S&W 5906 - Best 9mm Ever Made?


New member
Not going to go down the "Best Ever" road; however, the 3rd gen Smith's are indeed some of the best auto's ever made. The good thing is you can get Police Trade-ins for $350 - $450 perhaps cheaper in some parts. I really like the short trigger reset that breaks oh so clean.


New member
I'm not going to get into the "best" argument. Other than to say a Hi-Power or CZ 75(in DA/SA) is heads and shoulders above the S&W.

I had 1, and while I really liked the gun, I despised the weight, and the trigger was less than light. Accuracy was good, and I thought it would be a good HD gun, but than came the M&P, and good bye 5906.

"Best" is subjective. Is it a GREAT all around gun? You Bet!

Onward Allusion

New member
Best? Probably not, but for sure in the top 5. The 5906 while a total garbage eater and fairly accurate (btw, the TSW is super accurate for a combat pistol) is over engineered. This is coming from a 59xx fanboy who has a dozen of 'em in different variants.


New member
Looked at 2 3rd gen smiths at the shop today.

I'm not good w the model numbers.

one was 9mm, the other 45

9mm was ok shape for $300 and the 45 was in very good shape for $495

Bought neither.


New member
Best? Probably not, but for sure in the top 5.

It's a good gun but I would say it's for sure not in the top 5 or the top 10. All of these are definitely better 9mm guns IMO in quality. I'm sure I left some out too.

Browning HP
S&W 952
Beretta 92
Beretta PX4
H&K P7
H&K P30
Glock 17/19
Walther P88
Walther P5
Walther P99
Sig P210
Sig P22X (older ones)
Steyr M9


New member
That's like saying "strawberry" is the best ice cream ever.... There are so many very good 9mms... I doubt that unless one puts some condition, "the best all steel" or something, that there would, or could ever be a "best 9mm".

Although there's a bunch of guys that recently bought Sig P210 Swiss army surplus guns that would argue strongly for that gun!

Walt Sherrill

New member
That's like saying "strawberry" is the best ice cream ever.... There are so many very good 9mms... I doubt that unless one puts some condition, "the best all steel" or something, that there would, or could ever be a "best 9mm".

Although there's a bunch of guys that recently bought Sig P210 Swiss army surplus guns that would argue strongly for that gun!

I had a SIG P-210-6. It was a marvelously accurate weapon, but it wasn't perfect. (It could use only 8-round mags that cost a fortune, had a European-style mag release, and some sharp edges -- like the rear sight -- that could leave you bleeding. The hammer would also badly bite some hands.)

The 210 might be the MOST ACCURATE 9mm that most of us are likely to shoot, but I wouldn't say it was the best 9mm -- unless the only criteria was accuracy. And, even then, the newer SIG X-fives would give it a good race, and do it without the negatives listed above.)


New member
I've had lots of 9mms and the first and only 9mm that is in my 'never going to sell' category so far is my 3913 which is just a single stack version of the 5906. I can't say enough about it and anyone who shoots it loves it too.


New member
My research on the S&W 5906 shows that it was widely used nationwide by most all Law Enforcement Departments. And for a long period.
That say's something...

And when there was a change in sidearms. Many Police Officers purchased their 5906 instead of turning them in.


New member
Definitely one of the best....hands above any polyplastictupperware pistol. And I own many polyplastictupperware pistols! :D

I think the Sig 210 is above it [the original - not sure about the new one].

Browning? Older versions.

CZ75? Maybe.


New member
"I wouldn't say the S&W 5906 is the best 9mm ever made, but given its construction, quality, and current police trade-in prices, it is very high on the list of best value for the money."

Couldn't have said it any better:)

Walt Sherrill

New member
And when there was a change in sidearms. Many Police Officers purchased their 5906 instead of turning them in.

Not surprising, when you understand that most such guns are sold to the police officers substantially below the going market price -- and they can later resell them for a profit.

I've bought a few such guns from police officers. Sometimes they keep them; sometimes they sell them. It's unusual when they don't buy them. (The only one my son has considered a keeper is a SIG 226; his agency upgraded to M&Ps, which he likes a lot.)

Ex police guns are generally a good deal, as darned few LEOs are really gun enthusiasts, and most are carried a lot and shot a little. The only real problem with most of them is holster wear.


New member
I'm sure the Model 59 is a fine gun, but I would never want one because of the DA action. I'd much rather take my 9mm (if I'm required to ttake a 9mm, that is) in a 1911 frame. There are plenty of them out there.


New member
The Bestest

Different guns are good for different people and needs. Hard to identify one gun as the best. For I time, first and second generation Smiths carried and felt like bricks, leading one to believe they were designed by humanoids. I'd love to see a re-issue of the Smith Model 39, a gun nearly as ergonomic as a Luger or Browning HP and reasonable enough for CCW.
Glock 17/19
Browning Hi-Power
Beretta 92FS
Smith & Wesson M&P Pro Series
Ruger P95

Just my 2 cents.
If I left your favorite out it's because I haven't had the chance to fire it.
I can't comment on a gun I haven't handled.


New member
Let's just say, if one were looking for an all steel 9mm service pistol with a slide mounted hammer drop safety, they'd have a serious challenge to find a better one for the $$$$$!


New member
Yep, s/s can be beadblasted and even sanded on the side flats with superfine sandpaper for a "brushed" finish. It can also be polished to a mirror like shine, if one prefers.