Sick & Tired of 9-11

Mike in VA

New member
// full rant // on:
At least the media circus. Don't get me wrong, I have the deepest sympathy for the real victims, and the greatest respect for the men and women who are putting their lives on the line to go after the scumbags that are responsible, but I'm close to puking as the media parades the 'pseudo-victims', hangers-on, posturing politicans (who ain't done squat) and celebrities who feel compelled to share their 'thoughts' (and I use the term loosely) and 'experiences' on that day. It just seems to cheapen and trivialize the event when the media whores let Donald Trump or Rosie O or Goldie Hawn or any other of those self-agrandizing twits give forth. Those people are irrelevant IRL, they are legends in their own minds only. Please make them go away.

Why do they do that crap?? Don't they have enough real stuff to discuss and commemorate rather than filling in with all the fluff??? Is it just me, or do any of youse guys dred the comming week, not because of the memories and the horror, but because of the drivel that's going to overwhelm what should be a solemn and respectful time??

//rant// off

536thMP Co

New member
I agree with you, i wont turn on the TV next Wed. My heart goes out to all that were personally affected by the attacks. But it seems we spend more time and energy on remembering/commemorating and having ceremonies than we do on actually fighting the war on terrorism.


New member
me too.
I'll remember in my own way with prayer and reflection and I don't need a bunch of media mealy mouths and born-again patriots to sensationalize everything for me.
I'm glad I don't have a TV.


New member
What I'm sick of is the lionization of the New York Fire Department ... as though somehow the firemen that died are more valuable then the scores of people just minding their own business in the WTC :rolleyes:

Also IMHO the only true "heroes" of 9/11 where the ones who died in Pennsylvania.

I don't want to slight the NYFD, Firefighting is a difficult job and a noble profession and I have a great deal of respect for them (and I rarely respect a heavily unionized profession). But just how many lives did they actually save? Sure their actions where noble ... they put the lives of others above their own ... but "heroes" (ironically I bet there are NYFD members who would agree with that statement).

The problem isn't with the NYFD, its with the sensationalist media and their damn hype.

But it seems we spend more time and energy on remembering/commemorating and having ceremonies than we do on actually fighting the war on terrorism.
There IS NO WAR ON TERRORISM ... like its counterpart the "war on drugs" its just an excuse to further erode the constitution.


New member
I agree & parrot all said by all here thus far. I too will not tune into any "news" on 9/11/02.

- A side thought: Was there a single person saved by a single helicopter that day? There were plenty of copter and plenty of time....

Midnight Sun

New member
I've been watching CNN's stuff on this lately (I know I know, CNN) there was alot of video I had never seen before including, finally, people waving shirts from the broken windows high up then jumping I'd never seen the jumpers at before.

The images of those planes smashing into the towers and the aftermath should be played over and over lest anyone forgets the barbarity of this.

I agree, the "Shmaltz" we can do without like that idiotic tv thing picking some bimbo to sing at one of the events...

Dave P

New member
Yes - sick of the smaltz

It started this weekend, and I haven't watched any of it, and don't plan to.


New member
Sell your TV. The internet and radio are just fine for informative news. I got rid of mine, and find myself in a much better mood without my daily dose of nightime network news.


New member
Don't the media people understand this is part of what the terrorist are seeking? MORE MEDIA COVERAGE!


New member
we've got it worse

around DC Metro, Mike. All the local media outlets are jumping on the bandwagon to see who can create the most effective tear-jerker. :mad: I'll bet that if we were to be able to ask every one of the casualties what they would have us do, all of them would say something like - 'do what you would normally do, what we would do, on any given day, as Americans'... And that is exactly what I will do. Honor every fallen 9/11/01 victim, enjoying the freedom I have, remembering how grateful I am.

And, if part of my day includes watching any tv, I'll exercise my freedom even more, by finding a channel that is not trying to capitalize on the attack.


New member
As far as I can tell the 'Media' has done a fine job in the past years in changing the meaning of reality to suit their needs. For example: the plethora of 'Reality' shows, none of which are even close to reality. If the people didn't know there were cameras it would be a while different ball game but the mere fact that they did changes their behaviour.

I think that the media has come to believe their own hype and that their own version of reality is reality.


New member
I agree with most of the comments here (except for the firemen who ran up when everyone else were running down were also heros, not just the folks on PA plane).

It may be worth noting that many people are still in the process of healing. The one year mark is typically a tough time for anyone who has lost so much. I think the coverage on most the airways is appropriate and assist in this process. We are all free not to look if we choose not to. I do plan on watching the President speak.

I also think the nation needs to be reminded of how horrible this event was and that we need to still support out leaders (on blind faith if needed) in getting rid of terrorist, Saddam included.

A year ago you would be hard pressed to find an American who would not agree with nuking the whole region. Now, there is opposition coming from all over.


Your comments are very interesting as I don't think they are very objective. Perhaps you have been watching too much TV. I don't see the firemen being portrayed as any more "valuable" than any others. Perhaps its' the station you are watching:confused:

Could you explain the relationship between the war on drugs and war on terrior? I don't understand what you are trying to say:confused:


New member
But just how many lives did they actually save?

A Lot! IIRC the Towers had around 20,000 people in them on a normal workday and there were 2800 killed. That's around 17,000 people not killed - how much of this was due to the NYFD I don't know - but 17,000 is a lot of people in my view (it's more than live within 20 miles of me).


New member
I think that the media has come to believe their own hype and that their own version of reality is reality.

It (news) is still a business and it is sure better than no news at all. Trick is being able to filter out the crap and fluff.


New member
Could you explain the relationship between the war on drugs and war on terrior? I don't understand what you are trying to say
I can take a stab at that. This supposed 'war on terror' is nothing more than an excuse to spew propaganda to the masses and slowly but surely take their freedom away.

The 'war on terror' is unwinable, we will simply make more enemies and create more 'terrorists'. I believe that's what some of the folks in power really want, the more terror there is the easier it is to take our rights away.

Eventually they will get popular support for rounding up any Muslims and putting them in concentration camps.

Midnight Sun

New member
The very good CNN retrospective thats been on said 25,000 were evacuated.

This is the one that begins with the video of the first plane flying right into the north tower filmed by some guys at street level they are filming something hear the plane and look up...

Let's not forget the goal of those savages was to slaughter everyone in those towers and leave us with a death toll in the tens of thousands. I would never say we got off light but imagine had they collapsed alot sooner.


New member
never forget the political spin


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New member
They media whores are tryimg their best to suck this tragedy dry before the public gets tired of waving the flag and stops supporting the payback our military is doing overseas.

There is much to remember and honor on the 11th. The media is just doing so in the worst way possible.