Springfield XD 45....NRA handgun of the year '06

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I just got an XD45 w/ an XML light last week...nice , practical weapon. It'll never replace the 1911, but it has it's place, at least in my house. I bought it for a bedside table gun. It replaces an $800 1911, a $150 Surefire and a $30 Wilson spare mag. Less clutter, and all for $550! Same firepower and utility for half the price! :D
The grip angle fits my hand which the Glock does not. The trigger started out at 7lb with a lot of creep. After 200 rds, most of the creep is gone and it breaks cleanly at 5 lbs. As an aside, I just don't like Glock's triggers. It is not as accurate as my 5" 1911, but damned close. It has less perceived recoil and muzzle flip probably due to the weight. Yes, it's ugly and too ungainly to carry, but it's a fine weapon in it's own right.


Then why is the Hillary Hole still in the side of every S&W revolver made? Looks like they are buggering things up just fine on their own, no agreement necessary."

Because Safe-T-Hammer is the developer of the internal lock that is now on the S&W. Some speculate (correctly, in my opinion) that Safe-T-Hammer bought S&W as a vehicle to expand their internal lock market and have it become the industry standard.


If that is true Ron, then it is the most vile, anti-freedom, marketing plan I have ever heard of.

It is also monumentally stupid as most people hate them on S&W products. Why would any other gun maker run the risk of alienating their customers?

That's right Saf-T-Hammer was banking on a governmental diktat.:rolleyes:


New member
I go with the personal preference position. I see discussions ( sometimes downright arguments) where it's clear people are married to their guns. I figure if you like it there's no argument. A couple weeks ago I handled an XD and just plain didn't like it. I didn't like how it looks and I didn't like how it felt in my hand (I found it way too light in the top for me). Just my preference. I have no polymer pistols simply because I don't care to own any. Your choice of gun and caliber is none of my business. Guns are like dogs, in general I like them all but I may not like yours.


New member
I've owned two Glocks a 17 and a 19, sold them both. I shot my nieghbor's XD 40 and liked it, it pointed well for me. I've learnt the importance of a gun that points well and this is a primary criterion when I buy a gun it needs to fit just like the shoes I wear. When I point a gun at something and then look at the sights I want everything to be aligned , the Glock does not do this for me the XD 40 and the XD 45 I fondled today does :)
I will not change the way I hold a handgun so I can shoot a Glock well, the others would revolt !
In response to Handy's comments, I only shop at one gun dealer, and their Glock prices are running $550-600. I don't recall ever mentioning the fact that the Glocks were the same price as the XD's, because they are not. Don't tell me that I don't know the prices of Glocks compared to XD's, when I live out here in Colorado and I visit this particular gun shop on a regular basis. How the hell would you know anyway, do you live in Colorado?? :p Don't accuse me of being dishonest, I know what I see. Do me another favor, quit trying to be so high and mighty, picking my post's apart word for word, its starting to piss me off. If I ever mentioned the fact that XD's were the same price of Glock's out here, then that was my mistake, that would have been a false statement.

By the way, I wasn't trying to imply that the XD was the greatest gun ever invented, because its not. I just mentioned the fact that this is the second time the XD series has won this award, in my OPINION, its a winning design.

Do you honestly believe that Springfield would put their name on a peice of junk??? They are not going to risk their reputation and name on a junk pistol. The XD is a solid, well designed, quality gun at a good price. Of course that is my subjective opinion. :p


New member
I love my new XD45 because it fits my hand better then my Glock 26 or 27 and I love my Glocks. I had a Glock 23 that I did not care for at all, go figure. Will it be my primary carry gun? I hope so but I'm not sure yet. The grip is somewhat long and the entire pistol is harder to conceal then either the 26 or 27 but I love how the XD shoots.

A little off topic but in answer to someone's question.
But can you please let me know why S&W is being boycotted???
One reason and one reason only. It's because they rolled over and gave in to the anti-gun lobbyists and put the Internal Locks on their guns and it's for that reason I'll never again own another Smith & Wesson firearm.


New member
Dammit, I need to pick this up as soon as possible.

The price has already gone from $480 to $500 in the last week.


New member
I like the XD a whole lot more than a glock, I have a G21, and only rented the XD...XD wins for me hands down.


New member
Glock vs. XD ...

One is probably as good as the other. But you can't blame one or the other company for the prices of their guns.

A M&P for example costs more than a H&K USP in Europe. I know very few people (in fact no one) who'd say that the M&P is superior and that the higher price is justified.

Harley Quinn

Price has a lot to do with it for some people

You go into a gun store and find a good shooter on sale/used pretty inexpensive and boom you lay down the cash.

Years ago when pistol's were fairly expensive 17L for example.
People would drive an 80 mile round trip to save 10 bucks, crazy.
Discount is the big thing, always has been for some.

They don't buy from the local guy they go to the net or to the gun show. :rolleyes:

If they did away with gunshows it might help the local gun shop. Wal Mart comes to mind.

Yea, I think price has a lot to do with it, for some. Go out and buy hundreds of dollars for reloading equipment, then not even shoot the gun but 500 rounds a year, LOL.

With the newer semi autos you are better off just shooting the new stuff, for the average Joe/George or Mary.

I think I will go rent an xd and see what all this ruckus is about.:D



New member
The award is nothing more than marketing hype, that allows the Fan Boys on either side of the issue to get a "Woodie".
Pre-pubescent Testosterone Overload (PTO)...:D


New member
The award is nothing more than marketing hype, that allows the Fan Boys on either side of the issue to get a "Woodie".
Pre-pubescent Testosterone Overload (PTO)...


Taurus won more than it's fair share of awards...and half the people here think Taurus builds nothing but junk.

Then there was the Model 70 Winchester WSSM rifle of the year. So good their sales dropped and the entire plant was closed along with killing the model 70.

So its safe to say the XD is as good as a Taurus or a rifle that was dropped due to low sales.

NRA gun of the year means nothing. Buy a XD because you like em' not because someone told you they were the best.


New member
..I like guns made when they were machined and fitted by skilled workers and finely polished and blued by people who were proud of their work...so give me another pre-70 Colt 45 anytime over today's 'stuff'....its the difference between buying a gun and buying a gun you truly admire...


New member
Admiration comes in different guises. BHP's, 1911's, S&W and Colt revolvers of bygone eras, have an intrinsic appeal while being business-like.
Today's polymers have an all-together different appeal. Modern, futuristic, black and also business-like. Both should be appreciated for their design, engineering and function.


New member
in theory that may be true...but in reality I have found that futuristic-design generally means simpler, plainer and uglier...(the plain box design)


New member
There is no theory about it. There is reasoning behind every design. Buying a gun strictly on appearance is a subjective view.
While I appreciate the esthetics of my 1911 and Smiths, form and function is the prime requisite. Beauty is not only a visual attribute. There is beauty in simplicity.

Harley Quinn

Frenchy, you sound like an engineer I once knew.

He felt simplicty was the best design to go for and work toward.

Like a, right cross delivered on the button.;)



New member
I chose XD

I went into buying my first handgun a year ago, absolutely convinced I wanted a Glock. I'd shot a friend's and had no problem with it. The combination of the grip safety, the lower price, and the more ergonomic grip design were what decided me for the XD. But you know, I love Irish terriers and other people can't stand terriers of any type and would hate 'em. So this comes down to preference and individual comfort.

However, Glocks are more expensive. I was at Gander Mtn this afternoon, taking a look in person at the little CZ subcompact I posted about on the Semiauto forum, and I did a price check. A .40 Glock was $590, a Springfield, with the whole gear setup (magazine holder, holster, speedloader, and the gun) was $490. Prices vary a bit depending on model and whether it's a subcompact or not, but across the board, the XDs are cheaper than the Glocks of the same type.

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