sherwin williams anti-gun?

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Well, asking if the policy is, in fact, a corporate one, hardly shows rage. Had you come to the forum with that knowledge in hand, we could have been on-line to them already.

However, take this to, and the minions of darkness there would just JUMP at the chance to rail against the Corporation, even without verification. Then, if they're wrong, they'll just shrug, and get back to fighting with each other. :D :D


New member
This issue never bothers me. I mean it is a private place that can pretty much make any rules they want. What if I don't like wearing shoes and shirts and every store has a sign that says shoes and shirts must be worn at all times? For one, if your gun is concealed they are not even going to know you have it on you anyway.


New member
I work for a company called ICI Dulux Paints (think big box paint store like SW and Ben Moore, but no advertising. We're actually sold world wide). We have a similar sign on our window, and carry for employees is banned under corporate policy.

In my knowledge, the reason for prohibiting firearms is because of product inside the store. Most paint stores carry lines of paint for industrial use. Some of those product lines are highly flammable and combustable. We have enough on hand that if the store catches fire or one decides to blow up, you'd probably want to be about a half mile away.

I'd hate to think of what would happen if a bullet hit one of those cans on industrial grade urethane, or thinners, or epoxy coatings. Not to mention the hundreds of gallons of mineral spirits, denatured alcohol....

Not saying it's "right", but that's probably the reason that these companies don't want you carrying in their stores.

Don H

New member
Having members here at TFL contact sherwin williams and expressing outrage over their no firearms policy is exactly what I wanted Juan.
Don, Rob, any word from them yet?
My email to S-W certainly didn't express outrage since I don't know what their policy is. Their contact site generated a message saying they would reply within two business days.


New member
For Don, SEC, Juan and any others that ASSUMED I had not asked Sherwin Williams from the get go, my QUESTION has been answered.

A gentleman from the North Texas district H.Q. for Sherwin Williams returned my call just now and stated that Sherwin Williams does not have a no firearms policy.

He further stated that for a short time after 9/11 policy was not to allow firearms, but due to customer complaints this was changed.
He further asked what store the sign was seen and this info. was given.
After all it was not a legal sign by texas standards anyway.

One last time for the record...



I will not spend my money with them period.

So, if anyone out there has a Co. in their area (where CC is allowed), whose public policy is not anti-gun but turns a blind eye to the individual store that is, let me know.
I will gladly stand with you and happily spend my money with Companies who recognize our SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS.

Don H

New member
So, is the district guy going to make the store take the sign down now that he has been notified?

Don H

New member
By the way, note that post #2 asked if you had thought about verifyng the information. It wasn't until post #27 that you said you had.


New member
By the way, note that post #2 asked if you had thought about verifyng the information. It wasn't until post #27 that you said you had.

That's what I was thinking. Yeah, I made an assumption. But considering that the second post asked if he had pursued information from further up the ladder, and despite other responses in the thread he never mentioned he had, it was not an unreasonable assumption.

And I too am curious if the district manager was going to make the local manager take the sign down. It's pertinent, because if they do then it shows that the corporation as a whole does not condone local managers setting this policy and thus nobody here would have any reason not to continue shopping there.


New member
Feel free to reread my posts. I made no such assumption. I merely took the position that corporate should be contacted regarding official position.

Glad you did the right thing.


New member
First Don, the district guys response seemed to strongly indicate to me that the store here would be told to remove the sign.

Second, as I have stated numerous times before the clerks verification of the sign was all I needed, he is after all an agent of the Co.

My further investigation into Corporate policy was simply for your benefit.

You have decided to take the stance that since your store has no such sign you will continue to shop there.

I on the other hand choose not support any Co. who would deny a licensed citizen the right to carry on their premises regardless if that business is next door or across the country.

Yes, you asked in post #2 whether I had verified the information and although as stated repeatedly the clerks verification is all I need, you still ASSUMED I had not delved further.

Juan, do you even read my posts?
Post #27 second sentence...Quote: A gentleman from the North Texas district H.Q. for Sherwin Williams returned my call just now and stated that Sherwin Williams does not have a no firearms policy.

The first sentence of the very next paragraph in post #27 also clearly states their policy. No? Yes?
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New member
Juan, do you even read my posts?
Post #27 second sentence...Quote: A gentleman from the North Texas district H.Q. for Sherwin Williams returned my call just now and stated that Sherwin Williams does not have a no firearms policy.

The first sentence of the very next paragraph in post #27 also clearly states their policy. No? Yes?

Yes, I did read your post(s). No, it does not "clearly" state their policy. Believe it or not, there do exist companies that allow such policies to be set at the regional, district, or even store level. Uncommon, perhaps...but stating that Sherwin Williams as a whole does not have a no-firearms policy does not necessarily mean that this individual store's policy isn't condoned and does not imply that the sign will be taken down.

Now, had you said that Sherwin Williams had a "firearms allowed" policy...then that would logically have implied the rest.

First Don, the district guys response seemed to strongly indicate to me that the store here would be told to remove the sign.

Second, as I have stated numerous times before the clerks verification of the sign was all I needed, he is after all an agent of the Co.

My further investigation into Corporate policy was simply for your benefit.

That clerk may well have only been working there for the last two weeks, and may know nearly nothing about company policies and procedures. I'd hardly consider him "an agent of the company," at least not when it comes to finding out information about policies. For all you know he's been taken aside, yelled at, given a final notice, and well on his way to being fired. Same for the store manager, or whoever happened to put up the "no firearms" sign.

Also, your further investigation wasn't just "for our benefit." It's necessary in order to not be just another guy smearing a company when really he doesn't know what heck he's talking about. If the sign is remove and the manager who put it up sanctioned, then there would be no reason for anybody here not to continue to patronize Sherwin Williams...however, if somebody of questionable critical thinking skills had only read the first few posts here then they may well have just lost a customer for no good reason.

Basically, it's important for you to get all your facts straight before you run around telling stories. Ideally you would have waited to start this thread until you had received the reply back from the district manager.

You have decided to take the stance that since your store has no such sign you will continue to shop there.

I on the other hand choose not support any Co. who would deny a licensed citizen the right to carry on their premises regardless if that business is next door or across the country.

No, he took the stance that since his store had no such sign (and thus obviously it was not a corporate policy) he'd find out what the corporate policy was before he made any decisions, or spread any rumors. As it turns out, it appears that we may have no reason not to support this company, and that they would not deny a licensed citizen the right to carry. You really shouldn't punish a company for the actions of one rogue manager. Especially if the company doesn't support those actions, reverses them, and (more than likely) takes action against the manager.


New member
You clearly did not read my posts.
I said the man at district clearly stated that Sherwin Williams has no
"No firearms policy".

Also I said that if corporate condones or allows one store to have a policy barring legal firearms... EFFECTIVELY, THAT IS COMPANY POLICY FOR ME.

Did you read that?

I have my facts, read my posts including what I just wrote.

How long has the sign been up? I don't know.

How many people turned around when they saw the sign on the door? I don't know.

What if there are other Sherwin williams stores around the nation with such signs still up?
Wouldn't you want to know how those signs affect your fellow permit holders and show your support by boycotting the store in your area?

I certainly do?

That more than one person has contacted Sherwin Williams concerning their firearms policy means I was successful and no other CC holders will be turned away from the Company.
Also, DEFINITELY read the thread title again it says...

sherwin williams anti-gun?
Gotta note that big question mark at the end.:rolleyes:

I never said you had to follow my stance but I definitely gave you reason to check further into co. policy if such things are important to you.

In that endeavor I have been mildly successful it seems.:)

They are important to me.


New member
You clearly did not read my posts.
I said the man at district clearly stated that Sherwin Williams has no
"No firearms policy".

Yes. I read that. I get that. It tells me that Sherwin Williams has no corporate "no firearms" policy. This means that they do not set a policy of "no firearms" nationwide. It does not necessarily mean that they don't allow individual stores to set such policies, which is the information I'm interested in.

Again, a companying saying they have no "no firearms" policy does not necessary logically equate to a company saying they have a "firearms allowed" policy. There's a third "no national no firearms policy as a company but local policies may vary" option.

Also I said that if corporate condones or allows one store to have a policy barring legal firearms... EFFECTIVELY, THAT IS COMPANY POLICY FOR ME.

But wait...from your post (we still don't have full information, because you failed to ask all the pertinent questions) it appears they didn't condone or allow it.

First Don, the district guys response seemed to strongly indicate to me that the store here would be told to remove the sign.

Second, as I have stated numerous times before the clerks verification of the sign was all I needed, he is after all an agent of the Co.

So it sounds like it's not being allowed, and quite possibly the only reason it was there was not because it was allowed but rather because nobody had complained to higher levels yet. Yet you yourself state that the clerk's verification, even though from the little additional you've given us turns out to have been wrong, was enough for you. So erroneous information was enough for you? You don't see...a problem with that?

Put another way, I'm not the kind of guy to boycott a company on incomplete or erroneous information. You seem like the kind who would, and who would encourage others to do the same.


New member
Reread your own posts SEC.
In both post #6 and post #15 you imply that I had not researched further.

I did, I contest that taking the word of a guy behind the counter isn't necessarily corporate policy, and that the right thing to do is to talk to corporate.

I did not indicate that you failed to do anything in any way, I was speaking about the correct way to handle situations like this.

My intent wasn't to criticize you at all, but you seem to want to criticize me.. what fun!


New member
I don't encourage you to do anything Juan.

I simply posted my recent experience at my local Sherwin Williams and have allowed TFL members to do their own investigation and act with what they discovered as they see fit.

The store did have the sign up that is not erroneous information.

I acted accordingly.

How you respond when faced with a business who will not allow you to legally carry is your own business.


New member
Contesting the fact that you made no assumption does not negate the assumption you made in posts #6 and #15.

Read those two posts of yours again from my point of view.

My point is not to criticize anyone, but to bring attention to my anti-gun experience at my local Sherwin Williams.

The very first post after I started this thread missed that intent entirely and most have done so to this point.

Investigate the information I provided and act as you see fit.


New member
So, corp told you that they have a non-gun policy, they asked which store had the sign and you said it seemed that they intended to have them remove it.

How exactly are they CONDONING the sign? (caps yours, I have no idea why)

Sigh. Again, I never assumed you didn't call corporate. I just said that taking the word of the guy behind the counter is inappropriate in condemning a corp or even a single store. If you want to believe I ASSUMED something, go ahead. I CONCLUDE that you are a fool. I told you my intent when it was clear you misinterpreted what I said. YOU choose not to believe me.

What are you trying to prove?
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