The guns of Walking Dead

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I'll remind you that talking primarily about the guns of the show is fine, but if we dip into the hows, whys, and wherealls of the show, the thread will have to be closed....


New member
I agree about Lennie James' gun being a Taurus, although as in so many other tv shows/movies they may have provided a couple of different guns at different times during filming. At one point I was sure it was a S&W M60, then at another I was sure it was a Taurus snubbie. (Lennie James was also in the series "Jericho" as Robert Hawkins.) Like some of the others here I would have thought that the characters would have run across at least a few military rifles--look at the scene in which the main character emerges from the hospital to find what looks like a military staging area. Oh well, it's still fun to watch.


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IanS: I disagree. Take off their arms and legs and they'll be just as useless, therefore giving the ma deuce a good reason to be there. Or any full auto MG for that matter.


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Let it Bleed and Alloy--

Thanks for the schedule. I guess I just missed the rerun on AMC. I'll catch it this time.

I did look at the sneak peak for Episode 2. The woman has a SW 3913 LadySmith (9mm). Good gun for concealed carry but it only holds 8 + 1. I would go hi-cap for zombies.



New member
Most definitely necessary to go hicap for zombies. That's why the .22 round is so useful. It's by far the most readily available and at close counters, it won't exit the head and will reliably bounce around the skull.


New member
The black guy's revolver was a stainless Taurus.

The black guy's name is Lennie James. You may remember him from another doomsday series called Jericho. It was shortlived, but pretty good. He's a good actor. :)


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You know I keep seeing people repeat this ".22 will bounce around the skull" myth, but I'm having a hard time believing it. Not to derail this thread, but does anyone have proof of this?


New member
why no .22's

Funny you never see a .22 rifle or pistol being used. I would think a .22 round would be sufficient to terminate a Zombie's brain Why not a custom 10-22 with a 25 round mag or a S&W mp22 with several Black Dog mags. Attach a suppressor and no noise signature to draw them to ya. A couple of bricks of 22 would be alot lighter that a combat load of .223 or 308!!!


New member
You know I keep seeing people repeat this ".22 will bounce around the skull" myth, but I'm having a hard time believing it. Not to derail this thread, but does anyone have proof of this?
Today 01:40 PM

I have a friend that is an emt and he swears he was on a suicide call where the suicidee(? ) used a .22 and the actual bullet went in the through the front of the face and came out in the stomach because it twisted and burrowed all over bouncing around. I know this isn't first hand knowledge, but our boy Max Brooks(Zombie Survival Guide) utilizes this language as well. In addition, it has been claimed that hitmen, or assasins for hire if you will, often utilize a suppressed .22lr because of the less amount of sound and because it won't over penetrate and exit the skull or body.


New member
I think hitmen and assassins would prefer it most likely because of the fact that it's easily silenced, easily concealable, and light. If a lead bullet would have enough force to bounce within a skull multiple times through gray matter, I think it would have just broken though or gotten lodged in the other side of the skull in the first place.

As it stands, I'd like to see them use .22 rifles in the show as it would be the most logical choice. I don't think they will because .22's just aren't as BA as a Colt Python ;)
Years ago I saw an autopsy photo of a sectioned skull in which a man had been shot in the eye with a .22. Accident, IIRC.

The bullet didn't really bounce, per se, but it did skid around the curved inner surface of the skull and really made a mess of things.


New member
Years ago I saw an autopsy photo of a sectioned skull in which a man had been shot in the eye with a .22. Accident, IIRC.

The bullet didn't really bounce, per se, but it did skid around the curved inner surface of the skull and really made a mess of things.

Based off of normal ballistics that is what you would figure. Probably few different things to happen. Ricocheting around like a pinball machine probably isn't one of them, just doesn't make sense. A bullet isn't made of rubber and it would not redirect perfectly each time it collides with bone multiple times, but still retain enough force to blast through all the tissue and hit bone yet again.

1. bullet goes in, gets lodged in rear of skull
2. bullet goes in, breaks through skull and exits head
3. bullet goes in, follows contour of skull until it stops
4. bullet doesn't even penetrate skull, nothing happens


New member
You know I keep seeing people repeat this ".22 will bounce around the skull" myth, but I'm having a hard time believing it. Not to derail this thread, but does anyone have proof of this?

It happens, not just to .22s either. Real terminal ballistics are a strange game with a lot of different factors involved. I recently saw a 5.56 round hit above the eye and crease over the forehead and on the top of the skull resulting in a non-fatal injury. This was at a range of about 8'. That is unusual however.


New member
i dont know how much thicker(if any) deer skulls are than human, but ive seen .22lr go thru both sides of a deer skull at 50yd, and quite a few more complete pass thrus at under 10 yds.

i have never seen a .22short pass thru both sides of a pigs skull tho.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
About skidding inside curved surface - at an IDPA match we used plastic 55 gal barrels as props. It is not unknown for a FMJ round to hit a barrel almost tangent to the barrel's curve. It penetrates and zips around the inside, making the weirdest sound you ever heard untill it drops.

That's a 9mm or 45 ACP FMJ in just plastic.


New member
I don't care what you say, I'm not using 9mm on zombies ... semiauto shotgun would be an excellent choice, IMHO ... and headshots, people, headshots ...
OK, we've had a good discussion on this subject, which was the guns used in the first installment of the series, but we're increasingly dropping into the "what I would use for a zombie apocalypse," and that's off topic at TFL except in the Zombie forum, and only at Halloween.

So, I'm going to close this.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I'm coming out against the shotgun on the too slow to reload principle. Too many in a zombie mob. You need max available ammo. An AR with two joined thirties or a 100 rounder (if reliable).

AP rounds to make sure you zip through the head!!

Hey, Mike - I thought we don't do zombies. But what the heck!
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