Sig X5 vs S&W 952 vs CZ-75 TS


New member
In fact, 2" at 50 yards is the standard. The goal is to duplicate the accuracy of the old SIG 210 using the current production modes.


New member
i agree the x-5 is not sloppy at all! i like the 952, but the x5 is amazing and accurate as heck!

Sig all the way


New member
Congrats on the 952 find. I wished I owned a 952! Never even held one. I do, however, own the CZ75b Tactical Sport and a Sig X-5 Tactical as well. I don't know how the X-5 Tactical compares with the X-5 Competition, but isn't the comp more money? So it probably is better.

I love Sigs. True. However, the CZ, IMO, isn't just the cheaper pistol, it is by far a better one as well. It "feels" smoother, and shoots tighter groups. You can tell, no question. If the price were the same, I'd go CZ 75B Tactical Sport as well. It is close to the equal of the X-6 which costs closer to $2500. CZ left, X-5 center, P226 Blackwater right.

P220 X-6 and P226 X-6

The X-6 P220 .45 there outshoots everything I own btw, including the Les Baer and a nice Wilson. However, the price is up there so that you could easily get 2 CZs and lots of ammo to spare as well. The CZ's are a sweet shooter!

Buy it off Angus Hobdell from Ghost Products. I ordered the wrong grips, but I liked the color. He notified me of my bad choice, but then he hand fitted them N/C.
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Walt Sherrill

New member
The X-5 has sloppy slide-to-frame fit, no better than a regular P226, and the CZ barrel isn't tightly fitted. The CZ exterior finish is rough also. The trigger has alot of creep.

Many of the folks who seem to know about these things say a tight slide to frame fit isn't all that important if there is a good slide to barrel lockup. That way the sights and the barrel are always pointing at the same thing. That's why a polymer-framed gun doesn't do well in a Ransom Rest test, but can be very accurate when fired manually. (Slide to frame fit seems to be of greatest concern to 1911 shooters; you don't hear it mentioned that much by other shooters.)

As for the CZs -- you seem to be someone who hasn't had much experience with the top-end CZs. The trigger on the ones I've handled didn't have a lot of creep. And they are very adjustable. (I have a 75B SA with the two-way adjustable trigger, and its a lot like a 1911.) What you describe seems to be true of the DA/SA models, but the TS isn't DA/SA.

The CZ's barrel lockup design is such that it doesn't need a bushing to lockup consistently -- none of the CZs do. The design puts all of the rigidity in the lockup function at the back of the action. The barrels don't move until it begins to unlock during the recoil cycle.

I haven't seen many S&W 952s in competition. And they'll never cut it in IPSC -- they don't hold enough rounds. They could do fine in IDPA, but they don't show up there much, either. (Several of my IDPA buddies had them, but never tried them in IDPA. Don't know why.) I know they're nice guns, and they're very attractive. With the S&W 52-2, the safety was awkward; is that true of the 952s, as well?

I think the SIG X5s are fine guns, and would love to have one. They seem to be a worthy successor to the P-210 line. (I had a P-210-6 a few years back. It outshot my S&W 52-2... but the 52-2 was prettier.)
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New member

Wow. You can't see me, but I am bowing in front of my computer monitor. To have those in a collection is truly impressive.


New member
I posted this earlier in another thread.


I had an S&W 952 and didn't like it. I had hoped it would be a 9mm version of my 52-2 but it wasn't. The trigger wasn't as good and it was very hard to disassemble for cleaning. (there is a trick to aligning the floating bushing that I couldn't master)

A couple of years later I was talked into handling a Sig 226 X5 Comp. I bought it immediately. Mine has a 2.5 lb. trigger and is very easy to disassemble. The factory claims it can shoot 2" groups at 50 yards. Mine came with a test target showing much less than 2" at 25 meters.

It is a beautiful gun and I can get good (for me) groups freehand at 25 yards.

I don't know if it is the best in the world, but it is the best I have shot.

However I'm looking for a .40 and may look at the CZ based on price, but I'll probably buy another X5 Comp.

My $0.02



New member
My test target was 1.2" I suspect they vary according to how much coffee the test shooter has had that morning.
The pictures of the 952 are very pretty but I am more than pleased with the x5 comp.


I've shot the S&W Model 52 which is the .38spl and a pre 952, but for the most part the same gun. I've only shot the CZ75B (I own), but I liked it better than the M52 and shot it better right off the bat..