Strong 1911 Needed. Recommendations ???


New member
Kimber owners; how many have experienced broken MIM parts?
None of my Kimbers have broken anything, whether MIM or not. I didn't like the slide stop, so I changed that out on two of them. I worry about a lot of things. I don't worry about my Kimbers breaking. YMMV.


How many MIM failures?

No idea. Where is the big internet database of gun defects? Do you think there is someone besides Kimber that collects this information? Do you think Kimber makes it available? Get real.

Weshoot - have you honestly never heard of a Kimber part cracking in half until now? Which other brands have you heard that happen to?


New member
If Caspians are somehow faulty because they aren't overpriced, someone better tell them snake eating boys down in Fayetteville. They are runnin all around Afghanistan with Caspian frames, and Colt and Springfield slides on em. Make mine like theirs, they seem to be doing just fine. YMMV. Regards 18DAI.


What's the matter with Caspian slides for these eaters of snake?

I never said there was anything wrong with Caspian frames.


New member
What I was told (second hand) was that those boys have alot of Colt slides, parts ect, and their in house armorers fix em up/inspect , every so many rounds. Slides were doin fine, Colt frames were badly worn and ancient. The way the Springfield slides got in the mix, seems they were running short on supply of Colt slides, while demand was climbing, and bought a bunch, off those Springfield fellas. Just don't know why they didn't buy some Caspian slides. Then again, nobody asked me, and I don't eat snake, cause it don't taste like chicken to me! Regards 18DAI.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
Well guy's, when faced with the same kind'a situation I shot many
different 1911's trying too figure whats best for me. When I left
the friendly camp of Springfield Armory (shooting mostly G.I.'s
and MIL SPEC firearms), I turned to Kimber's Custom Shop and
to Les Baer semi-custom 1911's. My first endeavor was with a
5" Kimber Raptor II, that I thought very highly of; as I was
impressed with its fit, finish, and overall looks. Not taking any
thing away from this gun, as it performed flawlessly through
the 300 or so rounds that I put thru it. However, when I had
an opportunity too pursue the purchase of my Les Baer Thunder
Ranch Special 1911 .45 ACP something had to give; as I could
not afford both the brand new Kimber Raptor II and the NIB Les
Baer Thunder Ranch gun. So, I traded in the Kimber as partial
payment on the LBTRS; and I couldn't be a happier camper.
Thus far, this LBTRS 1911 has been marvelous. I have owned
and shot many 1911's over the last 36 or so (?) years; but I
have never been as excited about a 1911, as I am this gun.

Mine is the standard blued weapon, and I hope to acquire
another one in hard chrome before too many moons pass.


New member
Strong 1911

I think that Detonics makes the best .45s if you like the full size style I just got a tactical scoremaster-full sized&the sight is in the right place plus the scoremaster uses a full size mag. Comes with night sights&extended slide release. made by people who actually care about fitting a custom gun. You should go to the detonics website& see the torture test they just did on their 911 model.


New member
heard of -- 1911s only

I have 'heard of' every brand breaking 'something', to include Wilson, Brown, and Baer.
The ONLY parts failure I've personally observed on a 1911 was recently seen; a Springfield Armory 1911 broke its hammer.

I have seen more Kimbers used than all other 1911 brands added together during my IPSC experience (competing since 1995) yet have never seen one break anything, nor heard of one breaking anything at any match I've attended.

I have, however, seen custom guns (no, a Wilson, Brown, or Baer is NOT a 'custom gun'; it is a well-made gun) break slide stops, and a goodly number shed sights.
I have held and/or examined numerous guns 'broken' (as in "All blowed up") by bad ammo, both factory and handloaded.

I have held and/or examined non-1911s that have cracked their slides or frames, hammers broken, and such.

But not 1911s.

As for recording Kimbers' broken parts, I simply would consider what they've changed on their guns over the years, because broken parts = warranty costs = bad business; anyone suggesting Kimber does 'bad business'?

NOT arguing; learning.....


New member
I've seen or read about more than a couple of thumb safeties(non-ambi), mag catches snapping in half on Kimbers. IMO, it doesn't take too many cases, especially with pictures, to doubt the process or Kimber's use of it. They are "spectacular" breaks, in half, often on new guns without much use and with parts that really shouldn't break. So, right or wrong, it can put doubt in your mind.

On the "flip side", I've used some MIM parts for tens of thousands of rounds with great use. So, it does matter how, and who, makes them and what part is used for MIM IMHO. The Kimbers I've shot have been very good.

I do think Kimber does "bad business" now as a matter of fact. Their series II and external extractor debacle harmed a company that introduced the best made production 1911 with useful features at a reasonable price. I think they revitalized the 1911 market single handily, raised the bar, and then "forgot" what made them the "King".


New member
in my hand; the new Kimber catalog

I notice the only models wearing the external extractor are their rimfire models; apparently they can learn.

Saying Kimber is no good is like saying Colt is best, ay? :D



New member
They got it half right, at least back to where they were...series II next?

The "mistake" wasn't so much the external extractor, as it was the "problems" with it and the fact they put it on ALL their models. Apparently, they don't understand the complete 1911 market.

They pulled a "Colt" and I doubt they will ever dominate the 1911 market again. Just a IMHO.



I wasn't talking about individual breakages, but noted trends like "a lot of Kimber safety levers have broken off".

As to external extractors, what's the problem? You don't believe the "rumors" that Kimber's extractor is poor, do you?;)


New member

My Ultra Carry Series one has always been flawless, but the SA GI with 13+1 would lure me away because they hold up. Factory fix on the kimber while you try the SA.
However I still had the problem with my Ambi safety breaking.

You can blame the broken ambi safety on MIM and MIM doesn't have a great repututation. However, it has been my experience that the ambi safeties do fine until you catch them on a door trim, table, etc., anything at ambi-safety height while carrying. The part is NOT meant to be abused in that manner. So discounting the Kimber because of the ambi part seems silly as the same part from other makers will break as well. It is not a strong part.

Here, I am assuming that you broke off one of the little wings that interdigitates with the bar of the strong side portion of the safety. Those little wings are the weak part of the system.

So the nick was lead and the part in question is not a strong part. In other words, I don't think it is a Kimber problem per se.

FYI, I have broken one Kimber ambi and 3 Wilson. All have broken from physical trauma via collisions with other items and all have broken in the same way, a wing comes off. My carry gun no longer has an ambi because they are so easily broken...when you are not a delicate person.


New member
Sounds to me that you are simply trying to justify a different gun. There is no need to blame the gun, and 100-200 rds a week is far from intensive training.

If you dont like the Warrior, get something else, but for th emoney, the Warrior is most likely the best deal going.


New member
Double naught - You could be right. It has been bumped a time or two. The safety did not have any visible damage. It was just not functioning properly on the weak side. I suspect that the aligator clips that combine the two halves of the safety had gotten loose causing the weak side safety to be sloppy. Instead of the safety engaging and disengaging on the weak side it had a double click like a half safe position. And again the "nick" on my breach face was in fact leading that I removed. Maybe I was a little too harsh on my Kimber. I don't want a new gun. At worst I will replace the MIM parts with Ed Brown parts and keep shooting.