Strange to today's society-places you bought guns from


New member
do it best hardware by my place up north in michigan have ammo still. they had guns up to a few years ago.

my first .22 and shotgun came from there


New member
Actually - come to think of it - those two nickel High Standard Sport Kings I have were both bought at the same Golf store.
They sold golf clubs and guns.
No other sporting goods.


New member
Before Abercrombie & Fitch became a metrosexual clothing store, they sold high end hunting, fishing and outdoor gear. I used to go admire the stunning rifles and shotguns they had in the case (some of which were priced higher than a car). I never did buy a gun there, but later on I bought a shooting vest and leather shell pouch for trap shooting. The strangest place I ever bought a gun was a church. Well, not the church exactly, but the rectory connected to the church. One of the priests was selling it for the family of his deceased brother.


New member
Bought a 410 shotgun with wooden case at a garage sale in the mountains for 20.00. Also Raleys markets sold British .303's for 39 or 49 dollars in the 50's.


New member
In the '60s, one of my older cousins had a small-town (population <400) general store - he had groceries, clothes, hardware, toys, some jewelry and watches, a soda fountain ... and guns.

Tipsy Mcstagger

New member
I can't say I've bought a gun from there but there is a Liquor/Gun store where I'm from that I used to go into and they definitely had both. I don't think they still sell guns there anymore and probably let their ffl lapse and I think they were grandfathered in. So, I don't think they'll be selling guns there again.


New member
I bought my first registered NFA item - select fire MAC-10 SMG - from a bait & tackle store. The owner used to stock guns but sold off his inventory and kept his class-III license.

USMC 77-81

New member
I know of an auto parts store in Orofino and a gas station in St Maries that sells guns though I haven't purchased from them.


New member
The most local gun shop to me is also a tool & equipment rental place. One brother runs the equipment rental and the other runs the gun counter. He doesn't have much inventory and he's hardly there when I go in so it seems he may only do it to enhance his hobby. I've only ever bought ammo from him.


New member
Back in the mid 60's at my high school,,,

Back in the mid 60's at my high school in Moore, Oklahoma,,,
The marching band used to sponsor monthly flea market tables in the parking lot.

Anyone could rent a table and sell whatever they wanted to.

One man had several rifles/shotguns on his table,,,
The vice-principal wanted to try one shotgun,,,
So he took it down to the football field,,,
Where the ROTC rifle team practiced.




New member
It's reversed, but I SOLD a Colt New Army in 45LC to my biology teacher in the 11th grade.
He moonlighted as a US Customs agent and often had his SW M29 in his duffel bag.
Think he passed me just for gun talk, lol:D


New member
Sears and Montgomery Wards mail order. I remember as a kid of about 10, going to the catalog pick-up desk with my mother to get a rifle Papa ordered. No paperwork at all. Papa even bought a 12 foot aluminum fishing boat with outboard motor from Sears catalog in the 1960's. You could buy anything using the Sears catalog.

I have my Great,great grandfathers' model 1892 Winchester 44-40 rifle. It was bought by him in 1895 from the Sears catalog and he picked it up at the post office/general store in Del Rio TX.


New member
A slightly different twist, but my nearest LGS sells fresh eggs, collected twice a day from the chicken coop behind the store.


New member
In 1972 I bought a Remington 700 at a local hardware store where we usually bought our feed and supplies. My mom, who was OK with my buying it, went along with me. I still have that 700 along with the receipt from the store. As far as I know the store is still in business with different owners, but I don't think they sell guns anymore.


New member
"Depends on where you live. The only local, brick and mortar gun outlet near me is a True Value Hardware store. Fifteen years ago the local grocery store/trading post did transfers."


I bought several guns at that same place when I was out there in Alpine!