S&W 500 magnum grip


New member
I say crank it up. As long as your within safe limits of the gun than whats the worst that could happen? Bruised palm?

I think with the level of recoil energy we are talking about, with a double action hanging it isn't outside the realm of possibility that you could shoot yourself or a bystander in the face.

I hate these videos but watch the fourth girl shooting carefully.

Out of control recoil can cause accidental discharge. Plus it's no fun to hurt yourself unless you are a true masochist. If that's the case you should stick to whips etc because you have no business with firearms.


New member
Read, people!. I mentioned another build on this thread, the big recoil is from a rifle I mentioned earlier. The 500 magnum recoil is just well, 500 magnum recoil


New member
Why are you talking about big rifle recoil on this thread? Not that it is wrong to wander from your or others subject a bit, that's normal. But don't be a snot about it if you wander off topic and folks assume you are talking about the original subject.


New member
I need to work on how I type things I guess, sorry, nothing bad intended. I really don't know how the rifle recoil got started, anyway, the grips Finally shipped from a much more professional company , people may not like these grips on this gun, but ivory and stainless will sure look nice I think


New member
now just to finish the barrel shroud and front si


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New member
Thank you, my main concern is the grip shattering. It jiggles a tad so I'm filling the bottom pin hole with wood putty and putting it back together, so, we shall see. Any other ideas
If you really want to save the grips, get some acraglas and bed the grip holes and around the frame generously, as per instructions that come with it. Stress can be delivered anywhere around the frame and even the two pins can crack the grips on the inside.


New member
Here is the 4" with rosewood Badger Grips...

On very hot days, with hot loads, it will peel the thick skin from your entire palm...I think a deep blister forms, and then if you keep shooting, the deep blister will peel open...NOT FUN;)

But it is very easy to shoot and extremely accurate with 450gr cast at 1000-1100fps.

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New member
Almost got badger, but they didn't come in ivory, come on , lets see the rest of that gun:D , did you use any bedding compounds