Tactical Mosin


New member
i never thought those 2 words could be used in tandem but this guy never went to grammer school.



New member
Now THAT is interesting. How in the world did he get that T6 stock on that Mosin? I'll bet the muzzle flash is huge !! :eek:


New member
Lol, that is the stupidest thing I have ever seen! I don't think I've ever seen a cheesier firearm. That man has taken everything good about a bolt-action rifle and destroyed it! He has also managed to, at the same time, eliminate everything good about every accessory he has weighed it down with! Every time I look at that picture, I just start laughing.


New member
Well, I never said I wanted one, or would convert one of my Mosins into one...just thought it was an interesting piece. I'd like to see some close-ups of how he mounted some of that gear.


Staff In Memoriam
Bein' his makes it fine in my book. Not everyone has liked what I have done to so called "classic" motorcycles and pickups but they sure pleased me to fire up them bastardized beasts and feel all my work in action... And knowing I wouldn't lose mine amongst a parking lot of stock machines that while suitable to their owners were just so plain and bland to me...
This fella likely had a Mosin that wasn't ever going to be a beauty queen and wanted it to be all his own unique creation.


New member
Bringing up trucks, I agree. That Mosin is the rifle equivalent of a lowered truck. He removed any possible use or purpose that it could have had. Don't get me wrong, the guy should do to a rifle whatever makes him happy, but you cannot disagree with the fact that the rifle is almost useless in that setup.


Staff In Memoriam
Buck, If a bullet still leaves the muzzle headed for where you intend, it is doing the job... My Harley full dresser with a full on race motor wasn't much of a touring bike but third gear burnouts were cool from an 800 pound bike. My chevy dually with a hot motor wasn't much up to task to towing trailers over mountains every day but it sure did haul the mail...:D Dropping it and switching it to "phantom duals" were put on hold due to forth coming daughter...


New member
Did you see this firearm in person? It really does look like a photoshop job to me, the left arm and hand look unreal.


New member
To do that to a wonderful weapon like the mosin is a travisty, however I would really be interested to see him fire it on a video. I'm almost sure it would fly out of his hands. I don't think I will be doing that to mine anytime soon.:)


New member
hogdogs said:
If a bullet still leaves the muzzle headed for where you intend, it is doing the job
In the most inefficient way possible. Tell me, what exactly is its job?

I thought while making earlier posts that the barrel was shortened, but upon further inspection, it looks like it just appears shorter in that picture. Knowing this, I hereby amend what I said about it being useless, [EDIT: Based on the second pic, which makes the shortened barrel obvious, I Hereby unamend my first statement. With the shortened barrel, it is pretty well worthless, unless it is somehow still accurate] but most of the stuff weighing it down is. Collapsing stock? Is that a flashlight down there? Give me a break. Looks like a waste of resources to me, but then again, it's not my rifle. Like I said,
BuckHammer said:
the guy should do to a rifle whatever makes him happy

I guess the job of the rifle is the shooter's happiness, so only the shooter can judge it's effectiveness in that category. I hope he has fun with it.
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Staff In Memoriam
"In the most inefficient way possible. Tell me, what exactly is its job?"
In the most efficient way I descibe it as poking a hole in an intended target down range.


New member
hogdogs said:
In the most efficient way I descibe it as poking a hole in an intended target down range.
Sorry, that rifle does not seem as a very efficient tool for "poking a hole in an intended target down range". Plus, that is a very general description of its job. I was asking about 1) home defense, 2) some kind of hunting, 3) combat, or 4) plinking (which seems like the intended purpose).

1) A more efficient way to defend your home would be to save money from the accessories and buy a used shotgun. (Bolt action rifles are not exactly efficient for home defense)

2) Most of those accessories are unnecessary for hunting, so getting rid of them to make the weapon lighter will improve efficiency. In addition, lasers are illegal for any kind of hunting in Indiana (I'm sure IN is not the only one).

3) Getting rid of a bunch of accessories to save weight would help. The very fact that it is a bolt action makes many accessories on it pretty useless.

4) Plinking is all about entertainment in most cases, so its effectiveness in this category is relative to the user. I'm guessing that it is very effective in the entertainment category for its user, since he must have put the time, energy, and resources into creating this setup.

My point is, it is not a very effective utility or combat weapon, but its very existence suggests that that is not its purpose. It doesn't float my boat, but it doesn't have to. The only important point is that it makes its user happy (otherwise, it wouldn't exist in that form). I think it is stupid and useless, but as I continuously state, it is not my rifle.


New member
2 q's.

Is that a mullet or just long hair?

Was he able to hit the broadside of the, ehhh, whatever that bullet-stop structure is?


New member
Man, that's just wrong....:barf:

The more I look at it, the more I see it as putting a rear spoiler on a Model T. It might look cool, but its pretty much useless.
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