So much for the idea that M1 carbine is a PC rifle

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Picked this description from

Good evenin' ladies.

This little photo isn't Photoshopped, it's a real advertisment for a anti-gun-control group of fruitcakes.
These people need help. Look at the clip in that friggin' thing.
What are they protecting their loved ones from? A herd of Mongols?
F-ck, anyone who needs a gun with that many bullets to stop an intruder should spend less money on guns and more money on shooting lessons or get his glasses prescription renewed.
Look at the guy, doesn't he look like the guy you used to give wedgies to at school? You really want someone who's been picked on most of his life to own a semi-automatic? That happened somewhere, I believe.
Dug up this little gem from the same site.

I am quoting it as, at least on my screen, the text is about 3 points high...yet another moron abusing CSS :) The clip about which they complained seems to be a standard 15-rounder

Seems to me that being PC just doesn't get us much anymore.


New member
This isn't the first moron to fail to notice that the person holding the rifle is a woman, not a nerdy-looking boy. The fact that they fail to recognize the carbine as one of the weapons used to save the free world comes as no surprise. If ignorance is bliss, this is one happy MF.

Marko Kloos

New member
Are you still surprised that they always play the emotional angle? They don't have reason and logic on their side, so they have to go for *feelings*. Also, note how the common theme shines through once again: distrust of their fellow human beings. Only lack of immediate access to a semi-auto rifle will keep the picked-on "geek" from blowing people away at random.

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I am also amused that they are suspicious of the geek and not of the bullies who are picking on him...wouldn't they be more likely to go postal?

Marko Kloos

New member
Look at the guy, doesn't he look like the guy you used to give wedgies to at school? You really want someone who's been picked on most of his life to own a semi-automatic?

Translation: I'm anti-gun, because it wouldn't be as easy for me to pick on other people anymore.


New member
What was that quote the other day?

"If you're taking flak, you must be over the target."

Let 'em whine.

- Gabe

Futo Inu

New member
Oleg, that's the same poster that got that other anti's panties in a wad the other day - must be a keeper! Agreed, GRD! Lendringser, you also nailed it! KUTGW, Oleg. Agreed that being PC doesn't help, IMO. Let's show the FALs, bullpups, ARs, etc at every opportunity. Getting the sheeple used to the idea that ugly rifles are good rifles is a good idea. Kinda like cold water - shocking at first, but faster in long run to acclimate to.


New member
Oh boy! They have a comments link (located under the text "Stick a fork in me, I'm done.")

heres what I said

The photo is of two women ... the term "family" refers to "The Family" (an insiders name for the gay community).

The point of the poster (if anyone would care to look at in its context) is that an armed person is capable of defending themselves, even if that person happens to be gay.

So Mr. Sanchez ... based on your statements I guess you agree with those two rednecks in Wyoming that queers should just shut up and take the beating they so richly deserve.

The "Mr. Sanchez" I refered to was someone who had already commented.


Moderator Emeritus

I can't seem to figure out whether the author of that twaddle is more in favor of gay bashers or rapists. :confused:


New member

My viewpoint might surprise you... BUT, I am not a fan of those "evil 15-rounders" either. That's why I vote for 30-rounders :D

The M1Carbine, good enough to defend the lives of our boyz in 'nam, but not good enough to defend their lives on American soil. There's a dozen donuts in it for the first person to explain that one to me....


New member
Wow. Worse reaction than when I was talking about self defense in an office one time. A woman jumped in and asked why I wouldn't target the thigh. I guess she agrees with that poster that anybody who owns a gun should be able to place a single perfect shot to stop a criminal intent on caving in my skull.
It is kind of a funny statement:
F-ck, anyone who needs a gun with that many bullets to stop an intruder should spend less money on guns and more money on shooting lessons or get his glasses prescription renewed.
The poster probably has no idea how many bullets are actually held in that magazine, but went off anyway.


New member
F-ck, anyone who needs a gun with that many bullets to stop an intruder should spend less money on guns and more money on shooting lessons or get his glasses prescription renewed.

I'm sure a lot of dead Japanese and Germans were thinking that, too.

Lord Grey Boots

New member
I was thinking that bullies, be it Nazi's, Imperial Japanese Army, Communists, gay bashers or rapists often come in crowds. The M1 Carbine is quite suitable for defense against them, and has done so.

I can't decide if the putz is pro rapist, pro gay basher, a communist thug, a neo-nazi or any other generic bully. Thats the only explaination for his post that I can come up with.


New member
Well, I don't want to sound rude, but maybe the model in the picture is not the best choice for what the picture was supposed to convey. I must confess I also took her for a "nerdy boy" posing with his mother (not that I have any problems with this interpretation... but it obviously isn't what Oleg intended).


Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
The confusion was unintended but it does lead to sites like Free Republic and AssaultWeb picking up the image and only later finding out that they endorsed a couple, rather than a parent & child.

"Target the thigh"...;) only if the torso is armored!


New member
Actually the upper thighs/pelvic region is an excellent spot for a "one shot stop" given a round with enough energy to break large bones.

Femoral tends to get messy tho...

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
He has a point...

The guy DOES look like the kid that got picked on in school.
But what he doesn't get is that IS the point. You don't have to be THE ROCK to be able to protect your family.

Some people just don't get it. Ignorant fools. Sheep that bleet insults at those that are not sheep too. Idiots.

Hey, speaking of The Rock... Where is TFL's "The Rock"? Haven't seen him around. They must not have data ports in Egypt.
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New member
Every once in a while I thank the incompetency of the New York City police.

Whenever someone says something ridiculous like "why would anyone need that many bullets" I bring up an infamous NYC shooting. I think it happened last year.

Three NYC police officers stopped a black man who matched the description of a criminal. The suspect reached behind him to pull his wallet and the police shot him... 46 times. I say, if the police need 46 shots to stop an unarmed man, I think 15 (or 30) rounds is reasonable for me to used against an armed man.

BTW, the man who was perforated was NOT the man that the police were looking for.