sherwin williams anti-gun?

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New member
The store did have the sign up that is not erroneous information.

Never said it was. The fact that the order to put the sign up came from the mythical "home office" was erroneous. Protip: Never assume that whatever some clerk or stocker tells you is correct. Always get it from a manager, and preferably higher than that. He probably just said that because in his head he did the math and deduced it was the most likely response to get you to stop bothering him about it. Welcome to retail.

Also, I don't see how I should have assumed the question mark in the thread title meant anything when it I count several inappropriate uses of question marks by you in this thread at the end of what are obviously statements, not questions.


New member
I am not trying to prove anything sec.

In the heading of this thread I asked a QUESTION which you repeatedly choose to ignore, I had an experience and stated clearly my reaction to that experience.

How you choose to react to MY EXPERIENCE, I gives a damn.

CAPS intended so you can clearly see which points you seem so blindly intent to ignore.

No Juan.

Please try and focus just a little on what is written before you try and reply.

The original order to put the sign up did come from home office, this store just never took it down.

Again you assume.
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New member
No Juan.

Please try and focus just a little on what is written before you try and reply.

The original order to put the sign up did come from home office, this store just never took it down.

Again you assume.

Hmmm...I just think it unlikely that if Sherwin Williams had a no-firearms policy "for a short time after 9/11" I find it unlikely that "a little white paper with black type written letters" would have survived for this long after the policy had ended. Especially since "due to customer complaints this was changed." You mean to tell me that this little paper sign has sat in the window for 5-6 years (and wouldn't it be a deep yellow after so long?) without one complaint thus far? In Texas no less?

It's possible, of course. The more likely scenario to me is that a rogue manager decided to institute a no-firearms policy in his store without corporate approval. That, or Sherwin Williams has a "neutral" policy regarding firearms, and allows store managers to set this at the local level.

I would need to know which it is before I would be willing to make any decisions on whether to patronize the company any longer. If the former, I have no problem doing so. If the latter, I'd probably consider taking my business elsewhere. So yeah, I'm still interested in hearing from the couple of guys who actually asked the pertinent questions...if it turns out the sign is condoned by the company, I will of course fire off a letter of disapproval as well.


New member
Your last post is well spoken Juan and I agree with it.

That you gather your own information and make your own decision with my experience was what was intended from the start.


New member
You are half cocked.

That you bothered to ask the guy behind the counter at all shows poor judgment.

That you read into my statements and think that I was assuming is hypocrisy.

That you would come and post things to the board BEFORE you got a response from corporate regarding their stance shows little self esteem: "hey guys, I saw a sign! Pat me on the back! Back me up on this one!"

Why don't you do right first before going all chicken little as is obviously your intent in posting here at all. Trigger happy gun owners aren't a good model.


New member
Hi Don, Hi SecDef, Hi JuanCarlos. I e-mailed S.W. a couple of days ago, but they never got back to me. I didn't want you gents to think I had forgotten. If I ever hear from them I'll post. Till then I'm going to assume they're friendly, based on info in the thread.


Calm down folks. We are all on the same side here.

S-W rep said they do not have a no guns policy. That is a good thing. Why are we arguing?

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
If one sees a sign that prohibits guns, it is prudent to ask the manager of the establishment the reasons for the sign. Not the tellers, clerks, stockers or other low level employees. They won't, in all probability know the correct answer. Full Stop.

This thread is a lesson in what not to do. One does not besmirch the good name of a corporation based upon a guess from a low level employee. One gets the facts. From the Head Guy. From the manager at the least, or more profitably, some corporate honcho who would be more likely to know.

There are several lessons to be learned here.

The paramount lesson to be learned: Not to go off half-cocked against something based solely on information that has not been verified. This does not speak highly of the goals of TFL: To promote the advancement of responsible firearms ownership.

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