Should Backpackers Carry Handguns - A Backpacker Magazine "Question of the Month."


New member
The June 2002 issue of Backpacker Magazine, page 13, is asking readers the following:

"After the recent hiker homicide in New Hampshire's White Mountains, several readers asked us if solo backpackers should carry weapons for protection. Do you think soloists should carry handguns into the backcountry?"

Write to Backpacker's Question of the Month, 33 E. Minor Street, Emmaus, PA 18098; fax (610) 967-8181;

Include your name, mail and email address, and phone number.

I'm sure there are many of us who can enlighten the folks over at Backpacker Magazine on this issue. Personally I don't think this question should be limited to solo backpackers. There have been many reported assaults and homicides on hikers and backpackers in groups of 2, 3, or more.


New member
Backpacker is a Rodale press publication

they do Prevention and a bunch of other socialist mags


New member
You should ONLY carry a gun while backpacking...IF you would like to be able to defend yourself.

If you want to be a victim, do without the gun.


New member
I agree with FPrice. I carry a handgun anytime I am camping or backpacking. Actually, I carry a handgun everywhere I go...


New member
I can not see how even the anti's would disagree with, "only those people being attacked by dangerous animals or people should carry guns" or maybe. "only those people who's life could have been saved if they were carrying a gun should have carried guns". This is a starting point... "/
Back in the '70s it wasn't necessary as the woods were relatively safe. Today, you have to contend with critters that don't fear man (wolves, coyotes, catamounts) and of course, ne'er do wells. Yes, I would carry a gun and if I wasn't permitted to, I wouldn't backpack there. Go Armed, Go safe and come home alive.


New member
I live in Kalifornia, but it's legal to carry a weapon in the national forests (NOT national PARKS). I only go camping and hiking in the national forests for that reason.

Edit: I read a couple of posts over at
As far as wild animals I carry pepper spray. I hope never to use it but I have it. It can be used on people to. It is best to be aware of your suroundings and not leave yourself looking like a potential victom.

:eek: I'd hate to learn the hard way how bears and mountain lions react to pepper spray.

Hold on... this one's better :D:

I believe that if you want to draw negative energy to you, get a gun. My father was a member of the NRA and I used to read his monthly issues of Americam Hunter, in that mag they have a section titled "The Armed Citizen", there were numerous stories relating to the benefits of having a firearm available, and how it made that person's life better, often seeming to save it. Well, that got me thinking that I should get a gun to "protect" myself. I also thought about the concept of "drawing energy" and came to the conclusion that I was doing just fine, and did not need to protect myself or did not want to "draw" that dangerous energy to me. Call it what you want, I call it paying attention to the powers that be, in my reality. I have had no problems with threatening people in my life. That may be chance or it may be created by my actions, I believe that my thoughts and actions create my wonderful life. I will make my choices based upon my life experiences, you can do the same. BTW, I grew up around guns, I know how to use them, and I choose not to.

tee hee hee
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Shawn Dodson

No. Guns are dangerous! If a hiker is out of cell phone range, he or she should proceed directly to the nearest pay phone and call 9-1-1!

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Shawn, No! Cell phone! You dial 911. They'll tell you someone will be out to your GPS location, first thing in the morning.

Oh. You don't have a GPS? :( Too bad.

Ah, well. Pepper spray or good-vibes psychic energy, I guess...


Steve Smith

New member
Having been a tree hugger of sorts myself about 6 years ago, and a serios backpacker, I know what this group is like. I was hardly anti-gun at the time, but I wasn't "into" them as I am now, and was before my "leftism." I kinda had a lapse of conservatism, so to speak. Anyway, most of the backpacking crowd is definitely anti-gun. They are much too into hummus munching and being "one with nature" to see the bad things...athletic blissninnies, if you will. Frankly, I'm pretty enthused that BP magazine is even having this article. It shows progress, believe it, or not.

Now, I'm gonna go smoke a nice Robusto cigar, made with the sweat of and back breaking work of many Central Americans. Who will slave for my enjoyment tonight? Nicaraguans? Dominicans? Puerto Ricans? Cubans (I didn't say that!)? or Hondurans? Hmmm...Hondurans! (insert evil, anti-liberal laugh here!)

This capitalist piggie went to the free market!

Sergeant Bob

New member
Guns in the woods? DUDE! You're harshing my mellow!
I used to backpack solo in the San Bernadino Nat. Forest in Ca. and I carried a 7 1/2 inch 44 mag Super Blackhawk strapped to my side.
I got the strangest looks from all the other backpackers I met, but they were always real friendly. Used it to scare off a couple black bears in a canyon about a 7 mile hike up from Forest Falls. Before I fired a couple rounds, I did everthing the hiking manual said about banging pans together and picking up a big tree branch and running around like an idiot yelling and screaming. I guess the bears never received their copy of the manual.
Email sent.


New member
I think that every time some victim gets hurt in the streets, or out in the wilderness, the victim should sue the state, feds, or both, if they were prohibited from carrying a weapon that they could have used to protect themselves with.