Tactical Mosin


New member
Um...yes that's um..... Sums up what I'm thinking. My main question is the gun legal? I don't mean that people can cut up a gun and that makes it illegal I mean the barrel length? It seems a bit short, in fact it is very short. That bullet will have just left the cartage when it will be shot out of the barrel. To me it seems like the round will not be as powerful as it would be in a carbine or rifle version given the amount of time the powder has to burn. Also I would think reloading the next round would be harder than usual. Overall points on coming up with something different but on the other hand I wouldn't want or need one.


New member
Ok.I saw the first photo and thought that is was just ugly..but not my gun so who cares.

But the second picture makes me want to retch! That is without a doubt the absolute, butt ugliest thing I have ever seen. And if it's fascinating at all...it's only fascinating in the same way that a dead body is fascinating.:barf:
How about the shorter version?

You guys might have seen the photo of the 'mini cannon' used by the Polish resistance in either WW2 or later. It reminded me of ancient handguns used in pirate movies during battles on sailing ships.

The nasty little Polish version almost makes this guy's gun look like a Mauser by comparison.


New member
I would really like to see it fire, is there any footage of it firing? Like I said, I won't do that to mine but the 50 cal black powder assault weapon sounds like an Idea!! :D

chris in va

New member
I like it, definitely unique. IIRC someone else on here has the same thing, only a pistol grip and normal wood.

Hey, you know...why not? They're cheap and plentiful. I'd shoot it!


New member
That is officially the most stupid and blashpemous thing I have ever seen, excuse me for a second Im going to go give my real honest 1942 Izhevsk a hug to make sure it stays away from corrosive ammo and punks like that.. with its black furniture and rails *shutter*


New member
Let's face it, if you are gonna do something like that it might as well be done to a $80 club like the Mosin as anything else. Let's face it, that gun is un-usable for anything. But a stock Mosin isn't much better. After all, what is a Mosin good for?
