sherwin williams anti-gun?

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New member
Just stopped by my local sherwin williams paint store to pick up what seems like my MILLIONTH gallon of paint for a complete farm makeover and was suprised to see a little white paper with black type written letters in the window that said FIREARMS PROHIBITED.
Asked the young man behind the counter what it was all about and he said it came down from HOME OFFICE.
At $45.00 a gallon I have spent a small fortune painting the exterior of this place and was dreading the interior renovation paint bill.
Now I will just buy a cheaper PRO-GUN brand instead.
Thanks for saving me a fortune with the HEADS-UP.... Sherwin Williams.

Don H

New member
Ever think about verifying the policy with the head office rather than relying on the word of the kid behind the counter? Sherwin-Williams in Sugarhouse, Utah, doesn't have such a sign posted (as of Monday).


New member
Was the sign posted at the store in Copperas Cove Tx. as of today, the 28th of Feb? Yes.
Did the Sherwin Williams employee behind the counter verify that it was store policy? Yes.
Will this sign prevent CCW holders from patronizing this business because of it's posting? It can , did, and will in the future.
I am not buying paint in Sugarhouse Utah.
I was not left unarmed while agonizing over what sheen of Tumbleweed Green my WIFE had so adamantly suggested I get in Sugarhouse Utah either.
I did feel that way 1,341 miles away here in C.C. Texas.
My point being Don if sherwin williams policy either DEMANDS or CONDONES the posting of such signs, which are flagrantly ANTI-2A.............................,
Don't you want to know about it??


New member
My point being Don if sherwin williams policy either DEMANDS or CONDONES the posting of such signs, which are flagrantly ANTI-2A.............................,
Don't you want to know about it??

Of course, that's why you ask for their official position instead of the guy behind the counter.


New member
I have often wondered why any company takes a stand for or against gun ownership or guns in general. It is not as though it is required to open your doors. I have a company, we have no policy for or against guns. Why do Companies go out of their way to pizz off customers and polorize them?


New member
Why can't you bring a concealed weapon into a courthouse or a liquor store?

Some of the same arguments can apply to private businesses. Most of the conclusions are from ignorance, though.


New member
Do you inquire every businesses corporate stance on 2A issues before shopping with them SEC, or would you take the word of the posted sign and the employee?
I suppose he could have posted the sign himself when he saw me approaching , but why?
Again, my point being, my available sherwin williams is anti-gun, whether this is corporate policy or not, for me it effectively is so.
Corporate DEMANDS OR CONDONES that means they are.

Don H

New member
My point being Don if sherwin williams policy either DEMANDS or CONDONES the posting of such signs, which are flagrantly ANTI-2A.............................,

If I'm going to trash an entire company on the internet, I'm going to make darn sure that what some counter clerk told me is correct. Since the clerk stated it was company policy dictated by the "HOME OFFICE", I will verify that it is indeed corporate policy and not something a local store manager came up with. To do less is reprehensible.

If it turns out that it is the "store" policy rather than corporate, then it will not affect my local purchases with S-W. If it is corporate policy, then I will purchase painting products elsewhere.

Did the Sherwin Williams employee behind the counter verify that it was store policy? Yes.
No, sir. You said he stated it was corporate policy, i.e., "HOME OFFICE".

Corporate DEMANDS OR CONDONES that means they are..
Since you have no idea whether corporate either "DEMANDS OR CONDONES", you don't know that the Sherwin-Williams is anti-gun.

At least two posters on this thread have made an effort to determine what S-W's firearms policy is and will post that policy if/when we receive a response from corporate.


New member
1. Either Don or Rob (that's me) will post corporate response

2. Yes, it does matter where the directive came from. If its a store policy, then the corporation has a right to know. They might want to order the store to remove the sign post-haste. If it's a corporate policy, they might want to know (via e-mail, phone and letters) just how many customers they've lost. Either way, we can't lose. ;)


New member
That it came down from Home office is what he said.
Corporate office and home office may or may not mean the same thing. Different districts of stores may have a Home office, may not, matters not.
If you hurry you can edit your e-mail correspondence to them and ask if there is a difference.
And, once again, that store effectively IS THE COMPANY for me unless I am willing to drive an inordinate amount of time to another sherwin williams who may or may not have the same sign.
If they allow one store to post such a sign that is CONDONING.
Hence, shopping at any one of their locations would be supporting ananti 2-A Co., regardless of how they reply to your e-mail query.
You said if it were only my locations stance you would continue to shop at your local store.
Now that, I find reprehensive?
Because regardless if you buy from them in Texas, utah, or malaysia the money you spend all ends up with the same people who either DEMAND OR CONDONE this policy.
Don, please note the question mark in the title of this thread.
You and Ron are doing exactly what I had hoped the members here would do.
Question their Corporate stance on the 2A.


New member
Thank you Rob.
Wringing it out in the wash so to speak for all to make a decision is exactly why I posted this to begin with.


New member
At a guess, I'll bet we can sum this up in one word.


I'll bet that the impetus for this came from corporate legal beagles who recommend the signs go up so they don't get sued if some customer's gun goes off in one of their stores (they'll be the deep pocket target).

Just my two copper shekels worth.


New member
If they allow one store to post such a sign that is CONDONING.

No idea if they do.

I'm sorry if I don't put enough stock in the say-so of guys behind the counter. It very well may be true. ASKING corporate has the effect of voicing an opinion and letting them know the impact of their decision, if true. If it isn't true, then they can filter down appropriate action to the store.

Gotta contact them in either case.


New member
Do you inquire every businesses corporate stance on 2A issues before shopping with them SEC, or would you take the word of the posted sign and the employee?

Honestly, I've never seen that sign. However, my personal boycott of their store won't mean a hill of beans unless I contact the corporate representatives.

I guess how much effort you want to put into it depends on how strongly you feel that the sign shouldn't be there.


New member
Do you inquire every businesses corporate stance on 2A issues before shopping with them...

Not every business, but many. Since I joined this forum I've become far more conscientious about this. In the last couple of months I bet I've e-mailed at least 50 companies, politicians, news outlets and, ahem... writers.


New member
The second amendment doesn't protect your right to carry a weapon on somebody else's property, much the same way the first doesn't protect your right to say whatever you want or peaceably assemble on somebody else's property. In either case, they have every right to ask you to cease or leave.

Doesn't mean I like it, doesn't mean I'd shop there (given a choice)...but it's within their rights to do so.

And I'd certainly get word from somebody higher up than "the kid behind the counter" before spouting off about it to others. But that's just me. Which reminds me...

Don, please note the question mark in the title of this thread.
You and Ron are doing exactly what I had hoped the members here would do.
Question their Corporate stance on the 2A.

You obviously have fingers, a keyboard, a computer and monitor, and an internet connection. Quite possibly a mouse as well. Why didn't you contact them and get their corporate stance, rather than letting others do it for you? I'm thinking it's highly likely that the policy is either set or condoned at the corporate level, but I'd not go trying to get some sort of outrage going before going out on my own and trying to get some info one way or the other.


New member
I sometimes wonder if my sentiment miraculously changes to a foreign language after I type it.
Having members here at TFL contact sherwin williams and expressing outrage over their no firearms policy is exactly what I wanted Juan.;)
Don, Rob, any word from them yet?
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