There’s no reason this gun should shoot ….


New member
"Sudden Impact" may have boosted the Auto-Mag's popularity quite a bit, but I already knew what it was when I saw it in the movie because Don Pendleton armed "Mack Bolan" of the "Executioner" series with one in any number of his novels in the early-to-mid 1970's. I read the series up to number 77, or something, and I think it continued on long after I found new interests (read: girls) to waste my time on. BTW, Japle, that's a beautiful gun!
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New member
stevejeff Post #13

Am I the only one that is skeptical of the target claims. Whose would be good targets using a bench.

NO, your not alone!

First, I think that gun is way cool, some of my personal OPs are about dream gun's. Well, my dream gun's are more realistic, this gun is out the door cool, but to impractical for I (eye candy). That just makes it more of a dream gun. I'm sure it has no warranty. LOL And part's and mag's?

I doubt on this individual post the guy is not snowing us... "much":eek::D! WINK WINK!

Nice gun, I'll take two, so one is not lonely.


New member
Some folks are just so sensitive about their own lack of talent that they can't believe others are really good at something. Sad.


New member
stevejeff Post #13

Am I the only one that is skeptical of the target claims. Whose would be good targets using a bench.

NO, your not alone!

First, I think that gun is way cool, some of my personal OPs are about dream gun's. Well, my dream gun's are more realistic, this gun is out the door cool, but to impractical for I (eye candy). That just makes it more of a dream gun. I'm sure it has no warranty. LOL And part's and mag's?

I doubt on this individual post the guy is not snowing us... "much"! WINK WINK!

Nice gun, I'll take two, so one is not lonely.
Three things-
1. Before the world went tactical and everyone started shooting for groups at 7yds, shooting at 25yds was the norm and every cop's qualification course included shooting at 50yds. Maybe you guys can't shoot well at distance but plenty of folks can and do, check out the the 50yd groups shot at Camp Perry sometime.

2. The Auto Mag is a fixed barrel design with a rotating locking bolt, making it an inherently accurate design. Fixed barrel autos are among the most accurate handguns made because everything locks up in exactly the same place every time. That's why accurate 1911s are so tight, they're trying to get the barrel to lock in the same spot every shot.

3. Practicality has nothing to do with Auto Mags, they were like Ferraris, nobody needed one but they were sure cool to have and take for a spin now and then. I have an Automag V .50AE, is it practical? Hell no, but I'm the only kid on my block that has one and it makes all those .45's look like pea shooters at the range. Good clean American style shooting fun!


New member
Every time I go to the range I see people shooting full-size silhouette targets at 5-7 yds. They blast away and if most of their hits are close to center mass, they’re happy. They have no understanding of trigger control or follow-through. They don’t know how to prep the trigger or call their shots. Their chances of shooting a 1-2” group at 25 yards is somewhere between zero and negative fifty. When someone with the proper training and years of experience shoots a series of good groups, they call it “luck”.

Last year, a guy saw me shooting my CZ75 SA at 25 yds. He asked me, “What’s the trick?” I told him, “The trick is to do it!”

If you don’t know what you’re doing, you can’t do it. Get some training, for cryin’ out loud!


New member
If you don’t know what you’re doing, you can’t do it. Get some training, for cryin’ out loud!
Dude - don't be baited...

Lot's of us have no problems with your targets...


New member
Believe it or not, a MK II will take out a turkey silhouette at 75 yards. I've done it. Pistols are incredibly accurate. Most can't shoot them that well. The fact that he can shoot that well with a powerful caliber is impressive. A .22 rifle will hit a 12" gong at 300 yards. I've done it. There's a guy who did some ballistic tests on frozen turkeys at 400 yards with .22lr cartridges. Most guns are far more capable than their owners. Good shooting and keep it going. Don't worry about those who would be skeptical. If you don't believe him or me, check out Bob Munden or the other handful of incredible shooters out there. There are people who are satisfied with good enough, and there are those who aren't satisfied until they are the best. Maybe the naysayers could learn something from this guy rather than trying to pull out the rulers and see whose is bigger.


"most guns are far more capable than their owners" Exactly right. And it is amazing to me how much money people will spend on gun customization in the belief that it will tighten their groups.:cool:


New member
That's one beautiful pistol Japle.

And very nice shooting as well.

PS. Your shooting talent does not need to be explained or defended to people to ignorant about shooting to understand what can be done with a pistol given enough practice. There seems to be a few members here lately on TFL that for whatever reason... lack of knowledge, need attention , or just have trouble fitting in...feel the need to be rude/negative when they post in threads. Both have posted in this thread(you know who you are).

As you know Japle, best just to ignore their ignorance. ;)

Again, nice pistol and shooting.
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New member
Nice gun. Besides "Sudden Impact", I remember that gun being prominently featured/used in "Beverly Hills Cops II". It was gun Brigitte Nielsen used in the movie.


New member
Always wanted an auto mag. Maybe I will find one someday. Nice shooting. I am not that good with all my hand guns but am with one of them. It is easy to make claims and call BS on the internet, as long as you know it is true that is all that matters. I grew up target shooting at 25yds and beyond so the trend to practice at 5 to 7 has always been a little strange to me.


New member
Getting amazing accuracy and groups is simply practice and consistency. I shoot alot. probably close to 150k rounds annually. I reload and cast all my own bullets and have a large portion of my disposable income directed to my shooting habits. I started shooting a few years ago and quickly took to trying to competition. I started shooting at 10 yards and every time i could hold a 1-1.5 inch group with a pistol one handed slow fire i would move back a yard. and continue the routine. there are sometimes months between moving back farther but it does happen fairly quick.

this is a normal 50 yard bullseye target shot slow fire with a s&w model 41 in 22lr.

whats sad is this doesn't even put me into competition at most of the local matches much less state or us wide. my average score fluctuates between a 94-97 with varying x's with a hand full of times a 99 varying x's and once a 100 6x


New member
Japle - did you shoot this at PMRPC or at Moss Park? Great shooting, but whenever I have shot a tack-driver (I now am too old to drive tacks), it was with a low-no-creep 2 - 2.5 lb. trigger pull, not a rough 5+ pound pull.


New member
FV, I was at the Titusville range. The Malabar range is OK, but I like the good-'ol-boy atmosphere at TRPC.


New member
Japle that is a fine looking pistol and excellent shooting. That kind of energy from a hand gun, esp with the ability to shoot accurately is amazing. Very cool. Nice post!

As far as the doubters are concerned, I recently had a conversation with a young man on another site. When I questioned his contentious posts his answer was similar to what you have received. This idea of "busting balls" as a conversational style may be fine when joking with friends. In this format it often comes off as childish in my not so humble opinion.


New member
The automag was a facinating gun. It had a recoil operated action with a rotating bolt that locked up similarly to a rifle. There were many factors that caused it to eventually fail But not the quality of the guns. I wanted one badly back in the 70s when they came out and couldn't afford one. Nowadays they cost several times as much (if you can find one) and I still can't afford one.

Bear River

New member
The Automag was and is a fine weapon. I had a Biz for awhile making ammo for these guns. The son of the orginal owner moved to Hot Springs Co. Wyoming. He sold many prototyes etc. while he was there. I think he was involved with the ill fated Wyoming Arms handguns. My favorite of the early auto cannons was the LAR Grizz .45 Win. Mag. These were made on the floor above the old .454 Casull plant in Jordon, Ut. I have the .357 Mag. conv. kit as well.:)
