Some advice if you are going to move to Texas.

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New member
And about some of those older roads we might have, you could hear a comment like,

"If ya'll thank this is rough ya shouda seen if before they fixed it"


New member
Darth, right you are and you better know that Dr Pepper was invented in Waco.

Greg L, outside Texas you can get away with comments like that. In Texas those might be considered 'fightin' words' and someone might decide that you 'need killin'.

LawDog, how could I forget the Bluebonnets. They are to look at.

45. DO NOT TRAMPLE THROUGH THE BLUEBONNETS TO PLACE YOUR CHILD IN THE MIDDLE OF A FIELD TO TAKE A PICTURE. You are not the first one to have thought of it and if the other 4,867,533 people who thought of it did it then everyone would think that Bluebonnet were flat and grew close to the ground.

This is why the fields are watched by Tx DPS Troopers. You will be fined if you hurt the field.

Texaken, or 'At least it's paved'.

46. If you hear the term, 'Git a rope!' You did not heed the warning from #6 and you are in trouble.

47. Ladies, if you hear a yelp out the window of a passing vehicle, a loud 'WOO!', that is a compliment. Something on the order of, 'She's finer than a new set of mudders.'

48. People in Texas have guns. If you do something that you are not suppose to you might get shot over it. Get use to it, that's the way things are. If you don't like it, don't come here.

49. If you are single, the bench seat in a pickup is very short. That is why the girl in the truck sits in the middle.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
And from "Down in the Desert":

Touron*: "Have you lived here all your life?"

Local: "Not yet."

Spring Break Touron: "Here I am! Where's all the wimmen?"

Lady Bartender: "There's only two, and you just hacked me off..."

*Touron: Cross between tourist and moron.

Hasta luego, Art


Staff Emeritus
Goodness, how could I forget the bullethole? If it's in the roof, it's covered by a square of metal cut from a beer can and held in place by duck tape. (Note: Not duct tape.)

The uplifted index finger salute is one of the things that baffles furriners the most. That, and being called "Sugar" or "Honey" by waiteresses, and other women you don't even know.

Anybody competing in a rodeo is tougher than you are. This is a fact.

When the National Anthem is played at the beginning of a rodeo, stand up if you are able. If you don't, you may never stand up again.

It's a Ro-dee-o, not a ro-Day-o.


[This message has been edited by LawDog (edited June 10, 2000).]


New member
LOL. Easy there. I never said Texans had trouble driving in white mud. ;) Seems they love to do it from what I saw! ;) cause so very few of 'em stopped, if 'ya catch my drift. ;)

I think the '83 (really New Years Eve '83-New Years day '84)hehe I joke that I left Dallas one year and ended up in El Paso the next. Spent a year in Texas one day. Texans were just a bit miffed about 3 days of snow and were looking to take it out on any and everything that reminded them of it.

The scary part about this thread is it's all pretty much true, from what I observed ;) ESPECIALLY the one about just driving off the Interstate when the mood strikes! EXIT! WE DON"T NEED NO STINKING EXIT!!! LOL!

All kidding aside, you folks in Texas sure do have a lot of pride in your State. Too damn little of that going around these days. I look at the pitiful attempts of other States to instill some sense of false pride in their residents, and how far they fall short of the mark. Bless you all and long live Texas!

Greg L

New member

That's why I told it to you when we were both in KY. :D (of course having three other armed Texans behind me at the time wasn't the smartest thing I had ever done (don't think that their cups of coffee had hit their brains at that point))


Eric of IN

New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by LawDog:

Anybody competing in a rodeo is tougher than you are. This is a fact.

When the National Anthem is played at the beginning of a rodeo, stand up if you are able. If you don't, you may never stand up again.

I'm not sure about this part, but if it's "Anybody that is competing in a Texas rodeo", then I'd say it's true. I ride bulls here in IN, but we don't normally have the quality of bulls that TX has on a regular basis. BTW It's not toughness that gets you on a 2000 pound critter that's had it's... umm never mind if you don't know how they get bull to buck, you probably don't want to. Stupidity gets you on the bull the first time, after that it's just stubborness.

I occasionaly go to a honky tonk that plays the National Anthem before the band takes the stage, and if you don't stand up and take off your hat, you WILL be stood up and have it removed for you. (If you're lucky, they won't remove your head with it.)


Formerly Puddle Pirate.
Teach a kid to shoot.
It annoys the antis.
"But Officer I HAVE to have all these guns in the truck, I'm going to TFL End of Summer Meet"


New member
That's right, Lawdawg, it is duck tape! I had a Yankee friend make fun of me for saying it that way once. She got the "You-ain't-from-around-here" look. Never made fun of my accent again.LOL! :)

Jeff, I'd love to taste some of the DP they still produce at the plant in Waco, it's still made with real cane sugar, not that corn syrup crap!!!

I've made quite a few exits off of freeways, (heck even to get into a left turn lane) myself, and as of now I don't have me a F250! I got a mere Honda CRV, a definite NON-TEXAN car. Jedi and I don't know what in the be-jeebers possessed us to trade in our F150 for that pea-shooter. We're lookin' forward to next Spring when we can rectify the sitiation. :D

"At last we shall reveal ourselves to the Gun-Grabbers, at last we shall have revenge at The TFL End of Summer Meet on August 12 & 13, 2000..."

...sigh...So many guns, so little money...

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum because she keeps fat-fingering the keyboard.(edited June 11, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum (edited June 11, 2000).]


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jeff OTMG:
26. If you come up behind slower moving vehicle on a two lane road and it pulls on to the shoulder, it is letting you go by. That is called "courtesy".[/quote]

I remember this when I was at TAMU for grad school. A cop pulled off to the side to let me pass. I was amazed.


New member
When in Texas (or Arizona for that matter), you had better get used to rodeo. It is both a noun and a verb. If, while at the rodeo, you say "what's that strap for on the back of that poor bull" ,you will get "You ain't from around here are ya." ;)


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Art Eatman:
Touron*: "Have you lived here all your life?"
Local: "Not yet."
Just wasted a cold Dr. Pepper. Somebody give me a towel.
As for duck tape (in my neck of the woods) when involved in automotive work it may be referred to as chrome.


New member
There are one or two fellers rount here that fly planes.... they call it... hunert n fiddy mile un our tape...

(Its hard to type with an accent.) :D

And I am STILL bringing my own supply of Rudy's Extra Lean Brisket to the Carolina Cup IDPA match cuz Pig AIN'T BBQ! :p Frank. grin


[This message has been edited by Bubba (edited June 12, 2000).]


New member
You forgot the classic bumper sticker:
"Don't Mess With Texas!"

Unfortunately, we can't TOUCH Tex-Mex up north, although Italian food is almost unheard of down there.

Although the BBQ isn't entirely true.
#1) You do BBQ PORK ribs... and they're good.
#2) I know of several good BBQ joints up North... yes, and east.

I would probably get "the look" a lot if I lived there. I'm not rude enough to get into a fight, but if I were looking for chai latte's, I'd certainly get the look (of course, I did discover that drink in Austin, shown to be by a woman from Shiner, no less).

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Barbacoa is not BBQ

There are 4 seasons.

Almost Summer, Summer, Still Summer, Deer Season

It is nothing to drive 30 miles to get to the right BBQ place for dinner. Such distances in the East would flip out the natives.

Yes, that is a scorpion crawling up the wall next to you in the bathroom of your new house.


New member
Just got back from a road trip to Arizona travelling I-10 the whole way, and let me add a couple notes about driving in Texas.
If you're going through Houston, don't get comfortable in any lane you're in, because it's about to end.
If you get off the interstate in El Paso, don't get too attached to your paint job because there is someone driving near you(most likely from just across the river in Juarez) who is not very attached to theirs and is used to driving in a Third World country.

Jim V

New member
Something else about driving through Houston, if it starts to rain, I mean really rain and you are on an expressway, exit now 'cause that highway is 'bout to become a lake.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"


New member
When a friend of mine PCS'd to Fort Hood, he drove in from Atlanta via I-20. At the Texas line the song "God Bless Texas" was playing and, a how shall we say, a well endowed blonde was riding her horse down the median in a pair of Wranglers and a Bikini top.

Needless to say, he found it to be an excellent introduction to the state!


New member
In many towns, saying "you take your high school football too seriously" is an offense.

It is the people who are prisoners of their own ignorance about firearms that pose the greatest threat to our 2nd Amendment Rights.
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