Some advice if you are going to move to Texas.

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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bubba:
There are one or two fellers rount here that fly planes.... they call it... hunert n fiddy mile un our tape...

(Its hard to type with an accent.) :D

And I am STILL bringing my own supply of Rudy's Extra Lean Brisket to the Carolina Cup IDPA match cuz Pig AIN'T BBQ! :p Frank. grin


[This message has been edited by Bubba (edited June 12, 2000).]
Sir!! I'm from NC, and YOU HAVE BLASPHEMED!!!

(ps :D :D)

From the Committee to Use Proffesional Politicians as Lab Animals
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bad Kiki! No karaoke in the house!
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New member
Street signs in Texas: We don't need no stinkin' street signs. If y'all don't already know where you're goin', then y'all got no business goin' there.

Drivers in Texas: We really like Yankee tourists. We show that by gestures that say we think they're "Number One". Course, we don't use the INDEX finger like you'd expect up north . . .

Stoplights in Texas: Red lights mean go if you feel like it, or if your pickup is bigger than anything in the cross traffic.

Austin ain't Texas. We call it "Moscow on the Colorado."

Example of Texas attitude: Two women on a plane, one from Texas, one from NYC. Texas gal smiles and says "Where y'all from?" NYC gal sniffs and says "I'm from a place where we know better than to end a sentence with a preposition." Texas gal thinks a moment, smiles, and says "OK - Where y'all from...bitch?"


Staff Emeritus
Saturday my wife and I drove to Shiner, Texas (of course), to visit my daughter and son(-in-law). On the 190-mile jaunt we saw:

- A pasture with about a hundred head of buffalo (what y'all call "bison").
- Grazin' land with four cowboys (okay, two were cowgirls) bringing in a small herd cattle (including some darned fine lookin' longhorns!).
- Two boys (drivin' a pickup) helping a lady by changing a tire on her Texas Cadillac (y'all call it a Chevy Suburban).
- Some American Legion volunteers pickin' up trash along "their" 2-mile stretch of country road.
- A bunch of other things we, in Texas, tend to take for granted.
- Best of all, I got to see our kids and some of their kin.
- Second best, I got to see again the little ole Spoetzl brewery in Shiner, Texas. The home of all those finer Shiner beers.

Aw, c'mon, y'all. Give a friend a Shiner! ;)


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by HankB:
Stoplights in Texas: Red lights mean go if you feel like it, or if your pickup is bigger than anything in the cross traffic.

Hank, don't you know red is really pink and yellow is just a pale shade of green.


New member
Reading these posts make me homesick. :(
Shore wish I wuz back in Texas. :)

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."


New member
"40. We don't wear cowboy boots and cowboy hats, not in the cities anyway. If you do people will say, 'You ain't from around here are ya?'."

It is ok, however, to wear boots on casual Fridays, along with a wide belt with your first name embossed on the back and a great big fancy buckle.

Be careful badmouthing the oil industry when you're in cities like Midland, Fort Worth, Houston, or San Angelo- those 4 big old guys behind you might be oilfield workers.

Gopher a 45

New member
The phrase, "Well, back in California, we did (insert activity here) this way." ain't gonna win you any friends, not even in Austin anymore. "Moscow on the Colorado" though it may be. Good description, however. :D

Also, when visiting the Alamo for the first time, refrain from saying, "It's a lot smaller than I thought it would be."

[This message has been edited by Gopher a 45 (edited June 14, 2000).]


New member
Thing that has always impressed me about the Alamo is the way they seemed to have built the whole damned city AROUND it.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I have to say that I like Austin.

There are good shooting buddies and training
there. There are some good gunstores and ranges. There are some excellent restaurants - good sushi !!

Good bookstores and movies. Some nice hiking trails.

Reasonable destinations nearby. I even enjoy seeing the strange folk from the University.
They are pleasantly weird and I was one of them in my college youth.

So I don't agree with some of them on gun issues but its a fun place.


New member
I just sent this whole thing to my little brother (6-6 300) in Oxnard Calif, he can share with the ole Texas boys there and can train those less fortunate ones that are not from Texas.

Ya'll take care Les, and git back here soon.

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