So much for the idea that M1 carbine is a PC rifle


New member
A thigh wound may indeed stop somebody fast, but I'm concerned with actually hitting the person trying to cave in my skull. In my way of thinking a carefully placed miss is worth less than a hit anywhere.
Yes, it was a horrifying thought to some that I would actually hurt somebody in the course of defending myself.


New member
So did I. I have to admit though that in this picture a bunch of folks on 1911forum thought I was a little girl :D :D :D


The Rock

New member

Send 'em the Kevlar Hides Poster!

The(eff em if they can't take a joke)Rock

PS: Mr. Kodiac, I am right here. Just took me a little while longer to hack a Inet connection in Egypt... But the woman that I was hanging with is niiccceeee! ;)


New member
So you couldn't be bothered paying $80 to see a band of the concert sold out or even worse, you hate the band that they are supporting on their Australian tour. the only option is to sneak into the concert. Its not really a crime is it? These big rock stars earn so much money anyway that one person sneaking in isn't going to mean they will be back to their day jobs when they get home will it? Well atleast thats what I think.
This is a cut/paste from a feature article there
No wonder the little criminals are so dead set against self defense. I mean what criminal type doesn't want a disarmed victim?

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Some TFL'er in Egypt. Member as of yet unidentified.


(someone with some mad photoshopping skills put some guns in this picture... along with a couple SBT members with those CZ's. )

The Rock

New member
Yeah, and you know what I am thinking....

No, not that.

"Why doesn't The Rock have the people's MP5? Major CQB to start...."



New member
Wonderful poster Oleg. But try not to disturb the sheep people so much. They get to tasting funky if they run around in their stable for a long time in this heat. ;)

Skunkabilly, you've gone up a whole three notches in my estimation. Here I thought you were just one of us 'backy chawin' moonshine sippin', one eyed, toothless, ole rednecks. :D I jes' hope foer your sake they don't declare banjos an assault weapon in Kali.:rolleyes:


New member
I have a confession to make - I also thought it was a picture of a mother and her son.

I asked several people. Only my friends who are lesbians said that it was a couple.

In my defense, I did know it was an M-1 Carbine.


New member
Skunkabilly, you've gone up a whole three notches in my estimation. Here I thought you were just one of us 'backy chawin' moonshine sippin', one eyed, toothless, ole rednecks. I jes' hope foer your sake they don't declare banjos an assault weapon in Kali.

BTW all banjos after before 2000 must be registered with the state of California, and can not have a resonator AND a 5th string capo or Keith tuners :( There are workarounds though (bluegrass festival loophole)


New member
Yes, by all means, send me that poster.

I think all of you need to calm down, the post was made in jest. I have no problems with gay people, nor do I have a problem with people bearing arms.

I think the people that shouldn't be allowed to own weapons are the type of people that would get so aggravated over what some 23 year old Australian puts on his site. Christ.

I still maintain that the person holding the M1 (Thanks for the info.) is a male. My vision is perfect, maybe we just breed more feminine lesbians down here.
I guess I'm just guilty of ignorance, although that shouldn't get all you Americans upset.
God knows you've been guilty of it for decades.

Nanaimo Barr

New member
gee.. just last wednesday night (two days ago) I heard the sound of someone pounding on our house.. it was an M1 Carbine I had in my hand as I checked the house.....

Nanaimo Barr

New member
this was my comment to the owner of the page...
I saw your comment about the couple (yes. there a couple) with the M1 Carbine.

two nights ago my wife and I heard pounding on our house.. I checked it out with a almost identical M1 Carbine in my hands.

I could have called the cops to check things out. but I figured they were better off looking out for the guys running Crystal meth through our town or maybe the armed bank robber who was hitting banks in our area, or someone like the serial killer who went past our place not so long ago or the guy who got pissed up and killed 6 people in a car wreck who then skipped bail...

no one died, I didn't have to shoot anyone or anything (we have lots of coyotes in our area, like your Dingos), thats why we keep a M1 Carbine handy, to protect our animals.

I wonder if you have the moral courage to post this on your page?


New member
What the heck.. might as well answer ya while waiting for my file to finally print so I can go home... pardon the 2AM think..

I think all of you need to calm down, the post was made in jest. I have no problems with gay people, nor do I have a problem with people bearing arms.
Personally, I think pouring over every discussion forum filled with kids freaked out by Oleg's work is a waste of our time to, but hey.. that's the net for ya.

I think the people that shouldn't be allowed to own weapons are the type of people that would get so aggravated over what some 23 year old Australian puts on his site. Christ.
Hrmm.. so irritation over an obnoxiously expressed criticism should be a disqualifier for owning weapons? Hrmm.. can't wait to see that one on my next yellow sheet -- "Did the Aussie kid make you mad?" right between "are you a felon?" and "have you had a dishonorable discharge from the armed services?" Now that'd be kinda funny... :)

And where does Christ come into this??

I still maintain that the person holding the M1 (Thanks for the info.) is a male. My vision is perfect, maybe we just breed more feminine lesbians down here.

Hrmm.. who to believe, the photographer who knows the model, or the 23 year old Aussie kid who's seen a 72dpi jpeg? Tough decision... let me think on that one a bit...

Funny thing, I always figured a chick had a right to cut her hair short and look butchy if she wanted to. Silly me, thinking a girl didn't have to look all femme to have a Sapphic date..

I guess I'm just guilty of ignorance, although that shouldn't get all you Americans upset.

Ignorance is not something to be guilty over. Ignorance can be easily remedied. Loud ranting about something about which one is willfully ignorant is another matter. But hey.. your board, say what you want. :p

God knows you've been guilty of it for decades.

Hrmm.. well, thanks. Note taken.
Ignorant of what, may I ask?

cheers --



New member
Well.....posting comments such as this is not how to win friends and influence people:


Sat 20 Apr 2002
Who I share my B/day with:

Adolf Hitler. (Nazi polesmoking dude.)
Australia's oldest WWI veteran. (Big ups to that guy.)
Denis Leary. (Comic genius.)
International Pot Smokers Day. (4/20, geddit?)
Bill Cosby. (Fat Albert dude.)
Luther Vandross. (Singer dude.)
Daniel Day Lewis. (Last of the Mohicans dude.)
Columbine High School massacre (Trench Coat Mafia dudes.)


New member
Thanks for reading my site guys.
I'm amazed that it's seen by other people throughout the rest of the world.
And even more surprised that American people have grasped the idea of "the rest of the world".

Don't get on here and bitch about it, leave comments on my site. All you're gonna do is get your blood pressure up, and that'll really bring out that red sheen to your neck.

Dude, I know what a Coyote is.

A woman cutting her hair and looking butchy? That's un-American, isn't it?

Where's my poster?
It'll go nice with the rest of the military propaganda poster you can get from U.S Cavalry.

Do you know what a polesmoker is?

Long Path

New member
Yes, it's a slightly obscure derogatory epithet pertaining to the sexual proclivities of its object.

Wow. Do I get to be part of the kewl krowd, now? :rolleyes:

D.S.W.-- You say you don't have any problem with people having the right to bear arms, yet you've already gone on record as being very derisive of someone doing just that.

And this site is by no means comprised exclusively of Americans. We've got people posting from 6 (possibly seven) continents, here, and we respect their views without regard to where they come from. We've more than a few Aussies, and I certainly wouldn't want to generalize about them! ;)