Springfield EMP 9mm 1911


New member

Well, I was fortunate enough to have personally added an initial-production EMP 9mm to my collection, and I can not say enough good things about it.... Let me take a quick shot at an initial report.

First, in terms of its size, the EMP slide appears to be of dimensions very similar to my Kimber Ultra CDP II and both guns fit the kydex holster I have for the Kimber. But the grip frame is smaller on the EMP, and it feels much smaller and more comfortable than the actual dimensions might suggest. Holding the Kimber and then holding the EMP...like night and day. I am a 1911 fanatic and have average-size to large hands, but I still like the smaller grip frame of the EMP the best.

The gun is beautifully made and came out of the box as tight as any new 1911 I have ever purchased (it was so tight, it worried me at first). I lubed it up good and hoped for the best.

I have taken the gun to the range (where it obviously drew a good bit of attention) on two separate occasions, firing 100 rounds of standard velocity hardball on each occasion. During the first range trip, reliability was sketchy at best. Virtually every type jam conceivable occurred, but the problems seemed to taper off toward the end of the first session. Accuracy was EXCEPTIONAL.

During the 100 rounds of my next trip to the range, there was not a single bobble or jam. Totally reliable. Accuracy was incredible. And it was easy to shoot.

I like the gun a good bit, and am now anxiously awaiting a 4" and 5" version from Springfield (I know that is coming, because I truly believe Springfield has hit on a gold mine. The combination of smaller grip frame and the 9mm is great.)

I hope this gives some insight into the gun. It is a keeper.



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Boarhunters new EMP - comparison pictures







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As long as we're having a look at your new EMP, I wonder if you can take a couple of measurements that I'm curious about.

The specs on Springfield's website aren't that complete, so I'd like to know ALL the dimensions of the EMP (using a digital caliper if you have one), including;

Width of slide at widest point
Width of grip at widest point
Length of slide from tip of barrel back back to the face at rear of slide.
Overall length
Overall height
Distance of grip from where the bottom of the trigger guard meets the frame down to the end of the grip



New member
I will get my IT Guy (Solvability) to take the measurements and share them with you. I shoot my guns...and have never measured a single one! But the measurements and the pictures will not tell the story...you just have to handle one to appreciate its markedly-different feel. And it is great.

But in English, the slide appears identical in exterior diminsion to the Ultra CDP and Kydex for one fits the other (at least in my collection). It is the frame that is slightly smaller...smaller grip; shorter grip; shorter from grip to trigger; shorter from grip to trigger guard. But enough to make all the difference in the world.

The sticker price on the gun was just south of $1500, but the gun I got was out of the initial production run...serial number EMP4XX...and I believe I may have gotten one of the first available after the famous guys, the big collectors, and the gun writers got theirs. I would imagine the prices will drop significantly over time.

But, at least to me, the gun is worth every penny of its asking price.



New member
They'd better. I could get two Kimber Ultra Carry II's for that. I love
Springfield's guns....but I don't love them $1500 worth. Wow! :eek:



New member

Unless I am seriously mistaken, the reduced-size 1911s are going to sell like hotcakes and the other manufacturers are going to jump on the bandwagon. And when that happens, the prices are sure to get more reasonable. Because if the prices do not come down, I will not be adding any new ones to my collection any time soon. As it is, I am beholding to my bride for a very, very long time!



What Boarhunter didn't add is this is basically the frame SA developed for their "Defender", or reduced size pistol for the .45GAP. Right after it came out, the writers were suggesting it be made in .40S&W and 9mm. You may can find more specs if you 'google' Springfield Defender (not to be confused with Colt Defender). I remember an American Rifleman article that went into great detail about the specs.

My own Colt Defender has been fitted with Wilson Ultrathin panels, but I'll bet this one feels even better.

Edit: The article is in the May 2005 issue. According to the article, everything on the rear of the pistol has been moved 0.165 forward. The mag well dimensions are reduced approximately the same amount. The article states its as if the frame had been sliced down the middle and then put back together (chopped and channeled for car buffs). Article also states that the extractor, firing pin, FP spring, and trigger are shorter. And the distance from the breechface to the rear of the slide. It is also slightly more than 1/4" smaller in circumference.


New member
Thanks for the additional information, smince.

It is amazing how such small changes can have such significant impact on the feel of the gun.



New member
Ok, I got the scoop on EMP 9mm mags (I called Springfield this morning).

Springfield is taking telephone orders now for replacement/extra mags at a retail price of approximately $23 per. Or, you can order by mail using the discount coupon that comes with the gun and your price will be $19.50.

If you use the discount coupon, you will have to add the part number for the mag, as it is not now listed on the form...Part Number is PI6070 and you should also note "EMP 9mm" on the form.

All current shipments of mags are going out with the new guns (not surprisingly), so Springfield quoted a delivery date of 120 days for replacement/extra mags (although delivery may be shorter than that, they are advising buyers of a conservative delivery date).

Springfield indicated there was no quicker source for mags at this time since the mag is proprietary to the gun.

I am putting my order in for several more mags today.



New member
Ok, help me out here. If I already have an XD9 SC, is there really any reason for me to get the EMP other than the fact that it looks really ...REALLY cool?


New member
I apologize if I came across as knocking anyone's decision to do so. I guess I see guns more as tools to perform a certain function(s). Since I already have a tool that performs that function, it doesn't make alot of sense for me to but another one.


New member

You did not, and I was being flippant. And I am sorry. Yours is a very good question. Let me cover a meeting this morning, and then I will reply. Properly.

But the bottom line is that there is no reason to replace one good reliable accurate firearm that you like and shoot well with another....



New member
Troy, most likely the prime reason is that the 1911 platform with a really good barrel is going to give you even better accuracy than the XD (which is not slouch itself, that's for sure). I didn't expect this, but the first time I shot my Kimber Ultra Carry (very similar construction) I shot better than I had after a year's practice with the XD (and that was still pretty good). It made a believer out of me as to what a really well-crafted 1911 can do.



New member
Awsome! Springfield Armory re-invented my STAR model B :D

I will get one though. But I'll hold out for a 4 or 5 inch barrel model.


New member
I will get one though. But I'll hold out for a 4 or 5 inch barrel model.

I intend on getting the EMP sometime in the future. But I think the perfect version would be weapon using the EMP frame, but a 4 inch slide/barrel. It would have the benefits of the full 9mm ballistics, longer sight radius, with the very reduced butt signature conducive to concealed carry.


New member
Ok, help me out here. If I already have an XD9 SC, is there really any reason for me to get the EMP other than the fact that it looks really ...REALLY cool?

Troy, the one reason to consider the EMP is that it's a single stack vs. a double stack like the XD9SC (of which I also have).

I'm not considering the EMP as a replacement for my XD9SC, but as a potential replacement for my Walther .380 PP.

From the limited specs given on the Springfield website, the specs that they do offer are virtually identical to my Walther.
Since my Walther is the smallest and flattest of any pistol I own, it's THE pistol I grab when I dress for 100 degree heat here in Houston.

If it turns out that the EMP is as small and flat as my Walther, I may seriously consider replacing my .380 Walther with the 9mm EMP.
If the EMP does not offer a size advantage, then I'll stay with the Walther.



New member
how funny

Carter, you and I have one main reason for the EMP and they're not the same, but they're both spot on.

When the price comes down, I'll be looking at one of these. Maybe Christmas 2007!!! (Archerandshooter, are you paying attention????)



New member

I return from my meeting to find that others have appropriately answered your question in my absence!

I own and occasionally shoot the high capacity "plastic" guns (though a Glock...particularly the model 19...is what I usually turn to from that category), and I like them very, very much. And shoot them well. But there is something about the 1911 platform that brings out my best and most confident shooting. And the smaller grip of the EMP feels so much better (to me) than the full-size 1911s.

So, do not trade if you are satisfied with the gun you have...it is a great gun...but if you like 9mm and you decide you might like to try out the 1911 platform, the EMP might be a good way to go.

By the way, I was at Larry's Pistol and Pawn in Huntsville, Alabama, earlier today, and Larry has priced an EMP 9mm at $959 (just to give you an idea what the prices might be on the gun).
