it as our FIRST freedom.


New member
Spats, it wouldn't do you any good anyway, as has been pointed out and tested, you'd only last 5 minuets max. I'm going back to my delusional comment. I know plenty of people who are Democrats, and every time the 2A comes up at a BBQ I always ask them the same question. "so your daughter just graduated collage, she's on her own in her first apartment! One night she comes home fro work and a very bad man forces her into her new house and proceeds to rip her clothes off, he intends to rape her. She has two choices, let it happen, or pull out her LEGALLY owned side arm and shoot the bastard dead, which scenario would you rather your daughter live through?" Not one of my friends can say they would rather their daughter be raped. These people ARE delusional, they think that if something bad happens they can ask they criminal to hold tight for a second while they call the police, and then expect the criminal to wait patiently while until the police show up so they can be arrested. I am going to go ahead and say that anyone who does not fear these people as the enemy and sees them as normal people with an "educated" or "rational" take on the subject, should go ahead and join their crowd, because your not doing us any good by sympathizing with them. To say that these people came about there stance realistically is preposterous. Sarah Brady's husband was shot by a criminal, how can fighting the Second Amendment change that? The only thing that could have changed that would have been if her late husband had been armed. I don't give a damn what the "laws" say, I for one will never lay down my arms, or be a "victim".


New member
BTW, well said Nathaniel, I posted a rant on Facebook a while back, and it pointed out that my 6yr old daughter would walk along the creek next to my apartment looking for snakes. She would ALWAYS have a stick with her. If you asked her why she had the stick, she would say "To protect myself from the snakes silly". It's amazing how self preservation is so apparent to a 6yr old child and can be lost on a supposed adult.
It appears that they've taken down the "big bullet blasting boxes" line.
Not to worry. The jargon for the day is, I kid you not, Assault Clips. Maybe it'll stick in the popular consciousness better than "big bullet blasting boxen."

And by "assault clips," they apparently aren't referring to Clippy's ill-fated 2000 rampage.



New member
I know plenty of people who are Democrats, and every time the 2A comes up at a BBQ I always ask them the same question. "so your daughter just graduated collage, she's on her own in her first apartment! One night she comes home fro work and a very bad man forces her into her new house and proceeds to rip her clothes off, he intends to rape her. She has two choices, let it happen, or pull out her LEGALLY owned side arm and shoot the bastard dead, which scenario would you rather your daughter live through?"

that's a pretty forward question to ask at a BBQ. I think either scenario would undoubtedly leave the girl traumatized. the very act of shooting someone dead might make her averse to firearms - it's a slippery slope. and let's not make generalizations about Democrats either. I know plenty of Dems who are pro 2A, people just have widely different opinions on guns and what makes them comfortable. for example, of the Dems I know (myself included) we all have different takes on 2A. I know one Dem who is an ex-cop who keeps a shotgun in the house, even though his wife loathes guns. he's also a handgun enthusiast. another does waterfowl hunting and trap shooting but doesn't own handguns, but I don't think he's opposed to them either. my coworker owns a Winchester 94 levergun but hates handguns. another coworker has a handgun, shotgun and a .22 and is very pro gun. I personally own a rifle but would like to own a shotgun, levergun and handgun. it's hard to reason with a non-gun owner with a what-if scenario. that's like saying, 'what if you weren't wearing your seatbelt and got hit by a car?' people don't like to think about situations that haven't happened yet and telling them they should own a firearm is like telling every person that gets into a car to wear a seatbelt. most people will just look at you funny and tell you to mind your own business. the world is a scary place and like it or not, some individuals don't like to tiptoe through life worrying about what's gonna happen to them
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New member
Without meaning to veer off too far into politics, just another voice saying be careful how you characterize people.

I registered D in my younger years, but was always pro-2A. Later, I registered R for a while, partly as a reaction to somebody in high office whom I didn't like, but also because Independents couldn't vote in primaries in my state at that time.

These days, I'm back to Independent. I'm probably more Libertarian than anything, but I don't really find that any party line suits me particularly well. I do tend to vote for more R's than D's, but it's an individual issue, not a party thing.


New member
Don't be willing to sacrifice everything for just one right. It wouldn't be difficult to find an office seeker who supported any imaginable gun right but was against about everything else worth having in government. But then I suppose you could even find a gun nut driving a Prius instead of a Tundra. We have three Volvos, in case you're wondering, but only one Ford pick-up in the family.

The first time I voted, I voted for Nixon. Law and order was a big issue then. Was that a real issue or just something to stir up the silent majority? However, around here you don't register as a D or R, though you can only vote for one or the other in the primary.


New member
Without meaning to veer off too far into politics, just another voice saying be careful how you characterize people.

I registered D in my younger years, but was always pro-2A. Later, I registered R for a while, partly as a reaction to somebody in high office whom I didn't like, but also because Independents couldn't vote in primaries in my state at that time.

These days, I'm back to Independent. I'm probably more Libertarian than anything, but I don't really find that any party line suits me particularly well. I do tend to vote for more R's than D's, but it's an individual issue, not a party thing.

agreed. anti-gun people wear many stripes and don't necessarily fall under one banner, the same way that pro-gun people wear different stripes. party affiliation has nothing to do with it imo
anti-gun people wear many stripes and don't necessarily fall under one banner
Let's remember that the Assault Weapons Ban passed with the blessing of more than a few Republicans. Let's also remember that more than a few Democrats have been among our most ardent supporters in the legislature the last few years.