Springfield XD 45....NRA handgun of the year '06

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I called you deceitful because you continue to say "here in Colorado" when you only shop at one gun store. In this thread you talk about that and Obiwan posts other Colorado prices for Glocks, which is how you and I BOTH know about prices in Colorado:

Are you going to start a thread about the cost of shooting glasses based only on the selection at Sak's Fifth Avenue?

I think it very convenient you managed to find a gun store who prices their Glocks to fit your bias so well.

Everyone else, think and shop for yourself. The average Glock vs. XD price differential in the US is about $50. So you can find a decent deal on either shoddy polymer pistol you decide on.


New member
Handy said:
The point I was making is that the poster knows that $550-$600 is not the average price in his area of Colorado.

Do you have some kind of a crystal ball that you know this to be a fact? Why are you making such a big deal of the fact that XD may have been mistaken or may even have been :eek: exaggerating! You don't even live in Colorado for Christ sake! Maybe you could quote me some prices in New York State so I can be sure to get a good deal! :rolleyes:
Handy said:
Now he has a better appreciation of what kind of thing will be accepted, and avoid exaggeration.
Who put you in charge of this forum anyway? Since when do YOU decide what's acceptable around here? You should probably let the staff know as it will make their job a whole lot easier.

I think everyone is getting a little tired of your condescending remarks. Has there ever been a topic on this forum that you have ever refrained from sharing your expertize with everyone?

Why are you always so critical of everything others say? Must you always go out of your way to find fault with everything just so you can have the last word?

This is from the link that you provided:
Handy: Is it possible for you to post something without coming down on someone? You posted fact but still come off as a jerk in 85% of your posts.
Why? What did these folks do to deserve this?
Handy said:
Yes, and I often do so.
If you're implying that I need to be careful of hurting the feelings of those who first attack me, you must be joking.
I read the entire thread and I could not find anyplace where anyone attacked you!

That's what I'd like to know. What did these folks do to deserve such treatment? Do you have that little tolerance and respect for everyone?



You are commenting on statements made in reference to posts not in that thread. I was not saying that I had been attacked in that thread. It gets a little confusing when people do what you are and take the thread off topic to get into psychology, don't you think?

I am "bothered" by XD Man's continued misrepresentation of the pricing of these guns. I'm not the only one, and other's who live in Colorado have also pointed out this error. He repeatedly uses the pricing of one, and only one shop to press his "Glock's cost too much" agenda.

I have not participated in much of the rest of the XD Man criticism. Why don't you look some of those people up and get bent at them for accusing him of being a Springfield lacky?

I appreciate you concern over MY personality, but I think you'll get more satisfaction out of the "ignore" feature than trying to make me feel like Santa is going to bring me coal this Christmas. Quite frankly, the quality of information posted on this board is down, and I'd rather address that than spend my time worrying about who's feelings are bruised.


New member
speaking of crystal balls...

...as I gaze into mine, I see the moderators closing this thread for personal attacks if y'all don't knock it off....

We're discussing GUNS here, not people's personal reputations. Take a deep breath and let go of it, for Pete's sake.



New member
Inhale ... Exhale...

Agreed. Let's talk about something interesting ... like guns.

I would buy the XD if they would have swappable grip inserts like (I think) the SW99 does or had provisions for aftermarket grips. As it is, you can't put a Handall or other such grip on it because of the grip safety. Otherwise, it seemed like a fine gun when I rented it at the range.

(Clearly, the ergonomics aren't perfect for everyone :eek: )

- Sriracha


New member
I carry an XD-45. I've shot Glocks, and they're great pistols, but the XD fits me better, feels better, and I personally like having the grip safety in addition to the trigger safety. It seems to just be personal preferences, some people swear by Glock, some by XD, and some own both. I'd gladly defend myself with either, but since I prefer the XD that's what I spent my money on:)


New member
springmom said:
...as I gaze into mine, I see the moderators closing this thread for personal attacks if y'all don't knock it off....
There were no personal attacks on my part. I was merely asking the gentleman a question.
Sriracha said:
Agreed. Let's talk about something interesting ... like guns.
If everyone would have read this entire thread they would have seen where the BS started and that I WAS talking about GUNS. I commented about the XD45 I purchased and was comparing it to the two Glocks that I own and how much I like the XD better then the Glock simply because it fits my hand better and how I like the safety features on the pistol.
springmom said:
I was at Gander Mtn this afternoon, a .40 Glock was $590, a Springfield, was $490.
Are you sure about that price because....
Handy said:
Quite frankly, the quality of information posted on this board is down, and I'd rather address that than spend my time worrying about who's feelings are bruised.
Firstly, let me say that I don't like either the XD or the Glock. I just have a personal aversion to a handgun that does not have a metal frame (I also prefer wood to synthetic on long rifles, but not exclusively like I do with handguns). The newfangled handguns dont do it for me. Besides, I think "XD" (eXtreme Duty) is a retarded name which automatically puts me off a little. It has too much of a tacticool mall ninja quality.

But lets clear up some myths.

First, the Glock is NOT German made, as has been pointed out. It is AUSTRIAN. There IS a big difference. You cannot lump middle Europe together as German. You might as well lump all other continents together too, all of Asia is Chinese, all of South America is Brazilian, and all of Africa is Nigerian. I exxagerate, I know, but you get my point. Items from Canada are not American-made.

This brings me to my next point.

The Springfield XD is NOT American-Made. It is Croatian. Do you know where Croatia is? It's next to Bosnia, and quite close to Austria. You might as well call that German-made too, its only seperated from Germany by two countries, one of them being Austria! It was a brilliant marketing decision for Springfield to try to hide the fact that the XD is from Croatia, because if they had come right out and said it, the XD would be referred to as "that cheap piece of crude plastic south american crap.:barf: :barf: :barf: I would rather die than use that slavic POS blah blah my grandfather carried a glock in world war two and ate beef jerky weekly, and he said external safeties are for women..."

You get my point.

Im not being mean, I'm just stomping some ignorance. It bothers me for people to get very narrow minded about who is making what and oh thats all the same anyway and they dont have apple pie and hot dogs, or at the very least, they didnt make the BMW.

Quality can come from ANYWHERE. Cheap crap can come from ANYWHERE.

Edit: To add further emphasis, Springfield 1911s are Brazilian.


New member
OK, so you don't like the Glock which is made in Austria and you don't like the XD which is made in Croatia.

So what's your point?
My point: Quality can come from ANYWHERE. Cheap crap can come from ANYWHERE.

I didnt mention that I love my Italian beretta, my Russian mosin-nagant, my yugoslavian K98 and yugoslavian SKS, my Polish mosin-nagant, my Canadian Enfield.....

Quality can come from ANYWHERE. Cheap crap can come from ANYWHERE.


New member
In all candor, which gun will we still be talking about twenty years from now; which will likely still have a significant LE presence? You fill in the blanks.

Glock isn't perfect. But, they can sure make a greater claim thus far to have provided an answer for many looking for a reliable, durable, and affordable sidearm than the Croatian sensation. It is a well-engineered design which works for most. Honestly, it probably still works just fine for many of those who've adopted the XD; some of those folks like change and saving a few bucks ices the cake for them. So be it.

That said, everyone justifies their purchases in some way...it is only human.

Shoot what you like...live and let live.
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