Strange to today's society-places you bought guns from

tony pasley

New member
I bought my first gun from a combination post office, hardware, clothing, grocery, sporting good store. The town only had 2 buildings.


New member
Two oddball purchases:

First one, in the early 60s, a renickeled Colt .32 auto from a local hardware store for $20.00. (Guy didn't ask for ID, and I was about 16 at the time.)

Second, in the 70s, a black powder .31 revolver from Lionel's Play World, a toy store that also sold guns.

How times have changed...:(


New member
My first rifle was purchased in a hardware store. It was a single shot savage 22. It cost $50.00, and ammo was .25cents a box of fifty. This was in 1955. By the way my Mom bought me the firearm and we would go out into the woods and shoot empty shotgun casings of of tree limbs. I believe that is one reason I was an expert in firing the M-1 in the Marine Corp. Also this all took place in New Jersey pinelands. Today my Mom and I would be in jail.


New member
Got some OLD 22lr ammo from my father-in-law. He bought it at Kresge's (bought out by Kmart in the 70's). Still had the price tag on it... 79 cents for 100 rounds. Miss those days.


New member
apple tree

A single barrel .410 M37 Winchester propped against an apple tree in a guys front yard......."4 sale" sign, handwritten, leaned against the butt on a board.


New member
In 1966 I purchased a couch from a furniture store in Minong, Wisconsin and got a free Marlin 30.30. That was a very good deal.


New member
In the mid-80's I used to sell guns at a Boat dealership that just dealt in competition ski boats and high end skis. As well as Snow ski equipment in the winter. This was in Texas.


New member
Got some OLD 22lr ammo from my father-in-law. He bought it at Kresge's (bought out by Kmart in the 70's). Still had the price tag on it... 79 cents for 100 rounds. Miss those days.

The K in Kmart stands for Kresge. They changed the name as the stores evolved from a five-and-dime-type store to one of the early big boxes. I don't remember our local Kresge ever carrying guns or ammo, but when they built the new Kmart back in the 70s, it sold long guns and ammo.

Back then, Kmart, Sears, JCP, Western Auto, Otasco, or any locally-owned hardware store was just a few of the many places that sold guns in our small town. Now, the town is more than tripled in size, and has probably half as many places that sell guns as back then, and .22 LR ammo is still almost non-existent at any of them. I miss those days, too.
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ACE Hardware

I have an ACE Hardware store on the way to the cabin that just started up a few years ago that has a nice gun and reloading department.


New member
Nearest lumber yard to my home (maybe 22 miles) has a well-stocked gun department where they keep a display case full of pretty new Kimber 1911s. I've bought amunition there.


New member
Every year at 2 weeks before deer season,,,

Every year at 2 weeks before deer season,,,
The 4-H club sponsored a rifle & pistol swap meet.

It took place in the high school parking lot.

It happened as far back as I can remember,,,
I don't know how long it continued after I graduated in 1968.

But yeah, I bought a .22 rifle their one time.




New member
Hello 2ndsojourn,,,

aarond, how do they get around the gun free school zone laws with that?

They didn't have such nonsense in 1968,,,
For my project in American History,,,
I studied Little Big Horn.

As part of my presentation,,,
I took my Springfield 45-70 to class.

After the presentation we went to the football field,,,
The principle and my teacher each fired the rifle into the bank.

It was different world in 1968.



Sher Khan

New member
Long, Long Ago

In 1960 or 1961 bought a Short Model Lee Enfield .303 for $8.00 down in the Loop in Chicago, at a store I think was called "Wieboldt's". I remember carrying it, wrapped in brown paper, back to my apartment on the South Side on the IC train. I wish I still had it...


New member
The K in Kmart stands for Kresge. They changed the name as the stores evolved from a five-and-dime-type store to one of the early big boxes. I don't remember our local Kresge ever carrying guns or ammo, but when they built the new Kmart back in the 70s, it sold long guns and ammo.

Back then, Kmart, Sears, JCP, Western Auto, Otasco, or any locally-owned hardware store was just a few of the many places that sold guns in our small town. Now, the town is more than tripled in size, and has probably half as many places that sell guns as back then, and .22 LR ammo is still almost non-existent at any of them. I miss those days, too.

Back in the late '70's a buddy of mine bought a surplus M1 Garand at the K-Mart in Fayetteville, NC. Got a good deal on it, too.


New member
I bought Winchester 94 at the horse sale in Lubbock one night. I believe it was winter of 1995 and I had to give about 175.00. I still have it, blueings thin and I refinished the stock a few years ago but it still shoots real well.


New member
Bought my first handgun at Popular Department Store in El Paso, Texas in 1966. It was a "Baby" Browning, 25acp semi-auto, and I paid $43. My second gun I bought at a mall sporting goods store in San Antonio, named Oshmans. I don't believe that for either purchase I needed anything but the cash to purchase the gun. I don't recall any paperwork or even showing my driver's license, and I know there was no waiting period before I could take the gun home (like there is here in Illinois where you get an instant background check, pay in full for the handgun, then have to wait 72 hours before you can pick up the gun.)