Sweet! Remington has announced a new handgun...


New member
I don't like subcompacts. I carry service pistols for CC. I do not buy subs.

Yeah. I'll probably buy it.


New member
Obviously it's generated a lot of buzz. I came across a comment from an HK forum that was made some time ago when folks asked about new production P7s:

Aluminum and steel are dead guys, Polymers are the here & Now. ..and they're here to stay.

A company would be foolish to design a new pistol in metal.

That's irony.:p


New member
James K said:
Not quite the case, Chris. The barrel is fixed and doesn't move at all.
Yes, I realize that. I accidentally wrote "barrel" when I meant "breechblock". I had referred to the barrel as being fixed, in the previous sentence.

My previous post has been corrected.
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New member
I really like the looks of this gun and it's in one of my favorite calibers. It also is a nice size for concealed carry. Yep, going to have to have one of these.


New member
and I'm sure the fact that the M1911 was 45ACP and the M51 was 32 auto and 380 had nothing to do with the lighter felt recoil:rolleyes:


I LIKE the rear sight: finally, a night sight that won't snag on the draw, yet can be used to rack the slide on your belt or shoe, should your weak hand be disabled or occupied ......


New member
Does anyone know if this will be widely available in the average LGS or will I have to hunt and/or order online to find one right away? My guess is it'll be August before I can handle one, but I hope I'm wrong.


New member
remington is usually pretty good about making sure that they have a decent surplus before releasing a new model. it should be pretty easily available.


New member
I've spent much time today reading about this new pistol and had to resist the temptation to run to my LGS and order one. Still might tomorrow. I'm not entirely sure why, though I think the price point makes the risk more palatable. I'm not overly fond of grip safeties or enclosed hammers but for some reason this pistol really appeals to me.

There is one other small 9mm that has not yet been made and would cost nearly twice as much that would still appeal to me more. That would be a Sig P938HD (steel frame) that would weigh approx 21 ounces. I seriously hope Sig makes that version.

If I dream about the R51 tonight...oh, oh.
"Does anyone know if this will be widely available in the average LGS or will I have to hunt and/or order online to find one right away? My guess is it'll be August before I can handle one, but I hope I'm wrong."

For whatever reason, the R51 is getting a HUGE amount of buzz online, more than I've seen for any other new handgun in a long time.

I suspect that when it's released in February that, along with the very attractive base price, is going to mean that it's going to be very difficult to find one.

"This design looks to be far superior to the 1911."



New member
I think I like the looks of this one, I like the fact it is a 9mm single stack and if the gun really is aluminum and steel then I will prob pick one up. For me the only think that would make it better is if the slide came out in stainless:D. I'm glad a few new guns are arriving with out polymer for us older farts. I would also love to see a version with an exposed hammer.


New member
For whatever reason, the R51 is getting a HUGE amount of buzz online, more than I've seen for any other new handgun in a long time.
I agree I haven't seen so much buzz about a handgun since the SR1911 was introduced.

lee n. field

New member
For whatever reason, the R51 is getting a HUGE amount of buzz online, more than I've seen for any other new handgun in a long time.

Their marketers know how to generate "buzz".

Without reference to that, knowing that Internet buzz often misleads, I still find it interesting.


New member
Given that this is a single action gun, I'm not comfortable with the absence of a manual safety. Grip safeties are too easy to get pressed accidentally.


New member
gyvel said:
Given that this is a single action gun, I'm not comfortable with the absence of a manual safety. Grip safeties are too easy to get pressed accidentally.
It makes me wonder if a thumb-safety version is in the works, given that 2 of the gun's direct competitors- the Ruger LC9 and S&W Shield- have thumb safeties.

Additionally, the smoothly rounded aft end of the slide promises to make it difficult for a thumb-break to securely retain the pistol without depressing the grip safety.