State of Florida vs. George Zimmerman

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Ayoob; LE articles...

Gun writer & sworn LE officer Massad Ayoob has put out a # of gun press items over the years(1980s/1990s/2000s/etc) about how cops & armed citizens were seriously wounded or killed by subjects they thought were "down" or no longer a threat.
I recall a recent Ayoob item where a police officer shot a subject in the chest, he lunged at her, killing her, then he fell over dead. :eek:

As the GZ defense team's own medical expert(a veteran forensics doctor & former US Army officer who ran a wound ballistics lab) testified, human beings can keep fighting or be ambulatory even when seriously wounded.

Clyde F
After the prosecution rested its train wreck of a case, I was ready to bet on an acquittal. As the defense case progressed, though, I began to realize that the prosecution has an undeclared member its team sitting up there on the bench, wearing a black robe. I don't know how effective the judge's efforts to direct the case will be with the jury.

As of this moment in time, I am now predicting a hung jury.

Red Dog

New member
I wish GZ would have taken the stand. Just to speak for himself. But it was not in his best interest... ask Jody Arias.


GZ; facial expressions, trial...

I give GZ props for keeping his cool & not reacting more during portions of the court case.
He broke character a few times during Berine De La Costa(or whatever his full name is) closing statements, shaking his head; no.
To sit & listen to grown men who may barely know call you; soft or weak or out of shape isn't that great to the old ego. :rolleyes:

Some may say its a ploy by GZ's legal team but any real man can only bear so much.

If GZ is cleared, Im sure his book or TV movie will be entertaining. The "inside scoop" & politics of the sworn LE officers(Chief Lee, Inv Soreno, etc) & the state prosecutors will be entertaining.


New member
With regard to Judge Nelson (and Glenn, I am not expressing 100% certainty), here are some thoughts from people with a bit more background in criminal proceedings, on the manner in which Judge Nelson questioned Zimmerman about whether he would testify in open court:

Several legal experts and observers said the outburst was unprecedented.

“I have never seen that in more than 30 years of court reporting,” tweeted journalist Kathi Belich.

Former Senatorial candidate Richard Rivette also expressed his shock at the judge’s behavior.

“This judge is an idiot. I spent five years investigating high profile capital cases defending people from the death penalty, and worked for the Federal judiciary as an independent investigator on other cases. No judge ever inquires as to whether a defendant will testify until the entire defense case is presented. If the defense rests and does not call the defendant then the judge knows there will be no testimony. If the defense calls the defendant then that’s when the judge finds out. They have to get through the entire case first. To see if it is valid after prosecution cross-examines their witnesses and experts as to whether a defendant SHOULD testify, which is decided in private not in public, and NOT on the record. By doing this, the judge has undermined a portion of Zimmerman’s credibility. He looks like he is waffling and this is normal judge/defendant questioning, which it is NOT,” said Rivette.



Another point....

The forum posts seem drawn mostly towards the legal issues & the counts against GZ, but a valid point brought up by the mid-morning crew on Orlando's Fox35, GZ case watchers/media was if a jury verdict will be held until Mon morning or if the judge will seal it until the building is cleared or the Sanford PD, FHP, deputies are ready to deal with any civil disorders or street protests.
A Fox35 reporter stated the verdict could rile people up on a Fri night or Sat.

As noted in older posts, few protests are around the court property & it is calm but a outrage or incident could create a huge mess in Sanford.



New member
One other thing coming out of this trial - if Zimmerman is acquitted, what are the odds that DoJ indicts on a federal hate crime/civil rights beef? I'd say 100%.


Staff In Memoriam
Jury gets their last view of closing rebuttal by the prosecution in 10 minutes...

Seemed to me that O'Mara did a good job with closing arguments...



New member
The prosecutor is saying the human heart does many things. I guides us, it humanizes us, it gives us compassion, etc.
I think he needs an anatomy lesson.


Staff In Memoriam
And that rebuttal... the last thing the jury hears... is exactly the argument I was trying to make in the beginning... The part about who initiated contact and the part that Martin was the one who had a right to be in initial fear to defend him self did come up...



New member
I think you and the prosecution are making giant, unwarranted assumptions. First, I'm not sure it has ever been demonstrated that Zimmerman initiated contact between the two parties. Second, initiating contact and initiating aggression are two entirely separate events. I know for a fact that the prosecution introduced no evidence whatsoever that Zimmerman initiated any aggression. If you can demonstrate otherwise, please do so.


Staff In Memoriam
No I am just looking at what I foresaw the state doing coming to fruition...

I always said at that age, I would have likely snookered the NW guy into a confrontation...

But in this case the state is trying to portray Zimmerman as being on a NW patrol shift when he was actually supposedly just heading to target for lunch food...



New member
No I am just looking at what I foresaw the state doing coming to fruition...
The state is doing a lot of supposition and claiming it to be evidence.

I always said at that age, I would have likely snookered the NW guy into a confrontation...
But of what relevance is that to this discussion?

But in this case the state is trying to portray Zimmerman as being on a NW patrol shift when he was actually supposedly just heading to target for lunch food...
The state is attempting to portray him as a deranged, hate-filled homicidal maniac, all evidence to the contrary notwithstanding.
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