
New member
Looking for the good bad ugly about the sccy semi autos. Thinking about one for an edc.

Thanks in advance!!


New member
Most people say they never have problems, those that do say the company takes care of them.

The recoil on one is pretty stiff. My fiance refused to shoot it again after her first mag was finished.

The trigger is long and heavy but smooth.

Some ammo will get a pierced primer and the little piece of metal will stay in the firing pin hole causing light strikes. Dry firing removes the obstruction. It is only a problem with some ammo, federal and winchester worked fine.

After a few hundred rounds the parts wore in a bit and the trigger bar would no longer move forward far enough to reset the trigger. I fixed it will a little bit of filing in the right spots, then it worked fine again.

Double check the mag springs are installed correctly, aparently they had an issue with that once.

So the long and short of it is... They generally work, but sometimes they have issues, and the company will fix them for you. So put several hundred rounds though the thing before using it for carry.


New member
I keep one in my pick up and it has been shot by numerous friends who thought it was too good to be true...price/quality. The pistol has easily had 400 rounds through it and nary a whimper....except for those who complained of the web of their hand hurting after a couple of mags. I carry a P 238 or 938 and leave the SCCY for range/truck pistol where it is doing just fine.


New member
So far, so good !!!

The trigger is long and heavy but smooth.
That is my only "minor" complaint with mine and other than that, I do recommend them to those who ask. ..... :)
They are blatant copies of the Keltec P11. Why not just get the original?
Perhaps because;
1) They are made in Florida.
2) They have a capacity of 10+1.
3) They have a lifetime warranty on the gun and not the owner.
4) The last one I bought, was $230.00 OTD.

Be safe !!!


New member
Close to 1000 rounds thru mine with no issues. I just sanded down the slide release bar this weekend to get more comfort in my n8 tactical holster. I know how hard I am on a carry pistol so I couldn't justify a more expensive gun.


New member
The ones they're producing now are WAY better than the early ones... If you get a relatively new one it'll probably be fine. They're a very handy size. I like their look too.


New member
Hickok45 gave a very complimentary review of the SCCY. He was expecting it to be....well...acting like the price. He came away a believer that it is a sound gun. Don't have the link, but if you search on YouTube you can find it.

Trooper Joe

New member
They are blatant copies of the Keltec P11. Why not just get the original?
Bill DeShivs

No they are not copies of the P11. Mine has never malfunctioned (had it since August 2013). Went through the factory in January 2014 and am really a believer now.

Great guns period (not just great guns for the price).

Trooper Joe

Bill DeShivs

New member
"No they are not copies of the P11. Mine has never malfunctioned (had it since August 2013). Went through the factory in January 2014 and am really a believer now."

Of course they are! Blatant copies. Care to prove otherwise?


New member
Stay Focused

Looking for the good bad ugly about the sccy semi autos.
Per FM12's original post, he is asking for input on the SCCY as opposed to anything else. ..... ;)

Be Safe !!!


New member
I'm a fan, even with the couple problems I had, I'd buy it again just because of the amazing customer service. The barrel had patches of rough machining and I was sent a replacement with pre-paid envelop for old one to send back. Frame cracked at rear frame pin hole and was promptly sent a replacement. They didn't even want the old one. No questions asked.

I really do like the pistol. With a zero BS lifetime warranty. My only complaint is the sharp cocking serrations.


New member
you said the good, the bad and the UGLY so here goes. please let me preface this with, "this was an early production of SCCY, before the CPX-2 had come to market. I have heard many good things about sccy in the last year, so things may have changed for the better."

I bought a sccy, new, about 1 1/2 years ago. first outing, half of all rounds were light strikes. I think, okay.....maybe needs breaking in?? different ammo?? went through various ammos, 4 boxes of different brands, light strikes never stopped, lots of stovepipes and FTF's. darn, call to the factory, nice folks, ship the gun. returned quickly.

another outing, light strikes. not AS bad, maybe down to 20% instead of 50%. safety broke off with just general soft usage. still FTF's every now and again. another trip back home, CS was nice, return was quick.

anther outing. a few hundred rounds, a couple light strikes, seemed to be worked out "OKAY", occasional FTF, cant recall, maybe one or two. I leave slightly satisfied. got home and noticed the rear sight is gone.......dang. call to CS, quickly shipped out a new rear sight.

another outing, really trying to get my wife to practice with this gun as she chose it for carry. the frames pins keep walking out every couple mags, have to push them back in every few minutes. CS stay to put them in a vice and slightly warp the pins. okay, easy solution, it worked. safety breaks AGAIN. call to CS, they send "two" safeties just in case(why make a safety out of soft platic?a metal safety wont add any weight). shot it every couple weeks, maybe another couple hundred rounds. everything is okay, with very occasional light strikes and occasional FTF.

another outing. internal ejector breaks.......ugh. call to CS. they send out a new ejector and extractor. well, I an't for the life of me get the pin out that holds the ejector in, tried making my own proper sized punch w/o success, trip to CS, returned quickly............................................ejector breaks AGAIN........SOLD!!!! with broken ejector and a spare for the new owner to deal with.

I hate bashing a new gun company, I really wanna see new guys succeed and add some good competition to the market. but was really upset that after sooooo many problems, and after the introduction of the CPX-2(shortly after buying my cpx-1) I wasn't offered a replacement gun. how much should I have to deal with, and should they have to deal with, before it becomes more cost effective just to offer a replacement. so that's my story, CS was always nice and quick to respond, and if they now have a more refined product then I wouldn't hesitate to do business with them because they WILL stand behind the firearm, even if it takes 15 times of shipping back and forth. I hear other forum members talk about how reliable and great their newer models have been, so maybe this was just such an early model and had just been sitting on the shelf for a long time. the good.....well, it's size of course, the price point of course and believe it or not, that little sucker was accurate as nuts. the trigger pull is really tough to overcome, but if your good with things like that, the gun will outshoot you for sure at 15yard or less. I really wish I could run around touting how great sccy was and that someone has put a real stake in the competition, but I can't. if it works reliably, I would say it's a great gun with a pretty tough trigger. good luck. I hope to hear some new owners jump in and tel me how different their experience has been, I wish sccy all the best, my partner at work has a family member that works for them and I hear they are expanding and opening a new shop here in GA, so they must be doing something right now.

I recommend the Taurus pt111 as compact that works for a great price. slightly larger, but shoots like a champ and has been 100% reliable for 1000 rounds of every ammo you could dream of.

if you do get the SCCY, I highly recommend the CPX-2 w/o the safety, in my unprofessional opinion, the safety was causing more issues than just breaking, I believe it was also the culprit of some feeding problems. but if you do get a CPX-1, I have couple safteys I can send ya for good luck.

Okay.....RANT over


New member
My CPX2 is my daily carry and I trust my life with it.

It is easier to carry (for me) than my Glock 19 and has been just as reliable.


New member
It's commonly known they are Keltec P11 copies. You can simply look at them and tell. I believe some parts will interchange.
Bill DeShivs

If "some parts" are interchangeable, then all the other parts are not interchangeable. I agree, the the guns do look very similar.

It seems like your first statement infers that because of the similarity between the two the SCCY pistol a lesser quality quality pistol. As Mr. Spok would say, "That is not logical."

It's fine that you prefer the Kel-Tec, however you don't need to put down the CPX to make the P11 look better. There are lots of guns out there that are similar to other guns, but that doesn't make them bad. It just means shooters have more choices. I kind of like that idea and I'm sure we can agree on that!