Ruger No.1 discontinued?

Well then, I suppose my question has been answered. A lot of very good replys. At least the No.1 is still out there. As mentioned earlier, sure glad I have mine.

What this does mean.. If Ruger is producing the model you want, in the caliber you desire you better jump on it and not drag your feet...


New member
Who needs a new No. !

If Ruger never made another No. 1 and I was forced to buy used, the way I got this, I would be fine.:


Flatbush Harry

New member
Mine is in 6.5x55 Swede. I love it. I don't need the quarter-Bob that they're doing this year and had a 7x57 already (last year), but I'm waiting for next year...and a .300 H&H if I find one.
