Sick & Tired of 9-11

Nanaimo Barr

New member
if I hear one more over paid athleat called a hero or some kidnapped kid called a hero or some stupid reporter called a hero or some celibrity of the week who just got out of rehab AGAIN called a hero or Sir Rudy Gullani called a hero or a fireman doing there job called a hero (where were all these people calling firemen heros on sept 10th?) I will puke. .were there hero's that day? damn right, we'll never know how many in a jet liner over PA, or how many in the buildings when they fell. but what makes me sickest of all is the way they are used to make money. and no mistake. that is ALL the media is doing on this. using those deaths to make A buck.


New member
I think the worst part of the media circus is the commercialization of the whole NYPD/FDNY thing. Lots of people have stickers, shirts, hats, etc with FDNY or NYPD on them and I bet a lot of the owners have never been to NYC. It makes me want to :barf:.
The people who stuck flags on their car antennas and then did not take them down once they become tattered are on the same level in my book. Patriotism is good, but not when you are just following the crowd.



New member
I went to ground zero last night. Im about 20 minutes from there by subway. It was a quiet, peaceful reflection. I suggest to all to make the trip. I know for many it may be farther away than 20 minutes but its worth the perspective. Whatever the media throws at you afterwards wont matter. The closure begins at ground zero. Make every effort to go people. You owe it to yourselves.


New member
There is one good memorial service going on, I think. Choirs around the world are peforming Mozart's Requiem at 8.46 AM in each time zone. That's a good memorial. Ratings wars are not.


New member
When I went to visit ground zero, I parked next to a no standing sign and got a ticket. Apparently no standing means cars not people. Makes you respect those cops.
I have heard from several sources that many of the workers would not leave there offices basically because they could lose money. Many people were told by there bosses not to leave also.
How can you feel bad for the greedy "poor" people like that?
I feel terrible about it, but not for all of them.
Does anyone ever think they are profiled at airports etc because they are gun owners?

Ed Dixon

New member
Agree re: "those who ran up when everyone else was running down." Firemen 3x more likely to die in the line of duty than policemen. Ridiculous to say they didn't know it was coming. They always know it's coming.


New member
I Concur!

I couldn't agree more. In and around the Pentagon the hype is getting so intense that the Pshrinks and counsellors are handing out pamphlets to all who enter or leave the building! I know about three people here who probably deserve hero status for their actions (there are probably more I don't know) but it's like tomorrow is going to be the biggest Fourth of July celebration ever. We were talking about it in the van pool this morning and two ladies actually complained of physical symptoms from all the coverage. I told them not to watch or read about it and listen to music or something else they like.
I personally feel no pride in the events of 9/11/01. I and all of us were simple victims that morning--like the sheeple we rant on about. Vulnerable, exposed and targeted. I've never been a sheeple or a victim, and I resent the hell out of it. I will mention my personal hero of that day, and I bet a lot of folks in the crowd milling around Arlington and Crystal City that afternoon would agree. The Air Guard F-16 pilot who made a low pass over the Pentagon to let us know we didn't have to worry about any more inbound airliners. The victory roll was cool too. Man, the sound of afterburner has never been so sweet!


New member
The company I work for is going to have a memorial outside tomorrow... just passed around cheesy 9-11 ribbon pins thingies for use to wear.

Needless to say, I will not be there. Had we not been disarmed in the first place and told to let the government protect us instead of protecting ourselves, none of those planes would have gotten that far.


New member
I fully support all the memorialization that will happen . . . .

If it leads to a very quiet, white-hot rage which then stimulates actions designed to create a high body count for those responsible, destruction of the infrastructure which allowed the attack to happen, and the instillation of fear and dread in the very soul of those responsible that their lives and the lives of their families are at risk.

Any response less than that is a waste of time. So far I've heard about how noble and good people we are. That's questionable.

The lack of justifiable anger and rage is frightening. Are we just rolling over???? Time will tell.


New member
The vast majority of sheeple prefer to have lip-service memorials rather than fix the problems that led to this. They will sit on their hands and 'let the government fix it'.. which will lead to more problems and more deaths.

Socialism anyone? We're well on our way, and a convenient perpetual enemy is at hand. War is peace, ignorance is freedom.. etc..


New member
Two things come to mind:

The government will use this to further encroach on our much cherished freedoms.

Rather than keeping tabs on the people responsible they will stomp on all of us, further restrict our individual freedoms whilst paying lip service to "tolerance" for the people who are responsible.

I still have not heard a condemnation of the attacks from the American Muslim community. All they do is berate us for our "Intolerance".

Second I understand that some people who were in the second tower hit actually evacuated and were stopped at the bottom floors and sent back to their offices! Many died. Some people were told to stay where they were and died.

I will never listen to any authority again, I am responsible for my own safety and will follow my instincts and common sense. I once worked for the Fed Gov and I can see some of my former "Supervisors" doing the same thing.

I live 30 miles from ground zero. I will NEVER go into Manhattan again! I will move away from NYC as soon as feasable and go to a saner part of this country.

The real heroes are the troops over in afganistan. I have actually been in arguments with FDNY people about that fact. I know a lot of them. Good guys but none can come near the grunts in the courage factor.

I am sick of the media hype and BS, sick of all the mercenary BS that goes on with the money donated to help survivors. Sick of hearing how our children need Psychiatric help over this. Sick of hearing about some bimbo who has PTSS because she saw the tower collapse from the other side of the Hudson River.

It is good to remember the folks lost, but not good to make a circus out of the attack.

DZ that picture is giving me heartburn :mad:


New member
Hey, I was just outside talking to a Sergeant MP from the Michigan National Guard. He's here halfway through his active duty callup of one year. He's making half what he makes at home and he figures about 20-30 of his 170 people here will be out of a job when they get home this summer. Yeah, it's against the law, but they'll be "downsized" or somesuch. I don't think he's a hero, but as I told him, I sure appreciate what he and his company are doing for our country.


New member
Cool! One of my favorite pieces!!!

Any idea if its going to be televised???
I would assume so. The networks will have to fill all that time with something!

I would recommend finding an actual performance instead. City Listing. Support the arts, not the TV. :p


New member
The semantics of if the firefighters who died were heroes or not seems kind of stupid to me. If running into a firestorm to try to save people isn't heroic... uh, what's left, folks? Saying they are just doing their job is meaningless... that's like saying Audie Murphy wasn't a hero because, hey, he was in the infantry, and the infantry's job is to kill foreigners and risk a horrible death. Writing "you have a good chance to be mained or killed if you are concientous about doing your job" into your job description doesn't make it any easier to actually DO IT.

People with easy lives always seem to like to put a fine point on what is or isn't a hero. Demanding more from them after the fact to qualify for the arbitrary title of "hero" seems to be a case of making the rubble bounce. It is probably enough to say that they are dead, and have nothing left to give.


New member
I support the memorializing of Sept. 11.

Americans often have short memories. And in this case I think it's important that they not forget.

Never forget!



New member
When I went to visit ground zero, I parked next to a no standing sign and got a ticket. Apparently no standing means cars not people. Makes you respect those cops.

Standing is when the driver stays with the car, like a taxi waiting for someone to get in. If its no standing, its definitely no parking. :rolleyes:
