Sweet! Remington has announced a new handgun...


New member
This thing looks kind of space-aged. I'm not sure if it's cool or not, but I kind of want to see one so I can find out.


Active member
FWIW, I like the rear sight - it's more snag-proof that way. Plus it looks cool with the design of the gun.

I haven't seen much about the gun's dimensions - how does it compare in size to the:

Ruger LC9
Boberg XR9-S
Rohrbaugh R9?
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New member
And, people will be whining about the grip safety in 5, 4, 3 ...

Somebody's bound to claim it resembles a 1911, which will then spark a discussion about how it's not anything like a 1911. Then we'll have a gripe fest about the fact that it's not a .45, which is the One True Knockdown Cartridge. Then someone will pronounce that it's somehow not as perfect as the Glock, thus dooming any hope the gun has for market viability.

Oh, the humanity.

Tom Servo, successfully paraphrasing half the threads on any gun site...:D

lee n. field

New member
Somebody's bound to claim it resembles a 1911, which will then spark a discussion about how it's not anything like a 1911. Then we'll have a gripe fest about the fact that it's not a .45, which is the One True Knockdown Cartridge. Then someone will pronounce that it's somehow not as perfect as the Glock, thus dooming any hope the gun has for market viability.

Oh, the humanity.

Yeah, we've all been around the block a few times in GunForumland.


New member
Because what we're all used to seeing in the cool kids' guns are rear sights sloped on the forward side of the sight. Which does nothing at all about whether one can shoot through them well. Sight picture is unaffected.

That wasn't my point at all. My point was the placement of the dots being as far forward in the rear sight as they are. I don't get what the point in having that rear sight extend backward if it isn't pushing the dots back to add something to the side radius. It may very well just be styling or to prevent snagging, it just seems a bit awkward.


Remington is just getting back into the handgun business with guns that it has previously produced - the 1911 and the 51.

Take a look at the Wiki article on the original. There was a .45 version that the military PREFERRED to the 1911, but the price was too high. So scaling up to 9 and .40 is not really a big deal - they gun was already made in a large caliber.

I had not heard of this action before - it is essentially locked blowback. Kind of the equivalent of a short travel tappet gas piston. The ability to absorb recoil may spawn a new era of handguns that previous fixed barrel systems, like the HK roller delay, were too expensive to generate the interest.


New member
I've not been impressed with Remington quality the past few years. I handled a R1 the other day and it was a rattletrap.

My lgs has a few of them. They seemed decent to me, nothing overly spectacular but they weren't rattlers. I know some of the early production run had some machining marks.


New member
OK, I'm sold. Unique action design over shadows ugly! After all, I have a Hi-Point C9 and an 1895 Nagant. The only other thing that ugly is a Rhino, and I'm not about to spend $800 on an ugly gun. The new Remington is going to be under four hundred bucks, so It fits my budget just fine. Now, 9 or 40, that's the question.


New member
i like it and will most likely get one, its in my price range anyways, i really hate the giant Rs on the grips though, that will have to be covered with some traction grips


New member
Spats McGee - first thought was that it looks like something that Ming the Merciless would carry.

Yup. A Remington 51 in one hand and a Beretta Neos in the other.

(Ummm... are we dating ourselves by knowing who 'Ming the Merciless' is?)


New member
I'm surprisingly ambivalent on the R51. I have the Beretta Neos and CX4 Storm and like the looks of the old Whitney Wolverine but I just can't decide if the R51 has a place in my collection. I want to like it, but............


New member
The Remington looks different, but form follows function. It looks more like some of the older guns with fixed barrels and internal hammers -such as the FN 1910 and Astra 300- than the current small 9s we are used to seeing.

I like the fact that it has a relatively long grip and a low bore axis. Below is a comparison of the Remington to one of my favorite small 9s, the Walther PPS.


And it does not hurt my feelings to see that it is made in Charlotte, NC. :cool:


New member
I want one, but will still keep my M 51 .380 that was carried by my wife's grandpa here in Texas during the Great Depression... (still have the original box, manual, bore brush , and penny post registration card.



New member
Hmmmm... Interesting.

I was just starting a savings stash for a 9mm. Metal frame, single stack, fixed barrel/blowback design.. all in a compact 9mm? wow... I might have to wait for purchase and see if I can find one in the wild.