Should Backpackers Carry Handguns - A Backpacker Magazine "Question of the Month."


New member
the laws about firearms in the federal parks (denali being one of them) is that CONCEALED firearms are prohibited.

Care to share the details on that one?


New member
A couple of years ago I was backpacking in the White Cloud mountains of central Idaho with my two boys. We were setting up camp near a mountain lake when an Idaho State Forest Service employee came bopping down the trail next to us. He stopped to talk a while -- he'd been improving trails for ten days alone with just the pack on his back and a shovel in his hand. He looked at the Beretta 9mm on my hip, laughed, and said, "what's the gun for? You afraid of bears?" I said, "No, with this I'm not afraid of anything!" He blinked, told us not to camp within 100 feet of the lake, and left.

Bruce Woodbury