So much for the idea that M1 carbine is a PC rifle

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
DSW, the easy way to avoid being misunderstood by the big, bad ugly Americans would be to say what you mean and mean what you say. I don't have a problem with people bearing arms, and I say so. No one misunderstands this.
You claim now that you don't have a problem with people bearing arms, but I've only seen you post on the topic twice and both times you were against it. Confusion as to what you're trying to say is the least you should expect. One of those statements has to be true and the other false, unless you meant that women with "butchy, Un-American" hair aren't people.

I still don't quite get the point about the woman being a boy. Fine, if it helps, think of it as a poster with a boy holding a rifle. What exactly is your objection? I doubt there were quite as many Australians making fun of the evil, nasty M1 and its evil, nasty magazine when they were in the hands of American soldiers dying en masse to keep Australia from becoming part of the Greater East Asian Co-Operative Sphere.

We like Australians here. We have quite a few Aussie members, including a couple who came to the U.S. mainly to get away from the politics of Australia.
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New member
"Don't get on here and bitch about it, leave comments on my site. All you're gonna do is get your blood pressure up, and that'll really bring out that red sheen to your neck. "

To think that this person thinks that all Americans (or is that just American gun-owners) are all rednecks. Hmm...I guess I'll just have to continue in my assumption that all Australians (especially Australian photographers) are rejects from the outback that dress and act like that Crocodile Dundee dude, and the rest are probably loincloth-wearing Aborigines (no offense intended to Aborigines, just illustrating a point concerning stereotypes).

Give me a break. If some uppety Asian world power realizes that there is a large chunk of real-estate full of unarmed Europeans nearby, just ripe for conquest, who do you think you're gonna call to extricate your posteriors from the sling you've put yourselves in by disarming your population? Not saying that this is going to happen anytime soon (I mean, please, Taiwan is still independent) but it's still a real possibility if anyone on that side of the world gets a mind to start empire-building in a decade or two. Why do you think that Switzerland hasn't been invaded in recent memory, when almost every other European nation has? It's certainly not because of the chocolate.
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