Talk about "trigger jobs"

fairview mick

New member
Trigger jobs-to Mitchcote

Hey, Mitch
Not all trigger jobs are done just to lighten the pull. Many are done to make them more crisp, take out excess travel in the trigger and just to smooth one out makes for a much more accurate peice. If a person is going to be dangerous with a 2 pound trigger, he'll also be dangerous with a gun period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
I think a more accurate statement would be ... "A 2lb trigger is potentially less safe than say a 4lb trigger, for the simple fact that it is easier to accidentally set it off"


New member
"A pistol coming from the factory with a medium trigger pull is a safe gun." -- Extremely dangerous way of thinking.

"...shooting is dangerous...." -- Right on the nose!

The firearm is only as safe and effective as the operator. Some people like a heavy trigger, some like a light one. I can tear it up with a 12# revolver trigger, but I still prefer a crisp 1-3# trigger (better accuracy). As long as you practice the basic firearm safety rules (which I'm sure you do), then you can minimize danger and have FUN! :)


New member
Sun Devil, I disagree. I have been shooting for 8 years of my 16, and I have never thought shooting to be unsafe. It is the person that makes the gun unsafe. The gun is just a tool. A hammer can be unsafe in the wrong hands.

My RWS target air pistol has a 1/2 pount trigger, and I have never shot anything that I did not intend to shoot. I guess it's just a matter of time before I shoot myself in the leg, right? My .22 rifle also has about a 1# trigger, and that has never shot anything I didn't intend to shoot either. I guess I'm just lucky.

So please don't go rambling on about things you don't have experience with.


New member
Please re-read my post. The point I was trying to make (and it seems that I didn't communicate it clearly) is that firearms ARE dangerous if the proper respect isn't paid to them. The moment you have it in your head that the gun is safe, is the moment it can hurt someone (even an RWS air pistol). Like I said, I prefer 1-3# triggers myself (depending on the gun). I'll chalk up the disrespect to youth on your part.


New member
Fairview Mick,

Sir I wasn't sure if those release triggers were used in trap or skeet guns but I knew they were out there. I also didn't realise that they could be deactivated by opening the action, but it's good to know they can be deactivated.

In my previous post I just meant that even release triggers could be safe as any other trigger, even a super light one. I just dont understand why some people just can't understand that a nice crisp trigger even if not 3 lbs. is a good thing, I personaly dont mind a 5-6 lb. trigger as long as it's crisp and with not too much overtravel. I guess I'm just strange!:)


New member
Some competition guns have pull weights down in the ounces. If the handgun doesn't fire without a deliberate pull of the trigger then it's safe. Now whether or not a shooter can safely handle this handgun is a different story, but no fault can be placed on the handgun.


New member
I really hope this was just a thread to stir things up. I would hate to think that anyone really thinks like mitchcoyote.:(



New member

If you are going to make what most people here would consider ridiculous statements, at least have the courtesy of backing up your statements with some facts.

Why is this in the semi-auto forum?


New member
Glad It's Not in the Rifle Forum

Mitch would probably be really upset at the set triggers I have on 3 hunting rifles! I doubt any of them are heavier than 3 ounces...but, knock on wood, I've never had one go off by itself. Just when I barely touch them.


New member
Glad It's Not in the Rifle Forum

Mitch would probably be really upset at the set triggers I have on 3 hunting rifles! I doubt any of them are heavier than 3 ounces...but, knock on wood, I've never had one go off by itself. Just when I barely touch them.


New member
My lovly witness is around 2lbs, i havent shot anything i havent ment to,

if guns can jump off tables without anyone touching it and kill people, then lighter triggers are dangerous.

Don H

New member
Atleast I know all of my guns have safe triggers.......

You are certainly entitled to your opinion/belief. However, just because you have an opinion/belief doesn't necessarily mean it has validity or that someone else's opposite opinion/belief is invalid.