Some advice if you are going to move to Texas.

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New member
Many seemed to enjoy the thread on how a gun is better than a woman and we seem to have many Texans posting as well as threads asking about that great state, so I have a few suggestions to offer if you are considering a move to help you settle in easier. Anybody want to add any others please feel free.

1. Save all manner of bacon grease. You will be instructed later how to use it.

2. Just because you can drive on snow and ice does not mean we can. Stay home the two days of the year it snows like the rest of us.

3. If you do run your car into a ditch, don't panic. Four men in the cab of a four wheel drive with a 6-pack of beer and a tow chain will be along shortly. Don't try to help them. Just stay out of their way. This is what they live for. (the 6-pack was a 'tip' from the last person they pulled out so it would be nice if you would be so generous. An alternative tip would be a brick or .22 ammo if you don't drink.)

4. Don't be surprised to find movie rentals & bait in the same store. Also don't complain about not having a good selection of new releases, it ain't Blockbuster.

5. Remember: "Y'all" is singular. "All y'all" is plural. "All y'all's" is plural possessive.

6. Get used to hearing, "You ain't from around here, are ya?" If you do hear it, it is an insult, you have done something wrong. Think about it.

7. If you want to make a joke of it, before you ask a question, preface it with 'I'm not from around here, but I was wondering...?'

8. If you are yelling at the person driving 15 mph in a 55 mph zone, directly in the middle of the road, remember, many folks learned to drive on a model of vehicle known as John Deere, and this is the proper speed and lane position for that vehicle. On the other hand you could be in Austin.

9. If you hear a Texan exclaim, "Hey, y'all, watch this!" STAY OUT OF THE WAY AND WATCH. These are likely the last words he will ever say. If they aren't then you can fit right in by doing the same thing.

10. Get used to the phrase "It's not the heat, it's the humidity". And the collateral phrase "You call this hot? Wait'll August."

11. There are no delis. Don't ask.

12. In conversation, never put your hand on a man's shoulder when making a point, especially in a bar, especially in Austin.

13. Chili does NOT have beans in it.

14. Brisket is not 'cooked' in an oven.

15. We don't care how you did where you came from. This is Texas. If we wanted to do it that way we would move there.

16. If you think it's too hot, don't worry. It'll cool down-in December. Someone might say, 'You ain't from around here are ya?' That's a clue, if you piss and moan about you will give Texans a bad name.

17. We do TOO have 4 Seasons: December, January, February, and Summer!

18. A Mercedes Benz is not a status symbol. A Ford F-250 is. (or for some of you an F-350 or any other dually). If you don't know what a dually is 'you ain't from around here'.

19. If someone tells you "Don't worry, those peppers they ain't hot" you can be certain that you will be able to light the fire in your fireplace by breathing on the wood. If they warn you that the peppers are hot you will not be able to light the fire because your breath would melt the stone and brick around your fireplace if you breathed on it.

20. If you fail to heed my warning in #19 above, be sure to have a bowl of guacamole handy. Water won't do it, but a Shiner will help. The alcohol helps break down the alkaloids in the pepper.

21. Rocky Mountain oysters are NOT oysters. They aren't even from the ocean. Don't ask.

22. If someone says they're "fixin" to do something, that doesn't mean anything's broken, but they probably won't be around there for long.

23. Don't even think of ordering a strawberry daiquiri (unless you are in a bar in Austin where it is okay to put your hand on another man's shoulder, usually has a neon rainbow sign in the window). What you really mean to say is 'margarita'.

24. If you don't understand our passion for college and high school football just keep your mouth shut or you will hear, 'You ain't from around here are ya?'.

25. The value of a parking space is not determined by the distance to the door, but the availability of shade.

26. If you come up behind slower moving vehicle on a two lane road and it pulls on to the shoulder, it is letting you go by. That is called "courtesy".

27. BBQ is a food group. It does NOT mean grilling burgers and hotdogs outdoors.

28. BBQ has nothing to do with a grill and charcoal.

29. Pig is a breakfast animal.

30. We BBQ beef. If you go to a BBQ restaurant and ask for something from a pig, the server will say, 'You ain't from around here are ya?'.

31. No matter what you've seen on TV, Texans do NOT line dance.

32. "Tea" = Iced Tea. There is no other kind.

33. Everything goes better with Ranch dressing.

34. When driving you must know the 'Lugnut Rule'. The vehicle with the most lugnuts has the right of way. (count lugnuts on all wheels: motorcycle=2, Renault LeCar=12, VW=16, Caddy=20, F250=24, F350=32)

35. When buying a house and you are told the price do not flop out your checkbook and say, 'I'll take it!'

36. Get you license plates changed as soon as possible. If you have license plates from Ca. or any state east of the Mississippi River and north of Ky (especially NY or NJ) this is especially important.

37. Get to like the Dallas Cowboys and San Antonio Spurs.

38. Learn to talk slow.

39. Be nice. If you walk around with an attitude problem you will have a miserable life. If you are rude to the wait staff in the restaurant the manager might kick you out.

40. We don't wear cowboy boots and cowboy hats, not in the cities anyway. If you do people will say, 'You ain't from around here are ya?'.

41. The Alamo is in San Antonio. Know this. Never make a bad comment about anything related to the Alamo.

42. Texas is BIG. The biggest state in the United States. Don't argue about it, accept it. We all know it is true.

43. Women in Texas are BEAUTIFUL. If you don't believe me go sit in an airport in Texas then in St Louis or Indianapolis.

44. Women in Texas don't turn gray. Somehow they turn blond.

I am sure there are others. Anyone?

[This message has been edited by Jeff OTMG (edited June 10, 2000).]

Greg L

New member

Regarding #42 I refer you to our early Sunday morning conversation at Rajah's a few weeks ago. :D :p



Staff Emeritus
Get a pickup.

Get a dog for the back of the pickup.

Get a rifle rack for the window of the pickup. In said rifle rack, put a .22 rifle, two fish poles, a coil of rope, and a gimme hat(No cerveza--no trabajo).

Shotgun shells and .22LR cartridges should be sprinkled generously on the dashboard. A garter from the Little Lady should hang from the rear view mirror.

Various bumper stickers should go onto the bumper of the truck. May I suggest:

Support the Beef Industry--run over a chicken.

Yankees 1. Rebels 0. Halftime.

Love NY? Take I35 East.

Texas. Love it or leave it.

American by birth, Texan by the Grace of God.

These are a good starting set.

Pickup etiquette.

Do not touch someone else's pickup without that person's permission. And darn sure don't use the bed of someone else's pickup as a trash bin.

If you and the Little Lady don't have any young-uns yet, then there is only one door on that pickup. The door on the passenger side mysteriously appears just before the birth of your first child.

When you pass someone in your pickup, raise the index finger of your right hand. Should you raise the so-called social digit, please make sure that your medical policy is paid in full.

Above all, don't pick the lovely bluebonnets that you see growing on the shoulders and medians of Texas highways. Those bluebonnets don't belong to you or Mother Nature. They belong to the Texas Department of Highways, and TxDOH gets agitated when someone kills their flowers.

Drive courteously. Texans are still a little peeved at the invention of concrete highways, so mind your manners.



New member
Jeff, I think you just about covered it, except one more I thought of:

Don't ever ask for a soda, soda-pop, or pop. It's COKE or in most cases Dr Pepper (if you're a REAL Texan). If you ask for a soda-pop, you'll get "You ain't from around here, are ya?" :D

"At last we shall reveal ourselves to the Gun-Grabbers, at last we shall have revenge at The TFL End of Summer Meet on August 12 & 13, 2000..."


New member
"Drive courteously. Texans are still a little peeved at the invention of concrete highways, so mind your manners."

No kiddin! Nothing "gets my goat" more than being passed up by a Yankee talkin' on a cellphone. (NY plates put you in real danger)

Oh, and in TX, women do drive trucks as much as their men do, so it's best not make any comments about that.

"At last we shall reveal ourselves to the Gun-Grabbers, at last we shall have revenge at The TFL End of Summer Meet on August 12 & 13, 2000..."

[This message has been edited by Darthmaum (edited June 10, 2000).]


Staff Emeritus
Things you don't want to say in Texas:

1. We don't keep firearms in this house.
2. You can't feed that to the dog.
3. I thought Graceland was tacky.
4. No kids in the back of the pick-up, it's not safe.
5. Wrasslin's fake.
6. Honey, did you mail that donation to Greenpeace?
7. We're vegetarians.
8. I'll have grapefruit instead of biscuits and gravy.
9. Honey, these bonsai trees need watering?
10. Who's Richard Petty?
11. Deer heads detract from the decor.
12. Spitting is such a nasty habit.
13. Trim the fat off that steak.
14. Cappuccino tastes better than espresso.
15. The tires on that truck are too big.
16. I'll have the arugula and radicchio salad.
17. I've got it all on a floppy disk.
18. Unsweetened tea tastes better.
19. Would you like your fish poached or broiled?
20. My fiancee, Paula Jo, is registered at Tiffany's.
21. Banana moon pies have too many fat grams.
22. Checkmate.
23. She's too old to be wearing that bikini.
24. She's too young to be wearing that bikini.
25. Does the salad bar have bean sprouts?
26. I don't have a favorite college team.
27. I believe you cooked those green beans too long.
28. Those shorts ought to be a little longer, Mary Beth.
29. Elvis who?


[This message has been edited by LawDog (edited June 10, 2000).]


New member
1. Do not put a Green Peace sticker on your car.
2. Do not put a Gore sticker on your car.
3. Never touch another man's hat or cap (or wife)
4.Order grits at the truckstops.
5. Never complain about the grits you ordered.
6. Never complain.
7. Get a Bass boat.
8. Get a CHL.
9. Remember: those are breakfast Tacos, not burritos.
10.Never be afraid to fill up your gas ( or diesel) tank.
11.Never speed through the following towns,
Comfort, Tx
Hondo, Tx
Bandera, Tx

Jim V

New member
Get use to seeing driverw use their F250's to make their own exits from teh "Super Slab" if the state did not think of puttin' one where people want to exit.

Ne Conjuge Nobiscum
"If there be treachery, let there be jehad!"


New member
While we are on the subject of F-250s, never tail gate an F 250 ( or anyone as far as that goes).
Never use your horn, it will be a dead give-a-way you are a Yankee.
Always be friendly, never wave with just one finger, never.

[This message has been edited by M1A1John (edited June 10, 2000).]

Gopher .45

New member
I thought this was going to be some funny slam on Texas bumpkins, but most of the stuff so far is fairly accurate.

Some other observations:

Texas men still hold doors open for ladies and children, offer to carry packages, and any other manner of gentlemanly courtesies.

Big or "Texas" hair has never gone out of style.

Real Texans have two pair of shoes, work boots and dress boots.

Only in Texas are you likely to see country women bailing hay, sloppin' hogs, or any other manner of work in full evening makeup.


New member
hmmm, I always wondered what the guy in Abilene meant when he said "You're not from ar,,,,,," I didn't catch the rest of it cause he ran into a ditch during the snow storm back in '83. Me and my Yankee drivng stayed on the road and watched him climb out of his 4X4, with tires bigger than my Mustang. He sure looked PO'ed though ;)


Staff Emeritus
If a Texan looks you dead in the eye and calls you, "Sir", with a bit of a hardness on the word, you have screwed up mightily.

You have passed the "Y'all ain't from 'round here, are ya?" exit and have blundered into hurtin' land.

Stop talkin'. Look down. Give a small, short nod of your head to the side. If you know the fella, you might get away with, "I guess I screwed up, huh?" If he's your friend, or in an exceptionally friendly mood, he might explain your transgression with more than a "Yup".

PS. Whatever you did, for God's sake, don't EVER do it again!

Here's a short "Don'tcha ever" list:

- NEVER apologize if you are not sincere.

- NEVER say you're sorry sarcastically or you will become sorry painfully.

- NEVER say, "Don't do that again" unless you can back it up with muscle.

- NEVER say, "I won't do it again" and do it again. Pain follows or, worse yet, eternal disrespect.

- NEVER joke about a man's age unless
-- you're looking for a fight, or
-- you respect him very much and he knows it. (There ya go, Art!)

- NEVER say, "Your wife (girlfriend, daughter, etc.) sure has nice (physical attributes of any kind). Instead, if he's your *close* friend, you might get away with, "My, she shore is purty." And for God's sake, don't stare!

- NEVER let a friend stand alone. NEVER! Odds, common sense be damned! If he's your friend, by God he's your friend. Stand by him - no matter what!
-- If you survive, you will have a friend forever - past death itself.
-- If you don't survive, well, what're friends for?


Staff Emeritus
Yup, a person who's used to drivin' in snow probably can do better than the average Texan. But remember, if yore truck breaks down in July or August, on some small back road in west Texas, the local boy will make it back home, while the furriner's skeleton will be found some years later. ;)

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Hey, Rae! Snow ain't nuthin' but white mud! That ol' boy ran off the road 'cause the drouth had gone on so long he forgot what mud was!

Dennis, check out and browse. He's got lyrics for various songs; check out "I gave her a ring", among others. I've gotta bug him to put up "Old Fart in the Mirror", if he hasn't yet done so...Anyway, he's an old-time Texas sort of guy. Willie recorded his "I'd Have To Be Crazy"; Lyle Lovett recorded his "Bears"...

Later, Art


New member
Memories form a Texan removed.

Don't ever go under 60 on the interstate. And don't be suprised to se Suburbans flying past when your doing 80 yourself.

When traveling out of Texas, don't ever try to find decent BBQ, esp north of Memphis. It ain't gonna happen.

You will find once you've had certain Tex Mex foods, nothing is too hot to eat ever again.

Don't let your kids out late at night in small towns. They're likely to end up in jail, meeting up with the bussiness end of a 12ga, or both.

Bam Bam

New member
Hey there Lawdog are you a West Texan? I drove from San Antone to Albequerque through West Texas and remember the lifted index finger salute with fondness. Given to oncoming traffic. That area is so flat that the raised finger is about the tallest thing going. ;)


New member
Hey Lawdog!

Regarding that pickup, shouldn't it have a bullet hole in the bed somewhere? Just because?


New member
Art: Thank you Thank you for the Fromholtz link. I remember seeing him do Texas Trilogy on Austin City Limits the first year it was on TV. This is like finding on old highschool buddy. Outstanding! :D Wait till he gets Aunt Minne and the Bears up. LOL
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