So much for Colts supposed 1911 superiority!


New member
Taurus is junk and I've never heard of Shooter's Arm's products.

Shooter's Arms is a company that makes 1911s in Cebu, Philippines, more or less in competition with Armscor. I was in one of their outlet stores in Iloilo, RP last year and they didn't look too bad to me.


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People tend to stick to what they are familiar with. Many police departments still ride Harleys even though ALL of the other competing motorcyles perform much better on the job. Years ago, a computer technician told me that we had IBM computers because nobody ever got fired for buying IBM.

Yes, but if you notice, Harley Davidson doesn't build computers because they can't figure out how to make them leak oil.


Now you've done it, you've stirred up all the Harley boys. But that was pretty funny. I love a good Harley joke.


New member
I would be willing to bet that during the testing the 1911 pictured was damaged by the torture test abuse it was put thought and then fired to the point of failure. Which IMHO makes perfect sense. If you are in the field and have a damaged side arm and you still have to defend yourself it you do not get to call time out and send your gun to the armorer to be repaired. You will more than likely fire it until it fails.

In the end any gun that is damaged and out spec from abuse and then shot will eventually fail at a catestrophific level. Thee pictures without the details are meaningless.

If I take a hammer and beat the slide bend the recoil spring damage the rails and start firing away my Les Baer will fail as well. Without more detail this really does not speak to the quality or lack of quality of the Colt railgun 1911s.

In the end debates about the sidearm issued to people in a war zone is so over blown on forms like this. As my brother to former combat Marine told me when I asked him how he like the M9 he's said he did not care one way or another because it would only come out of its holster if a whole bunch of people failed to do their job with their primary weapon which was not exceptible. 2 combat tours in Iraq and it never left the holster.


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Yesterday, 08:30 AM #37
Te Anau
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Join Date: June 17, 2004
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There are sure a lot of excuses being made here for Colts failure,but I still find it extremely disturbing that the slide and frame failed!!!
.Any properly engineered $300.00 pistol should be able to send 12,000 rounds down range without showing cracks in the slide and frame.
"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." --American author Mark Twain (1835-1910)
Last edited by Te Anau; Yesterday at 09:46 AM.
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Here's my wild a** guess................

The recoil spring assembly failed - they continued to fire the pistol - and it beat itself to death.



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Colt's fail, Glock's fail, AR's fail and, yes, even AK's fail. I think the point here is the Marines were bound and determined to get a 1911 .45 ACP period. The Glock (IMHO) is a better combat pistol, but old school thinking pushed this forward. Guess the taxpayers take it on the chin again, not to mention the grunt who get one in a few years AFTER having parts swapped out from half a dozen pistols. Kind of like a 'burst' trigger on the M4-------
Sorry for the rant!


New member
Heres a thought. Maybe they tested them till they all failed and picked the one which lasted longest and had the best performance. I have my fathers SA Loaded 5 in barrel 1911 with close to probably 15k rounds through it and its still kickin strong for a 30 year old pistol. Take a grain of salt with everything.

James K

Member In Memoriam
I like the comments that go "If they weren't a bunch of blind idiots bribed by Colt they would have picked XXX brand, my favorite, which I have fired 43 rounds through without a failure..."

OK, has you favorite been subjected to that test? If not, why not? If it is so good, why didn't xxx company submit it?



New member
I like the comments that go "If they weren't a bunch of blind idiots bribed by Colt they would have picked XXX brand, my favorite, which I have fired 43 rounds through without a failure..."

And I like the comments that go, "Why can't these blind idiots come to the same unfounded assumption as us Colt loyalists and see that ponies obviously never fail and that the government, while it does nothing else right, can obviously pick firearms for all the best reasons. Neigh!"

Look, if you (and I mean you generally, indefinite) really want believe that a bunch of Marines made this decision, fine. I'm pretty sure they did get consulted, but the final call goes to a government pencil pusher/number cruncher. I don't have faith in their decisions and won't be giving any manufacturer the benefit of the doubt. I'll buy a Colt if I see a good deal on one, but this article isn't going to persuade or dissuade me. My skepticism is more based on my feelings about government and their motives.


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I carried a 1911 in Service in the late 80's... Ok our pistols had seen one too many seasons but thats what happens when you basically run any gun into the ground with decades of shooting...

Id carry a 1911 without a second though but I would be sure to select ammo that it likes... Miltary uses ball ammo for the most part so it shouldnt be too much of a problem... Further despite any video, the command chose the 1911 over other contenders and they would have had all the information available on all the test... Maybe they know some things we havent seen..
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The test doesn't mean anything. Anyone who believes that our Govt. only selects the best stuff for military use has obviously never worked for the Govt. or been in the military. I do think that allowing the Marines to test stuff is a very good idea as they have a reputation for really wringing out anything you give them. If it is possible to break it they will. When the M 14 rifle was given to the Marines to test they found out immediately that the bayonet mounting lug was a weak point. Seems that when they stick a bayonet into something they stick it in deep and work it around in there with much vigor and esprit de corps. They broke a bunch of M 14 bayonet lugs clean off. I love the Marines. The problem will be fixed. The photos show cracks that appear to have started from stress risers in some of the inside corners. Sharp inside cuts are prone to allowing a crack to start which then spreads until it finds some relief. Machining the part with a slight radius in the corners will stop it. I have 2 SA frames that developed cracks through the dust cover where it meets the frame on both sides because of stress risers from the sharp corners left inside the dust cover. The cracks only ran about 1/4" and then stopped. Years later they still haven't gotten any worse and I still shoot them both. Had I noticed and gone in there and radiused the cuts with a ball cutter when they were new they most probably would have not cracked. Now I know what to look for.
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New member
Further despite any video, the command chose the 1911 over other contenders and they would have had all the information available on all the test... Maybe they know some things we havent seen..

If you read the requirements, post 29, of their "pistol selection" you'll see that the 1911 was pretty much the only style of pistol that meets them anyway, so as far as I can tell they really didn't try anything else out.

It is what it is now. As I said before they wanted a 1911 and they got one.


New member
This link just shows how stupid our United States Marine Corp Special Operations Command is and details the critical failures suffered by numerous Colt 1911's during recent evaluations.
Cool story bro. Fixed it for you. Think you know better than those guys? you really think those cracks occurred in well maintained pistols that had their recoil springs changed on schedule? If so, you're a moron. You made a thread just for trolling so that makes sense though.

I do think - and the consensus is - they're stupid for selecting pistol with a massive logistical tail (already in existence, but why not end it?) as compared to adopting an M&P or a Glock, but that is minor league compared to what you're saying.


New member
Someone that mentions the North Pole and residencey in the same sentence...that I don't know ....tells me that Colt 1911s are over-rated and Tarus is under-rated....hhuuuummmm...why do I work for a living? Art Bell tells his viewers that invisible spaceships circle the earth and....and the dude makes millions of dollars! Now I find out that Tauarus is on top and Colt is now NFG. Okay. If you say so. I don't have a brain. Maybe someone on the spaceship has it.


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More pictures at

I remember when the M4's failed the Aberdeen dust tests. M4/M16 fan boys howled for months, claiming all sorts of conspiracies, ridiculing the results, gaming the results, doing anything to justify their faith in their Mattie Mattel toys.

Anyone remember just how bad the M1911’s did back in the 80’s? The Government used them as a standard when buying the new 9mm pistols, and my memory is that the M1911’s had a 127 rounds mean time between failure.

I have no idea how Springfield Armory did, but this whole thing just shows to me how wedded the US military is to Colt.

Heck, Marines really don't want to shoot anyone, they would rather break necks with their bare hands. Maybe that is why they went M1911.


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I have no idea how Springfield Armory did, but this whole thing just shows to me how wedded the US military is to Colt.

This makes little sense considering only a small organization within the whole DoD is getting these pistols?

Te Anau

New member
Cool story bro. Fixed it for you. Think you know better than those guys? you really think those cracks occurred in well maintained pistols that had their recoil springs changed on schedule? If so, you're a moron. You made a thread just for trolling so that makes sense though.
Yah,your right.Everyone knows that all U.S. agencies make flawless decisions 100% of the time and of course Colt is well known for never once having made a flawed weapon.Too bad you werent shooting my Colt manufactured M16A2 when I was in the Army.........:rolleyes: