The Spelling Nazi Speaks

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam

Hey, look: It's a muzzle BRAKE, out there on the end of a rifle barrel. It ain't a muzzle BREAK. No. Wrong. Boo! Hiss! BRAKE, just like on your car.

Got it? I knew you would.

:D, Art


New member
a. To
b. Too
c. Two true.

a. Their
b. They're
c. There probably just a little slow.

Correct answers another day, if really interested.


New member
I dunno Art; sure looks like a muzzle break to me...



New member
Deos it raelly maettr if we seppl it braek or brkae? As lnog as we a conummiacitng, rgiht? jsoh
Yep, I loaded my banana clip with bullets. When I capped'em, the flash compressor did really good, but I like the muzzle break better because it breaks the muzzle hop, nearly stopping it. Go figure.



New member
It is the heart of the rifle, folks, learn how to spell it. It is RECEIVER, for goodness sakes, not "reciever." I before E except after C.........(etc.).



New member

Examples of both terms:

"A muzzle brake uses residual gas pressure to reduce recoil and assist in quick sight picture recovery."

"When Bubba dropped his WalMart Remington 710 into the abandoned quarry while shooting rockchucks, you should have seen his muzzle break as it hit the granite outcropping beneath him!"


"When one is shooting in a stage at an IPSC match, he should never let his muzzle break the 180° rule!" ;)
:D Last IPSC match I was in I DQ'd because the muzzle brake on my WünderGün wasn't production and broke the rules. I drove off in my wagon (also called a 'break'' but sometimes "brake" - meaning a small station wagon) but was so broken up I forgot to release the brake so it got broken. I couldn't fix it as I was broke at the time, and couldn't have raised the cash unless I broke the bank at the roulette table ...Gimme a break folk, I ain't done yet busting into this thread...


New member
Art Eatman said:
....The Spelling Nazi Speaks...Hey, look: It's a muzzle BRAKE, out there on the end of a rifle barrel. It ain't a muzzle BREAK. No. Wrong. Boo! Hiss! BRAKE, just like on your car.

Got it? I knew you would.

Art, while you may be qualified as a "Spelling Nazi"'re misuse of the Queens English is unforgiving. "It isn't a muzzle BREAK." Grandmother Eatman wouldn't talk like that....or would she?


Ain't and Prolly are fine, since they are examples of shorthand abbreviations and/or colloquialisms, unlike a clear wrong choice of word usage among 2 homonyms, imparting an improper meaning to the reader.


New member
What's the verdict on the word "defense"? Are we in agreement that it's more aesthetically pleasing than d-e-f-e-n-c-e?

And can we stop referring to California as Komifornia, PRK, Kali, etc?