Scandalous photo: twoblink kisses Betty (large graphics)

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
...and I don't even mind!
His M1A is named "Betty".

More pics from the last party.

Great white Marine hunter Kaylee.

Tamara dreaming of Valhalla.

That indescribable feeling, shared by twoblink and runt.

Sheslinger and Cslinger


Runt and Renaissanceman


New member
The Total Absence of Fear....
ain't I lovely? :p

Think Tamara is dreaming about guns?

Note renaissancemann is perched at the very corner of the couch... furthest from me!

Futo Inu

New member
Nice! :) Tam, that how u want to be buried - prepared for the afterlife? I'll bet shooting fish in a barrel (or tank) wouldn't be that easy with a scope at that range - not l'il guppies anyway.


New member
If the "arsenal" shown in the photos isn't enough to attract the ATF's attention, Runt's "The Shining" impersonation certainly is!

BTW, Oleg, nice portrait of Sheslinger and Cslinger.

Jim V

New member
Regarding the photo of Tamara, sorta anyway, is that a 30 round magazine in the FAL? I doesn't look right for a 20 rounder.

Ahhhhh, Kaylee, Dominos does deliver apizza, you don't have to go after the fishies.


New member
Jeez, Lousie! I hope the Tennessee National Guard has your number in case their armory runs low.

BTW, twoblink, didn't you recently get engaged? I wonder if your future missus knows of your flirtations with Betty?


New member
Jim V: Thats a 30 round .223 mag, Tamara owns one of the custom .223 FALs built on aluminum recievers which werent strong enough for .308 but perfect for .223.



New member
Oleg, Runt, Kaylee, Two, CS and SheS.... and of course, Tam...

Have I mentioned recently that I LOVE YOU GUYS.

If not, then I'll consider that most remiss slip on my part to have been redressed.


New member
Nice; but I'm beginning to wonder if there's an age discrimination thing goin' on here............;)

And actually raises another question; for whch I'll start another thread, rather than veer this one.

Steve Smith

New member
How come you guys have all the fun? I organized a TFL meet here...the dadgum funeral parlor was probably more fun (of course, things got better when we went to play pool later).


Moderator Emeritus
Dreaming of Valhalla?

Actually, I was just chillin' on a conveniently vacant piece of floor when I saw this bright flash through my eyelids... :eek:


New member
Heh. I think a great caption for the Runt/Rennaisanceman photo would be:

"I don't think the blind date is going as well as I expected."




New member
"When Runt says NO, she mean's NO!"


"What part of NO don't you understand NOW?"

Them's bad chipmunks we got

No doubt. That little switch on the side says auto. Must be tough little suckers. :)