Things I learned from the Brady Campaign and it's supporters...


New member
Ok so funny story just hit me as I walked into the garage so I had to come back:D I have no idea if this poor girl was with the brady bunch or not but one could assume... I pulled up behind her at a traffic light the other day and read her bumper stickers, the usual non-sense, obama/bidden sticker, coexist written in different Islamic, Jewish and other national flag symbols. Then I read the one that reads "Why do we go to war and kill people to teach them that killing is wrong?" Having seen first hand the atrocities brought on by a tyrannical government in Iraq I pulled around and alongside her and motioned for her to roll down her window. She was smiling as she did ( I guess I still got it!:cool:) and I simply told her that we fight wars and kill bad people otherwise they will keep killing good people. She frowned and said "we should just talk to them and make them see killing is wrong." (I couldn't make this up) I asked her "Is that what your going to do if someone trys to rob you?" And she SCREAMED at me "killing is wrong!" and sped away. I laughed for a good 10-15 mins.


New member
If there is no such thing as a law abiding citizen, why make laws about gun control? They're just going to be broken anyway. The one complaint i have about gun control advocates is their lack of knowledge about any type of firearm, "assault weapons" or no.
If we formed our own militia groups, would there be any question of gun control?


New member

"10. "There is no such thing as a "law abiding citizen". Background checks, even when done properly (which is rarely) only determine whether a person has ever been succesfully convicted of a crime. They do not test whether a person is sane, stable, mature, responsible, or in any other way "law abiding". We must not permit the gun nuts to use this term unopposed; the proper term is "previously unconvicted citizen"

This coming from a previous unconvicted citizen ?

Spats McGee

"10. "There is no such thing as a "law abiding citizen". Background checks, even when done properly (which is rarely) only determine whether a person has ever been succesfully convicted of a crime. They do not test whether a person is sane, stable, mature, responsible, or in any other way "law abiding". We must not permit the gun nuts to use this term unopposed; the proper term is "previously unconvicted citizen"

I found that one thoroughly unsettling.

Here's another disturbing one, posted by "Mike Summit:"
Mike Summit said:
We should use the most recent mass murder as an opportunity to introduce licensing, with psychological evaluations using the MMPI, as an approach to the issue.

I also think the strategy concerning magazines is not optimal; people are buying them up like crazy right now for fear they'll be banned, and you'll never get back all the ones already in circulation. In any case, it takes 1-2 seconds to reload and the maniac can shoot 10 more innocent people. But we've been forced into this strategy because the NRA will not agree to MMPI testing or licensing. So since we can't disarm the psychos, the best we can do is reduce their body count.

And there it is: "we should use the most recent mass murder as an opportunity." :barf:


New member
10. "There is no such thing as a "law abiding citizen". Background checks, even when done properly (which is rarely) only determine whether a person has ever been succesfully convicted of a crime. They do not test whether a person is sane, stable, mature, responsible, or in any other way "law abiding". We must not permit the gun nuts to use this term unopposed; the proper term is "previously unconvicted citizen"

Sounds like your typical State's Attorney...They think everyone is guilty. Some just haven't been caught and prosecuted, yet.

Seriously, though...I have a friend who is totally anti-gun, and we have spent hours discussing each other's point of view.
A lot of what he says makes sense, in a sense, but only in a vacuum. When you factor in the real world, it no longer does. His opinions are a result of a very socialistic view passed down by his parents. I am slowly chipping away, though, and he has even been to the range with me a couple of times.

I couldn't get him to shoot, but at least he didn't lose it and crawl under a table and curl up into the fetal position.

G-F..."On a Mission"


New member
Just in case some of you don't know, Militia groups are plentiful, I am a member of two here in Colorado, one being the Colorado Minute Men, and the other being the High Ground, a group a brother and I started several years ago. The CMM goes down to Arizona and Texas all the time to help patrol the borders and help the U.S. Border Patrol any way we can. My little rag tag bunch of buddies in the High Ground train as often as possible, squad tactics, MOUT training, stuff like that. Other states have VERY well organized militias that are state sanctioned and have command structures that rival the Army's. Just an FYI :D

Spats McGee

GoOfY-FoOt said:
Sounds like your typical State's Attorney...They think everyone is guilty. Some just haven't been caught and prosecuted, yet.
I think that position is far worse than that of a State's Attorney or prosecutor. My gut reaction was that the author wants everyone to be guilty of something. That way, the gov't has some leverage over them.


New member
Sounds like your typical State's Attorney...They think everyone is guilty. Some just haven't been caught and prosecuted, yet.
I know lots of State's Attorneys. None of them think this way. This is the sort of gross, over-generalized fubar that's coming from the Brady crowd.


New member
I'd say mental illness is pretty common among the military, if not before they join up certainly after they're involved in a war. PTSD.

Wow! I’m tempted to think this quote was planted on their site to make them look idiotic and bring a firestorm of retribution onto them but with the other nine quotes I guess they might really think this way. Almost unbelievable.

Thank you for starting this thread.

It is yet another item that makes me appreciate the Ted Nugent comment (I think someone here uses it as a sig line):

“I like it when people say stupid things. That way we know who the stupid people are.”
None of this surprises me. What's more, none of it alarms me.

Read between the lines, and you'll see a desperation borne of marginalization and increasing irrelevancy. They had their chance in the 1990's, but the landscape has changed.


New member
The days of the Brady Campaign are long past, but they still manage to spout off on a regular basis to get attention. Pay attention to them, but recognize that their announcements are merely the last gasps of a dying organization. I'd be much more concerned with Bloomberg and the rest of the mayors on his team.

Just a quick check of FB shows that 882,998 people " Like " the National Rifle association FB page, and 13,875 people " Like " the Brady page......LOL

Spats McGee

While it's true that the 2A landscape has changed since the 1990s, I worry that those very changes may forge in the anti-gun forces a determination the likes of which we've not yet seen.

In some ways it reminds me of the abortion debate. (NOTE: This is absolutely, positively not intended to start a debate about abortion. If I've crossed the line, I hope the mods will accept my apology.) Guns, like abortion, is a hot-button issue for many people. After Roe v. Wade, the pro-choice faction seemed to dissipate, thinking it had "won the fight." The pro-life faction was crystallized, and fights on to this day. There have been some remarkable strides made in the 2A arena in the last couple of years, but I am very reluctant to take the position that the 2A fight is winding down. If we want to keep our 2A rights, we have to keep a careful eye out, even when things are going well.


New member
I agree 110% Spats. People like Sarah Brady and Harry Reid and all the other big ticket anti-gun clowns aren't born fighting against our 2A rights, they are cultured and groomed by ignorant parents, and hate groups like the Brady Bunch. They're hatred for our 2A rights is probably fueled by lack of social skills, they see gun owners united under one flag and long for attention themselves, but instead of joining a bunch of crazies like us, they find their attention in the arms of a deluded group of people unable to think for themselves.


New member
Hahaha.... I posted some stuff on their page and they finally banned me. Took them longer than I thought it would.

Oh was fun while it lasted.


New member
I saw the movie "A Gunfight" on one of the HBO channels just now. I turned on the channel thinking I was going to watch Johnny Cash but it turned out to be a Brady Bunch campaign movie. I just about puked! I honestly think I wont be watching any more HBO channels from now on. I dont know if it was an honest mistake or if someone had something to do with it but they lost our houses subscription because of it.