Tactical Mosin


New member
Hows that old saying go, just when you think you've seen it all lol.
Interesting brought me a good laugh today, whatever floats your boat I guess


New member
Reminds me of when I got bored with the M1 Carbine a while back.
Warning: this is why you shouldn't drink and play with firearms. :D
And it is back to normal now. ;)



New member
I guess I'm the only one that thinks it looks stinking awsome!

No, I also thinks its pretty cool, as a gift I would want one just for the heck of it. ;)
But 4'' more barrel for the bullet to catch some speed would have been nice.

Next step is getting rid of the rear stock and make a second one, then you have two Mosin PISTOLS. :D


New member
It's a real gun, not Photoshopped.
It was made as a joke.

Expensive joke! Wish I had that much money to burn....

Next step is getting rid of the rear stock and make a second one, then you have two Mosin PISTOLS.

How do you rechamber a round after you shoot!?!?


New member
How about the shorter version?

You guys might have seen the photo of the 'mini cannon' used by the Polish resistance in either WW2 or later. It reminded me of ancient handguns used in pirate movies during battles on sailing ships.

The nasty little Polish version almost makes this guy's gun look like a Mauser by comparison.

Obreyz. I have one.

Next step is getting rid of the rear stock and make a second one, then you have two Mosin PISTOLS.

Mosin pistol you say?! :D



I like my MN 91/30 SBR. Worth every penny.

Day time
Night time

(and yes, it's registered/legal)
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New member
Lol, really nice! Thats what the russian mafia gangbangers used at drive by shootings back then .......;)
Now you only need to hold it sideways.

If I would have such a mini cannon I would make a new stock with a pistol grip and a sekelton folding stock like the mp40 has. Would really make a neat.....ummm..thingy.

And nice smooth bolt by the way, very unusual on a mosin!


New member
And nice smooth bolt by the way, very unusual on a mosin!

Nope, not at all. Over a dozen MNs I've handled, and they ALL have smooth bolts... no one ever bothers to clean their surplus rifles enough - clean ALL the gunk out and you have a fantastic rifle. :)

Atticus Thraxx

New member
Neat project, wonder how well it shoots. Shows creativity and let's face it, not like he screwed up a Garand or something nice. It's a frickin Mosin! Someone dropped 3-4 on my lawn I'd probably give them away or toss em. I have 3 and that's more then enough for me.