State of Florida vs. George Zimmerman

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Rage, bigoted actions, bias, DoJ case....

Early on, I strongly felt GZ used a invalid reason to make contact or "track" Martin, but as the court action ends, I now feel Zimmerman will be cleared & the CRD(Civil Rights Div) can't build a strong "hate crime" case against him.

You can't call someone racist or biased then have a college professor/co-worker/neighbor etc give sworn testimony on the contrary.

As posted a few times, this criminal case was based on public outcry of a young, unarmed teen being killed by a armed, adult male of another race.
The event was twisted like a party balloon and GZ's life & well-being were turned upside down.



New member
As posted a few times, this criminal case was based on public outcry of a young, unarmed teen being killed by a armed, adult male of another race.
The event was twisted like a party balloon and GZ's life & well-being were turned upside down.

And that is why I believe there will be conviction.


New member
Political lynch mob shows up in suits. My fear is that we will actually learn stuff from this trial. The prosecutor said: “he told the guy to tell someone (on the phone) I “killed” him”……but the evidence shows he said: “I shot him”…….he changed the word shot to the word kill in an attempt to show how GZ changed his story…..who changed the story?


New member
The decision now rests with the jurors. We'll have to see what happens from here on out - my guess is that, unlike the norm, a quick verdict would tend more likely to be an acquittal and a long deliberation more likely to be a finding of guilt. A hung jury would obviously be longer still.


New member
A quick verdict seems unlikely now. . . the jury requested an inventory list of the evidence.
That's curious, because in the jury instructions it is written:

During the trial, items were received into evidence as exhibits. You may examinewhatever exhibits you think will help you in your deliberations. These exhibits will be sent intothe jury room with you when you begin to deliberate.
which, to me, indicates that all of the exhibits are supposed to be given to the jurors? Am I misreading this instruction?

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
If I were on that jury and we took the first vote and it was unanimously "Not Guilty", my next thought would be to keep us in there for a few hours, at least. I can only imagine the chaos of a 20 minute deliberation followed by "Not Guilty". Even if every one of us was 100% convinced of not guilty, I'd want to sit there for awhile.

Spats McGee

I'm with Brian on that one. Were I on the jury, I wouldn't want to emerge after just a few minutes with a NG verdict. Chaos would ensue.


Trial jury plans, case material....

Id agree that the 6 women(the alternates were released by Judge Nelson), may decide on a "not guilty" already but will give it 5/6 hours to give the impression they weighed every piece & reviewed every remark.
Alex Ferrar(Judge Alex) told the Orlando area media in 2011 of how, when he was on the bench in south Florida, a jury rendered a verdict in 10min! :eek:
He said how he was in the restroom & went right back into the courtroom.

Due to the civil rights issues & media, Im sure the jury wants to let the verdict & legal process to be as smooth as they can.


New member
I'm shocked the jurors were not sequestered. Does anyone REALLY believe they're going to be steadfastly ignoring the vast media coverage of this case?

Closing The Gap

New member
When the defense attorney made the comment about driving to the court house and said "well you didn't drive here today" referring to the jurors. I assumed they were sequestered at a hotel or something. They're not?


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When the defense attorney made the comment about driving to the court house and said "well you didn't drive here today" referring to the jurors. I assumed they were sequestered at a hotel or something. They're not?
I think I got snookered by a bad news source. I checked again and they are, indeed, sequestered. The source I had previously read indicated that they had been "sent home for the weekend."

Here 'tis:



New member
I am not a lawyer. That said, I am a reasonable man. Neither am I completely cognizant of all the evidence.

From the evidence and testimonhy I am aware of I must say that I see more than a reasonable doubt about his guilt (GZ's ). I don't think the prosecution made a reasonable or effective case. In fact I think it was full of holes.

But I do have a queasy feeling that the jury might confict GZ of manslaughter because they feel overwhelming pressure to convict of something because "this never should have happened." If that happens, it is even more egregious because the effect on GZ will be nearly the same.

From my limited knowledge, I think GZ is not guilty of all charges.


New member
As the Jury's deliberations proceed, I wonder if heightened tensions, and anticipation of disorders, will result in another big spike in gun sales - especially in Florida?


New member
As the Jury's deliberations proceed, I wonder if heightened tensions, and anticipation of disorders, will result in another big spike in gun sales - especially in Florida?

4 Gun shows this weekend in Florida
Jul 13-14 Inverness Gun Show
Jul 13-14 Naples Gun Show
Jul 13-14 Tallahassee Florida Gun Show
Jul 14 Oakland Park Gun and Knife Show

It'd be interesting to attend one.


Camp Casey; media hype....

Like the "Camp Casey" events in Orlando Florida of 2011, for the Casey Anthony trial, a few protestors & groups are in front of the Seminole County FL building.
They just want to hoot & wave signs for the large media coverage.
Sheriff Don Eisigner & Chief Smith of Sanford have put many plans in place, some visible & some covert.

I highly doubt any civil disorders or major events will occur.
People don't want to make a bad situation worse but I agree that these female jurors may feel the need to "punish" bad little Georgie because he started the incident by "playing cop" :rolleyes:
I can honestly tell you both working as a MP & a licensed security officer many people in the general public feel they "know it all" :rolleyes: and by watching Law and Order or CSI Miami or Dexter, they know security, LE, crime scene investigations, field interviews, SWAT tactics, etc.
Training, fees, re-quals, degrees, LE academies, awards/certifications, etc mean nothing. :mad:

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