The guns of Walking Dead

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OK, this is not going to be a discussion about the merits of the miniseries, but about the guns.

The main character, a sheriff's deputy, looks to be carrying a nickel 6" Colt Python. In one of the final scenes he fires a round at a zombie inside of an M-60 tank. It's the only time I've ever seen an indication of how the concussion and noise can stun someone.

They did show the deputy taking an M9 Beretta off the zombie first.

A big fail, though, in the beginning of the show was the main character telling another sheriff's deputy (they're doing a road block) to "make sure he has a round chambered and the safety off."

The other deputy looks kind of sheepish, pulls back the slide to chamber a round, and then you see him move his thumb up to release the safety, and you hear it go CLICK.

The only problem with that? The deputy has what appears to be a Glock 17. No external safety to go click. And even if it did have one, it's likely that he wouldn't have been able to chamber a round with the safety on.

Other firearms in the show are pretty pedestrian. Shotguns, including a couple of what appear to be Benellis, a couple other what appear to be Remingtons, and at least one bolt action rifle that appeared to be a scoped Remington, a "sniper rifle" from the police lock up.

What surprised me, though, is that there's a lot of military presence shown (including a chopper with what appeared to be the 7th regiment crossed sabers insignia), but none of the survivors shown yet are carrying M4s or M16s.
Yeah, I was quite pleased at the "shot inside the tank" being that realistic about the noise effects...never saw that on TV. Tells us they've got some pretty good advisors on the show.

I concur w/ the Python and the M9. Not good with shotguns.


New member
I also was glad they let people know firing a gun off inside a tank is a bad idea. Aside from the classic safety on the glock i did not get why he was walking around with a tote bag full of about 10 shotguns. Why not just one and extra shells? I doubt they thought that one through


New member
Lol...even my sons (13, 17 & 20) were pointing out the poor choices being made (although we enjoyed the show).

13 year old - "Forget the shotguns, the ammo weighs too much"
17 year old - "First thing I'd do is find some *shoes*, a flashlight and some kind of bludgeon"
20 year old - "Shotguns? Bolt actions? We need some firepower....where are the M4's?"

<tears in eye> I'm so proud of my little zombie hunters!


New member
There are aftermarket external thumb safeties for Glocks. Why? For the police. Yes some departments mandate them. We could have a long discussion on the merits of this idea but keep in mind it came from our government, and no one is more professional....



(there are several models, I don't know if you can't chamber a round with one on as I have never used one)
What surprised me, though, is that there's a lot of military presence shown (including a chopper with what appeared to be the 7th regiment crossed sabers insignia), but none of the survivors shown yet are carrying M4s or M16s.

That is because everyone knows that they are jammomatic poodle shooters. You can hit an insurgent 28 times (jamming every other round due to carbon build up) and he will simply run away.



New member
what kind of revolver does that black guy carry in the beginning when they capture the police officer? it's a 3 in stainless revolver of some sort.

I think the dead soldier in the tank had a Beretta M9, so that's pretty cool because it's realistic.
Yep, I mentioned the M9 Beretta.

What I forgot about was the black guy's revolver.

My guess, from the very limited glimpses that you saw of it, was a Smith & Wesson Model 60 3".


New member
Another thing I noticed was when the main character was shooting in the opening scene there was no recoil whatsoever on his revolver, but they made up for it when he shot the one crawling across the lawn & the ones he shot under the tank or APC or whatever it was. (also notable which was already mentioned the concussion inside the tank from firing it)

Also noticed that black guy when using the scoped Remington after having his inner turmoil and put his eye back up to the scope, he put it directly to his eye socket like he was looking down a monocular......boy would I love to see his black eye after firing that. Most people only do it once, then again if they know how to properly hold a rifle they will never do it.


New member
The other deputy looks kind of sheepish, pulls back the slide to chamber a round, and then you see him move his thumb up to release the safety, and you hear it go CLICK.

The only problem with that? The deputy has what appears to be a Glock 17. No external safety to go click. And even if it did have one, it's likely that he wouldn't have been able to chamber a round with the safety on.

Also, when he pulls the slide back you get an awfully clear look into the ejection port... and its awfully dark in there. I did not see any brass.

I giggled a little but I wasn't completly thrown out of the show, that happend when they pretty much copied the beginning of 28 Days Later. Replace courier with police officer and Presto! "original" programming.:barf:

Don't get me wrong though, I intend to not miss a single episode. I was a horror buff before I became a gun nut.:)


New member
Actually, the story boarding for this movie pre-dates 28 Days Later;)

It's based on a really cool graphic novel series. I got hooked on it 3 or 4 years ago and haven't missed a volume yet.

My question is what kind of young sheriff's deputy carries a Python as his side arm:eek:


New member
I also was glad they let people know firing a gun off inside a tank is a bad idea. Aside from the classic safety on the glock i did not get why he was walking around with a tote bag full of about 10 shotguns. Why not just one and extra shells? I doubt they thought that one through

It is called a NY reload.

He may meet up with someone that can help that needs a gun, or if a gun is damaged he has a backup. By the way I felt sorry for the horse, his human stupidity caused an animal to go where an animal normally would not go. It's called horse sense for a reason animals have an instinct that helps keep them alive.


New member
Score stands at 9 for the Python. Sure looked stainless to me.
I always wondered why Pythons fetch so much money.
This show answered that all right. The real deal, chips are down, zombie whack and stacker. Let's see how this show drives sales.

Two for the bolt gun, not sure of the make.
Luckily he was shooting close with it, as resting the barrel on the chair is not condusive to long range accurate fire.

One for the snubbie. I guess a Ruger.
The black actor is a good one and I think he would want a quality piece.

Misc, one for the bat.
I couldn't make out the player's name on the barrel, but it looked to be at least a 33 ounce.
Strangely out of place in the home, given aluminum would be exclusive in the deputy's softball or his son's baseball game though. But, hey, it's just a TV show.


Terry A

New member
The guns of Walking Dead

A big fail, though, in the beginning of the show was the main character telling another sheriff's deputy (they're doing a road block) to "make sure he has a round chambered and the safety off."

The other deputy looks kind of sheepish, pulls back the slide to chamber a round, and then you see him move his thumb up to release the safety, and you hear it go CLICK.

The only problem with that? The deputy has what appears to be a Glock 17. No external safety to go click.
Coworkers. A convenient source of food in a post-apocalyptic world.

Soon as the deputy "took the saftey off" by fumbling with the slide release, I sat up and told me wife "That's a Glock! There is no saftey to 'click"!"

She told me to be quiet, she wanted to see what happens next....:confused::D

For what it's worth, I really enjoyed the first episode.

Tommy Vercetti

New member
they pretty much copied the beginning of 28 Days Later

the comic book series was on the shelves long before filming for "28 Days Later" started

back on topic I need to rewatch the show because I thought the black guy had a 2 inch barrel S&W model 60

I liked the use of the "Dinner Bell Theory" about gunshots
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