Sick & Tired of 9-11

Nanaimo Barr

New member
just to make something perfectly clear...

Firemen, LEO ,EMTs and SAR get a automatic 25% off work done for them by my company. I don't advertise this. I just knock it off when it comes time to ring up the tab. it's my way of saying "thank you" for a damn thankless job.

I also asked where were these hero worshipers were 09-10-01?

NYPD and FD did what we pay them to do. did there job, they did it well. but it is also what we expect them to do. do they deserve credit and recognition? are you demanding more money and better equiptment for them? are you? there is your answer.

I'm sure they would rather have that than meddles and ribbons. I'm sure that most of them would rather have a line of bodies hanging from scaffolds around Ground Zero. than another empty media "tribute".

I'm pretty sure they would rather have there hands on BinLauden rather than being called heros.
"Righteous" and "ruthless" don't go well together. Righteous people don't go about looking to rack up body counts in a "cold" and "ruthless" way. That's what the bad guys do.

B.S. When we went after the Japanese we were looking to do exactly that. We were absolutely cold and ruthless about it. Our cause could not have been more righteous. The point of the article by Jennifer Harper is correct. Stop the silly commemorations. If we are at war, the only commemoration that is appropriate is to stack the mangled bodies of our enemies like cordwood.