shooting costs too much? what does $100.00 buy you today?


New member

Bamaboy says my cash register got stuck on 1990, 'cause I'm always griping about the cost of stuff. I dabbbled in F-TR class shooting for a couple of seasons in about 2010 or so, and got out primarily due to cost. Till I burned a day of leave on Friday to drive to the 2 day match, got a room for 2x days (I slept in the truck a few times, not often) ate out Fri and Sat night, paid the match fee, gas, and the cost of 150 rds or so of (reloaded) .308, it was pretty clear I was going to have to give up some other hobbies or leave F-TR. I love to hunt and fish too much, and put the F-TR rifle in the back of the safe. I figure a weekend like that in 2010 cost me about $250-300 bucks, and that was nearly 15 years ago. The expense of that can have only gone up since.

Local IDPA and outlaw 3-gun matches were a lot cheaper, $5-!0 bucks, for match fees and the range was less than 10 miles away. The club was reducing the IDPA stages to about 50 rds so that cost was not prohibitive to non reloaders. Three gun ammo cost was expensive when the boy and I shot them together (it was like 6-gun) but it was worth it to me.

Numbers.....100 bucks? That could buy you 500 .30 cal match slugs, or 1000 FMJ slugs for short range practice. Same money would get the better part of a 8# keg of powder if not all of it. Two nights at Motel 6.
Close to 3 tanks of gas in my '91 Toyota pickup. Better than half of a blue collar Leupold hunting scope (VariX-II-a) hunt club dues have doubled. Cup and core hunting bullets sell for $40.00 a box of 100 and God help you if you shoot Partitions. A room is $100 bucks a night if you're lucky. It costs $60-70 bucks to fill up the 4-Runner, locally, and more if I go North. An entry level Leupold is $300 bucks and forget about a Nightforce, Trijicon, Zeiss, etc. A new Ruglin lever carbine will cost you at least 10 of those $100 bills.

Retired, I will not get into what I made then, and what my income is now. I'm still better off than a lot of folks, the boy's raised, the house is paid for, and so too ( almost) all the veh's. And best of all, I'm still healthy. Physically anyhow....mental health is up to debate.


New member
on that note....lets list things that have truly doubled 100%, under biden:

1. gas

In my area anyhow, my electric bill has increased 110% and my natural gas bill has increased 90% since Biden took office.


New member
I shot up some 22 LR today. The 100 rounds were Federal Champion from Walmart that cost me about $2.50 over 10 years ago. Replacement cost will be at least $8. That's only a 320% increase but don't worry Bidenomics is working as intended. :mad:


New member
In 1957 I rode my bicycle through town, collecting empty soda bottles for 2 cents each so I could buy a box of .22 LR for 75 cents. As a result, I counted every shot and never rattled off 10 or 20 or 30 at a time just for the hell of it. 66 years later, I have never emptied a 30 round magazine with my AR-15 at one sitting. Neither do I waste the cartridges that I handload.
Those .22 rounds cost me 1.5 cents each. I recently bought 250 rounds of Aquila for $25. That’s 10 cents each. The costs have risen 10.95 times since 1957 so $1.00 in 1957 requires $10.95 today. That is a cumulative price increase of 995.33%. Another way to look at it is $1.00 today buys 9.132% of what the dollar would buy in 1957.
So 75 cents for 50 rounds in 1957 = 1.5 cents each. 250 rounds would have been $3.75. I paid $25.00 plus tax. That is a 666.66% increase since 1957 – which is less than the cumulative 995.33% so I guess I got a bargain.


New member
10.95x in 66 years is 3.6% per year. I wouldn't complain if it keeps on going at the same rate.

Things are getting expensive above that rate recently. Even more so, I just make each round count more. Each shot must serve a purpose.

I survived college with $15 a week for food some 30 years ago. This is no problem.


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New member
I'll bite here. Just 3 years ago, I could load 9mm for $0.08. Now? Primers alone will cost more than that. Powder is about 25% more expensive. I still have a couple hundred pounds of lead so I haven't tried sourcing it lately, but I'm also stingy with it because it goes quicker than you think (especially shooting high volume .45).

Rent is up a solid 30%. Gas has fluctuated my whole adult life so we can't really square all of the blame on one man for that. Groceries are up a lot. Like a whole lot. Expenses have gone up significantly, faster than wages by far for most people. No one can deny that. So a lot of folks have had to tighten the belt, and discretionary hobbies tend to get cut first. Add to that there is an air of economic uncertainty felt by most people. I, for one, have worked more overtime than usualy when I'm available to. Which eats into time for your hobbies. It's a vicious cycle.

Not everyone is retired with a paid for house. Not everyone is living hand to mouth. If a friend or acquaintance is complaining that he/she can't afford to shoot as often, there's a good chance their circumstance is different than yours. Or they prioritize their money into different venues. Or they mismanage it altogether. But it is generally an uncontested fact that inflation has generally outpaced wage increaes the past couple of years. Hence, discretionary funds have decreased. And the discretionary spending must also decrease.


New member
Gas has fluctuated my whole adult life so we can't really square all of the blame on one man for that. Groceries are up a lot. Like a whole lot.

I'm not too upset by gas prices either. For me, it's like the price of milk, easy to notice but not an enormous impact on my spending overall.

I believe there's a kink to the demand curve for budget goods that makes them increase in price much more quickly than general inflation. I've always shot a lot of inexpensive 22lr and the cheapest 5.56 I could find. As compared to five years ago, the 22lr looks to be up 50% and the 5.56 is doubled. The premium 22lr prices seem much more stable.

I've always eaten lots of hotdogs and pasta. I notice that pasta has doubled from $1 to $2 a pound and hot dog buns are up 25%. Hot dogs themselves are a different kind of variable in which the mystery of their contents can influence price.

If I shoot 15,000 rounds a year of 22lr, that's only an increase of $300 annually for ammunition. The car that gets me there has adjusted in a way that snuck up on me. A cheap car is now $30k? This morning I saw a lad having lots of trouble parking his shiny 4x4 GMC quadcab pick-up, and before this post I took a peek at what something like that costs? $85k?

When I explain this and feel myself reaching for "I remember when..." I know I have incipient geezer-ism.

44 AMP

Gas has fluctuated my whole adult life so we can't really square all of the blame on one man for that. Groceries are up a lot. Like a whole lot.

If that "one man" (the big guy in the White House) takes the credit for when things go right, (and they nearly always do) then they get the blame when things go wrong.

Yes, groceries are up, so is EVERYTHING TRANSPORTED that uses fuel in its transport is up. Gas, and diesel, power the bulk of our transportation system, goods and people. When the cost of running the cars, trucks, trains and planes goes up, the cost of what is delivered does, too.


New member
If that "one man" (the big guy in the White House) takes the credit for when things go right, (and they nearly always do) then they get the blame when things go wrong.

Yes, groceries are up, so is EVERYTHING TRANSPORTED that uses fuel in its transport is up. Gas, and diesel, power the bulk of our transportation system, goods and people. When the cost of running the cars, trucks, trains and planes goes up, the cost of what is delivered does, too.

YES! This happened in 2008/2009 when fuel prices spiked. Though inflation then wasn't what it is now, everything shipped saw a tick up in price as transport costs rose. To make matters worse, those price increases seem to "bake in" and never lower completely when the price of fuel decreases and holds steady. Those transport expense price increases may fade with time over a few years... but they don't closely follow fuel.

This griping about cost increases (and trust me, I'm with you guys), but today I scored 1k Remington 5 1/2 SP primers for $75.00 at the LGS. I feel like a got a smoking deal, even though that's more than double the last price I paid for 1k of primers (I stocked up at a really good time, but alas I've eaten into my supply a fair bit).

Also saw Vihtavuori N110 @ $40 for 2 lbs :eek:. I don't know what was up with that. There was a sign for Accurate powder buy 1 pound get 2 free :eek:. All of it was gone :(. Meanwhile, at the same LGS, Pyrodex was $55 per pound. No thanks...


New member
I believe $100.00 might not cover the expenses involved in ammunition, range fees, or firearm maintenance, as these costs can be quite significant.


New member
It isn't just the price hikes, it is the shrinkage in those packages as well. That shrinkage is averaging 10% less than when I bought it before Biden AND the price has gone up 25-100% (depending on the item). When crappy cuts of beef like chuck roasts now cost almost $10/pound, I do without and eat more chicken - and that has gone up as well. Property taxes have been going up every year, utility costs have gone up every year - mine have doubled since Covid. Yes I reload but even with that, I am not shooting anywhere as much as I used to. Maybe with the weather cooling down some, I pick it up a little.


New member
I’ve been shooting a lot of rimfire because of prices. We have to use lead free hunting ammo and that can run $60-$70 for a box of twenty. I randomly found copper solid .308 on sale for $27 a box and felt like I’d won the lottery.
Several pounds of black powder and some lead.

You can buy ticking cheap by the yard at Wallyworld. Spit is free (but you can use lard).

Provided you have a flintlock and you recover your lead balls to recast, you can have years of shooting fun. :D


New member
$75 PSA blemished ar-10 lower receiver. Some spots of blotchy color in anodization. Works just fine.


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