Should I allow Concealed Weapons Holders to Carry in my store??

Should I allow CWP holders to carry loaded weapons in my GUN SHOP

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Glenn Dee

New member
The only problem I have with those novelty signs Kraigway is that a determined criminal would use that as tactical information and adjust his plan to counter those facts. Such as enter the store blasting with superior fire power.


New member
At the end of the day, it's your store.
Have you talked to your insurance carrier? How much (if any) will changing the rules cost you? Will it affect your ability to provide competitive prices or hire sufficient staff?
Have you spoken with a lawyer? How much legal exposure will you bear if you get an injury or death due to an idiot customer?
I can complain about the irony of not being able to carry in a gun shop all I want, but it's not my store. I'm not the one having to pay the bills and make payrole. I would rather have a LGS that I like stay in business, than expose themselve to excessive (expensive) risk simply to stop the complaining and have to close.
I'm all for allowing CC in as many locations as possible, but eventually it comes down to cost. If you can make it happen for minimal risk and cost, then go for it.


New member
The way I look at it the ccw holder, if allowed to carry in the store, may be the difference between you getting robbed/shot in a holdup. The BG doesn't care what the sign says.


New member

"If carrying a weapon under CWP, the weapon MUST remain in holster and out of sight."

"If you need work on a CWP handgun, You MUST bring the weapon in unloaded and the holster separately"

All other weapons are to be cased and unloaded.

Thank You.

Plus 1 on that.


New member
concealed weapons should be just that, concealed. all other weapons should be unloaded and in a case. in the event some one doesn't have a case, for say a long gun. bolt/action should be open.


New member
"If carrying a weapon under CWP, the weapon MUST remain in holster and out of sight."

"If you need work on a CWP handgun, You MUST bring the weapon in unloaded and the holster separately"

All other weapons are to be cased and unloaded.

Thank You.


What part of "conceal" don't these boneheads understand? What they are doing is a violation of their CWP. Why is it that the stupid people always have to ruin everything for the rest of us? :mad:

Navy joe

New member
Next time I'm near it I'll take a picture of my old local gunshops 4 ft sign outside the door. They allow legal carry, both open and concealed. They are very allergic to people unholstering in the store. Were it my store the only thing I'd add would be a corner of the shop built of railroad tie and sandbag with a clearing barrel in it. Show and tell is your biggest danger.


New member
Another thing to consider, before replying, is that Florida will most likely pass some sort of open carry law, to take effect this year...Contingent upon CWP possession, as it it currently written.

How does everyone see this applying to their sign verbage?


New member
Well, for open carry, you'd just have to let folks know you are not allowed to unholster. It's just ridiculous that folks are having show-n-tell with loaded weapons in the OP's store.

I'm in Orlando so any switch from concealed to open carry is of interest to me. Quite honestly, although I've had a CWP for years, I never carry a weapon. I know, I know, what good is a firearm if you don't have it on you for protection. Well, down here in the swamp it's typically so hot a good portion of the year that it makes it difficult to conceal under a t-shirt or other light clothing. The silhouette of the firearm under your clothes will get you in trouble every time. :mad:


I really can't believe what I'm reading here. Fear really runs deep. I want to sell guns, but I don't won't any liability? If you drive to work, you probably have a much better chance of getting hurt that way. What do you think people like your grandad did BEFORE ccw came into effect? Carry on..........

As the employee under the gun would you want to depend on the fire discipline, and the marksmanship of three people you dont know? Just because a person has a CCW dont make them trained, practiced, disciplined, or even intelligent enough to let the store employee's handle the situation. It also might even be confusing as to weather a customer is involved on the bad guy side.

Well, I guess that is a perfectly solid argument for why any business owner might want to ban concealed carry in their business. You just can't trust the customers to be good. I completely support the rights of businesses to disallow guns, but generally speaking I think it is a poor idea.

I pretty much carry at least one firearm at all times. However I dont mind disarming when going into a gun shop. Mainly because I know the employee's will protect me from harm as best they can.

Wow, you are okay with gun shops not allowing concealed carry because if something goes wrong, owners/staff need to depend on fire discipline, but you are willing to trust the owners/staff to protect your life and believe they will do so and you have no real clue as to their practice, training, discipline, etc. That is very trusting, but also naive.

This guy didn't do anything to help protect the customer entering the shop...
He certainly didn't have any other staff to help protect the store, himself, or the customers.

Gun stores do get robbed and successfully many times as well, which is part of the reason they keep getting robbed...

No safety conscious staff here either...

This gun store did nothing to keep the customers from being harmed. The robbers took over and that was it. Luckily, the robbers didn't hurt the folks in the store.

I like the fire discipline of the clerk in this video. He apparently started shooting at shoplifters and didn't hit any of them. He had 5 targets. See first story here...

Just because you are in a gun shop, you can't believe that the people behind the counter are situationally aware, well trained, protecting you before they protect themselves or their wares. Just because they work in a gun store does not mean that they love guns. For many, it is just a job. Don't be confused with people trying to save their own hides (if they do try) with trying to protect yours. In a lot of cases, if your hide gets protected, it isn't altruism, but just a fortunate benefit to you.


New member

There have been some very good suggestions made here for wording of a sign. Goofy Foot mentioned the probability of an open carry law which might require modifying the wording.

Allowing some to carry but some not is not good practice. The rule, whatever it is, should be the same for all.

Coming up with the best way to do something is not often quickly done, so I’ll not made an exact suggestion for words. Take your time to think it out for the best way.

I do suggest that you allow legal carriers to carry in your store but with proper admonition that the gun, concealed or open, stays in the holster unless it’s brought in for work or trade and in which case it comes in unloaded and cased as any other gun being brought in for that purpose.

Cheapshooter said:
Actually a simpler sign in LGS near me.

All firearms must be unloaded and cased
CCW firearms must be holstered at all times.
Of course, you do realize that sign contradicts itself .. don't you?

If ALL firearms must be unloaded and cased, then a holstered CCW has to be unloaded and cased with it's holster -- which means it may be your CCW elsewhere, but you can't wear it here.

Too many people seem to forget that words have meanings.

Glenn Dee

New member
DoubleNaughtSpy... Thanks for your comments on my post.

I'm not talking about any business. I'm talking about a GUN SHOP! Employee's tend to be armed. They also tend to have some sort of a disaster plan for such an event. I'm not suggesting that Customers are not to be trusted. But do you trust everyone you meet during your business? Trust in my opinion is something that's built up over time and interaction. Not bestowed upon someone because they happened into your business. As I've said before... A CCW proves only that a person has a CCW. Not that he's a good shot, or thinks "tactically" or even is aware he or she may be in danger.

Yes I am comfortable trusting the staff of a GUN STORE with my protection. I'm not naive, nor am I overly trusting. I am however trained. I'm also experienced. If I had to bet... I'd bet the staff of a gun shop is better with the gun's than the average Joe, and that they have a plan.

I know all gun shop employee's may not love guns... I dont love guns. I know that some my even hold no interest in guns. I think thats more the exception than the rule.

Of course there are the exceptions, and there are always succesfull criminals.

Glenn D.
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pelo801 said:
concealed weapons should be just that, concealed. all other weapons should be unloaded and in a case.
The OP is in Florida. Open carry may become legal in Florida this year. So you're saying you think it's okay to ban a legal mode of carry, and to discriminate against certain customers based solely on their choice of mode of LEGAL carry?
Glenn Dee said:
I'm not talking about any business. I'm talking about a GUN SHOP! Employee's tend to be armed. They also tend to have some sort of a disaster plan for such an event.

And you know this ... how?

And you believe it strongly enough to entrust YOUR life to the training, skill set and "disaster plan" of a gun shop employee about whom you may know exactly zero? You are a much more trusting person than I am.


New member
What about something like:

Concealed carry weapons must remain concealed at all times

All other firearms must be unloaded and cased BEFORE entering the store


New member
A sign in many places has no legal authority unless it is posted the way the law requires. Here in MN it has to be placed , letter size and wording according to the regulations.
TBS, A sign posted "Brandishing is a Criminal Action Inside this Store just like Outside". Or a variation.
While shopping in a local Gander Mountain with my brother looking for holsters I notice he has his carry gun out and quickly jump him about it. To my surprise he had asked and received permition from the counter person to do that while I was checking something else out. I am still bewildered that he received the OK.
Gun shows used to have sign's restricting CCW on premises but those signs are changing.
As for a Gun Store, customers will adapt to the way you set rules and quickly. If you are No-Nonsense Stead-fast in your requirement to keep a CCW holstered your everyday costumers will probably help you enforce your rules if they see anyone reaching.
Please Allow!
And did someone see a Saturday Night Special??? :eek: