The Spelling Nazi Speaks


New member
Just please remember it's a moot point, not a mute point. Please don't use my name in vain.


New member
Funny thing about "moot"...I've always heard it used as a device to end an argument, as when my wife says "It's a moot more guns". In fact, it's defined as the for debate, to propagate a discussion.

Another of my nit-picky things is "its" and "it's". "Its" is a possessive of "it", and "it's" is a contraction of "it is".

I "also" hate "it" when "someone" overuses "quotation marks". :eek:

Chris Phelps

New member
well, since everyone is getting a long way away from the topic of firearm related word misuse...

"Utilize". The word utilize means (meant) to use an object for something other than its intended purpose. For example, you can utilize a hammer to mash your potatos. You cannot, however, utilize it to pound nails, since that was its intended purpose.

This has, in the way of so many other words these days, been changed in the dictionary. If you can't get people to understand the proper use of a word, change the dictionary so they are right. :rolleyes: Webster would be rolling in his grave if he knew the dive our vocabulary has taken.


New member
The internet is telling us what we already know, that our kids can't spell. Just as bad as having no knowledge of history or geography. What ARE kids learning in school?:rolleyes: I must be approaching girl -geezerdom.


New member
How about these words.

Read... or read?
Lead... or lead?

If read as lead, then we can put lead on a moving target. If you can't read then this couldn't have been read and you would have wasted your lead and your lead.
Excess leading of barrels leads to poor accuracy.