The Spelling Nazi Speaks


New member
As I andurstanden zi braken izda proper zpellin ifen zi thingamajigen izen usen in reduzen hurten inzen sholderen vut nut inzen hearin. :D josh

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Remember that part of our deal is to persuade the neutrals in this whole gun discussion that we're not ignoramuses. (Ignorami?)

So fake it.

(I happen to thoroughly enjoy messing around with colloquialisms. Particularly double negatives. So far, a favorite is, "Them I ain't go no of.")

:D, Art


New member
Articulate Art, the fence sitters aren't going to know the difference between "muzzle brake" and "muzzle break". You can admit it's a personal pet peeve. I do agree we have an obligation to communicate in the most clear fashion.


I'd just be happy if people would stop using "clips" for "magazines." It's got me drooping my head whenever someone does it... I used to correct folks. Now, not so much.:rolleyes:

Chris Phelps

New member
+1 to fisherman. It seems it wasn't that long ago that a woman wrote a bill and proposed it. this bill stated that firearms with barrel shrouds should be banned. She was quoted as saying something like "I don't know exactly what a shroud is, I think its the piece that goes on your shoulder."

Not an exact quote, but my point stands.


New member
Ahhh.. vortexyz san, aregato guzaimasu.

Articulato Mr Arto, I just had to type that. :D I'm surprise no one in this forum is actually using all those idiotic web/text talk. Like abbeviating words in the most stupid fashion. Ever heard of the word "owned" being spelled "pawned"? How about high/low case in the mix like, "tHatZ PHat BrADaH". Then you have peeps creating words, maybe they don't know the actual word for it. Hmmmm.... Houston we have a problem, people are busy trying to be more stupid. Oh! Wait, maybe they are cool? :D josh


New member
Chris, Shouldn't you hang out with peeps your own age? :D I have 4 kids, one girl and 3 boys. I will try my best to prevent the stupid lingo in my house. If they say break, by golly they better mean smash or recess. josh

Chris Phelps

New member
lol Joshua, I play Counterstike: Source a lot. I get home from work at 2AM, and I live in an area where I have asbolutely no friends (recently moved) and nothing is ever happening at those hours. I am limited to surfing the internet or playing video games. Normally I would just go with SOCOM, but I have beat ever level of every one of those games at least 4 times each. CSS is about the best option, since you can play against other people... therefore the levels are never the same.

I'm not that old, anyway.


New member
Ha, I know how it is Chris. There was a time a few years back when I was a world ranked Mario Kart player...:eek:

Chris Phelps

New member
lol that game provided hours of death threats involving controller cords between myself and my group of 9 friends who all used to get together and play. We played it "two losers give up the controllers, the two higher scored people keep them".

Of course, my family and group of friends is known for playing every game life-or-death. Nothing was ever taken lightly. You should have seen our paintball games. ;)


New member
Chris, Shouldn't you hang out with peeps your own age?

Hey i'm 20 and I play video games with a 15 year old, a 23 year old, two 30 somthing year olds, a couple 50 year olds and a senior citizen. We play a game called Söldner: Secret Wars which is a real time combat squad based game incorporating firepower and tactics to overtake an enemy.


New member
According to the fancy, glossy Springfield XD catalog I have in front of me now, you can get one with a slide made from
stainless STEAL.

Ever since I got one, stuff has been missing from my house.